inexpensive (\$30 ish) GPS radios as an extensible, long battery life, secure, mesh GPS communicator. These radios are great for hiking, skiing, paragliding - essentially any hobby where you don't have reliable internet access. Each member of your private mesh can always see the location and distance of all other members and any text messages sent to your group chat.
The radios automatically create a mesh to forward packets as needed, so everyone in the group can receive messages from even the furthest member. The radios will optionally work with your phone, but no phone is required.
Note: Questions after reading this? See our new [forum](
Not all of these features are fully implemented yet - see **important** disclaimers below. But they should be in by the time we decide to call this project beta (three months?)
- Very long battery life (should be about eight days with the beta software)
- Built in GPS and [LoRa]( radio, but we manage the radio automatically for you
- Long range - a few miles per node but each node will forward packets as needed
- Communication API for bluetooth devices (such as our Android app) to use the mesh. An iOS application is in the works. And [Meshtastic-python]( provides access from desktop computers.
This project is currently in beta testing but it is fairly stable and feature complete - if you have questions please [join our discussion forum](
This software is 100% open source and developed by a group of hobbyist experimenters. No warranty is provided, if you'd like to improve it - we'd love your help. Please post in the [forum](
- 09/14/2020 - 1.0.0 Now with over 1700 android users, over 2000 nodes and translated into 15 languages. This project will always be a "beta" experiment, but now quite usable. We are currently selecting 1.1 features in our discussion forum.
- 06/24/2020 - 0.7.x Now with over 1000 android users, over 600 people using the radios and translated into 13 languages. Fairly stable and we are working through bugs to get to 1.0.
- 06/04/2020 - 0.6.7 Beta releases of both the application and the device code are released. Features are fairly solid now with a sizable number of users.
- 04/28/2020 - 0.6.0 [Python API]( released. Makes it easy to use meshtastic devices as "zero config / just works" mesh transport adapters for other projects.
- 04/20/2020 - 0.4.3 Pretty solid now both for the android app and the device code. Many people have donated translations and code. Probably going to call it a beta soon.
- 03/03/2020 - 0.0.9 of the Android app and device code is released. Still an alpha but fairly functional.
- 02/25/2020 - 0.0.4 of the Android app is released. This is a very early alpha, see below to join the alpha-testers group.
- 02/23/2020 - 0.0.4 release. Still very bleeding edge but much closer to the final power management, a charged T-BEAM should run for many days with this load. If you'd like to try it, we'd love your feedback. Click [here]( for instructions.
- 02/20/2020 - Our first alpha release (0.0.3) of the radio software is ready brave early people.
The link above will return older more stable releases. We would prefer if you join our alpha-test group, because the application is rapidly improving. Three steps to opt-in to the alpha- test:
The app is also distributed for Amazon Fire devices via the Amazon appstore: [](
We currently support two brands of radios. The [TTGO T-Beam]( and the [Heltec LoRa 32]( Most people should buy the T-Beam and a 18650 battery (total cost less than \$35). Also, the version of the T-Beam we link to is shipped with Meshtastic **preinstalled** by TTGO, so you don't have to install it yourself.
Make sure to buy the frequency range which is legal for your country. For the USA, you should buy the 915MHz version. Getting a version that include a screen is optional, but highly recommended.
1. TTGO T-Beam V0 see this [design]( by [bsiege](
2. TTGO T_Beam V1 (SMA) see this [design]( by [rwanrooy]( or this [remix]( by [8ung](
3. TTGO T_Beam V1 (IPEX) see this [design]( by [drewsed](
4. Heltec Lora32 see this [design]( by [ornotermes](
- Laser-cut cases
1. TTGO T_Beam V1 (SMA) see this [design]( by [jefish](