- Use https://github.com/ivanseidel/ArduinoThread? rather than full coroutines
- clean up main loop()
- check that we are mostly asleep, show which thread is causing us to wake
- use tickless idle on nrf52, and sleep X msec or until an interrupt occurs or the cooperative scheduling changes. https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/12363/nrf52-freertos-power-consumption-tickless-idle
- BAD IDEA: use vTaskDelay and https://www.freertos.org/xTaskAbortDelay.html if scheduling changes. (define INCLUDE_xTaskAbortDelay on ESP32 and NRF52 - seems impossible to find?)
- GOOD IDEA: use xSemaphoreTake to take a semaphore using a timeout. Expect semaphore to not be set, but set it to indicate scheduling has changed.
- check fcc rules on duty cycle. we might not need to freq hop. https://www.sunfiretesting.com/LoRa-FCC-Certification-Guide/ . Might need to add enforcement for europe though.
- re-enable the bluetooth battery level service on the T-BEAM
- provide generalized (but slow) internet message forwarding service if one of our nodes has internet connectivity (MQTT) [ Not a requirement but a personal interest ]
- scan to find channels with low background noise? (Use CAD mode of the RF95 to automatically find low noise channels)
- If the phone doesn't read fromradio mailbox within X seconds, assume the phone is gone and we can stop queing location msgs
for it (because it will redownload the nodedb when it comes back)
- add frequency hopping, dependent on the gps time, make the switch moment far from the time anyone is going to be transmitting
- assign every "channel" a random shared 8 bit sync word (per of datasheet) - use that word to filter packets before even checking CRC. This will ensure our CPU will only wake for packets on our "channel"
- the BLE stack is leaking about 200 bytes each time we go to light sleep
- use fuse bits to store the board type and region. So one load can be used on all boards
- Don't store position packets in the to phone fifo if we are disconnected. The phone will get that info for 'free' when it
fetches the fresh nodedb.
- Use the RFM95 sequencer to stay in idle mode most of the time, then automatically go to receive mode and automatically go from transmit to receive mode. See of manual.
- add "store and forward" support for messages, or move to the DB sync model. This would allow messages to be eventually delivered even if nodes are out of contact at the moment.
- use variable length Strings in protobufs (instead of current fixed buffers). This would save lots of RAM