Infernal Symphony of Agony. Infrastructure description that SpeedyWeedyOps site are using
Go to file
2024-08-29 14:06:19 +00:00
caddy Add caddy/Caddyfile 2024-08-29 13:57:20 +00:00
images Add images/web-stack-scheme.svg 2024-08-29 14:05:51 +00:00
mysql Add mysql/my.cnf 2024-08-29 13:55:30 +00:00
varnish Add varnish/default.vcl 2024-08-29 13:54:16 +00:00
compose.yaml Creating compose.yaml 2024-08-29 13:52:31 +00:00
ghost_mysql_password Add ghost_mysql_password 2024-08-29 13:58:22 +00:00 Update 2024-08-29 14:06:19 +00:00


Infernal Symphony of Agony. And infrastructure description that SpeedyWeedyOps site are using

SpeedyWeedyOps Web Infrastructure

This project sets up a web infrastructure using Docker Compose, including a Ghost blog, Gitea for Git repository hosting, and supporting services.


  • Caddy: Web server and reverse proxy
  • Ghost: Blogging platform
  • Gitea: Self-hosted Git service
  • MySQL: Database for both Ghost and Gitea
  • Varnish: HTTP caching reverse proxy


SpeedyWeedyOps Web Stack Architecture

The infrastructure is set up with the following architecture:

  1. Caddy serves as the front-facing web server, handling HTTPS and acting as a reverse proxy.
  2. Varnish sits between Caddy and Ghost, providing caching for improved performance.
  3. Ghost and Gitea are the main applications, each exposed on different subdomains.
  4. MySQL serves as the database backend for both Ghost and Gitea.

Security Features

  • HTTPS enforced by Caddy with automatic certificate management
  • Security headers set in Caddy configuration
  • Secrets management for sensitive data (e.g., database passwords)
  • Network separation using Docker networks

Performance Optimizations

  • Varnish caching for Ghost content
  • Static asset caching configured in Caddy
  • Compression enabled for responses

Configuration Files

  • compose.yml: Defines the Docker services and their configurations
  • Caddyfile: Caddy web server configuration
  • varnish/default.vcl: Varnish caching rules

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create a ghost_mysql_password file with the desired MySQL password for Ghost
  3. Adjust any configuration files as needed
  4. Run docker compose up -d to start the services


  • Logs for all services are configured to output to stdout/stderr and can be viewed with docker compose logs
  • Volume mounts are used for persistent data storage
  • Regular backups of the MySQL data and application content are recommended


  • The www subdomain is configured to redirect to the non-www version
  • The Ghost admin panel and API are excluded from Varnish caching
  • Both Ghost and Gitea are configured to use MySQL as their database backend

For more detailed information about each service, refer to their respective documentation: