2020-02-02 20:45:32 +00:00
# include <Arduino.h>
# include <assert.h>
# include <pb_encode.h>
# include <pb_decode.h>
# include "mesh.pb.h"
# include "MeshService.h"
receivedPacketQueue - this is a queue of messages we ' ve received from the mesh , which we are keeping to deliver to the phone .
It is implemented with a FreeRTos queue ( wrapped with a little RTQueue class ) of pointers to MeshPacket protobufs ( which were alloced with new ) .
After a packet ptr is removed from the queue and processed it should be deleted . ( eventually we should move sent packets into a ' sentToPhone ' queue
of packets we can delete just as soon as we are sure the phone has acked those packets - when the phone writes to FromNum )
mesh - an instance of Mesh class . Which manages the interface to the mesh radio library , reception of packets from other nodes , arbitrating to select
a node number and keeping the current nodedb .
typedef in32_t NodeNum ;
class NodeInfo {
position ;
} ;
class NodeDB {
NodeNum provisionalNodeNum ; // if we are trying to find a node num this is our current attempt
NodeNum ourNodeNum ; // -1 if not yet found
HashMap < NodeNum , NodeInfo > nodes ;
public :
/// don't do mesh based algoritm for node id assignment (initially) - instead just store in flash - possibly even in the initial alpha release do this hack
/// if returns false, that means our node should send a DenyNodeNum response. If true, we think the number is okay for use
// bool handleWantNodeNum(NodeNum n);
void handleDenyNodeNum ( NodeNum FIXME read mesh proto docs , perhaps picking a random node num is not a great idea
and instead we should use a special ' im unconfigured node number ' and include our desired node number in the wantnum message . the
unconfigured node num would only be used while initially joining the mesh so low odds of conflicting ( especially if we randomly select
from a small number of nodenums which can be used temporarily for this operation ) . figure out what the lower level
mesh sw does if it does conflict ? would it be better for people who are replying with denynode num to just broadcast their denial ? )
} ;
MeshService service ;
# define MAX_PACKETS 32 // max number of packets which can be in flight (either queued from reception or queued for sending)
# define MAX_RX_TOPHONE 16 // max number of packets which can be waiting for delivery to android
MeshService : : MeshService ( ) : packetPool ( MAX_PACKETS ) , toPhoneQueue ( MAX_RX_TOPHONE ) , radio ( packetPool , toPhoneQueue )
void MeshService : : init ( )
if ( ! radio . init ( ) )
Serial . println ( " radio init failed " ) ;
/// Do idle processing (mostly processing messages which have been queued from the radio)
void MeshService : : loop ( )
radio . loop ( ) ; // FIXME, possibly move radio interaction to own thread
/// Given a ToRadio buffer parse it and properly handle it (setup radio, owner or send packet into the mesh)
void MeshService : : handleToRadio ( std : : string s )
static ToRadio r ; // this is a static scratch object, any data must be copied elsewhere before returning
pb_istream_t stream = pb_istream_from_buffer ( ( const uint8_t * ) s . c_str ( ) , s . length ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pb_decode ( & stream , ToRadio_fields , & r ) )
Serial . printf ( " Error: can't decode ToRadio %s \n " , PB_GET_ERROR ( & stream ) ) ;
switch ( r . which_variant )
case ToRadio_packet_tag :
sendToMesh ( r . variant . packet ) ;
break ;
2020-02-03 03:08:04 +00:00
case ToRadio_want_nodes_tag :
Serial . println ( " FIXME: ignoring want nodes " ) ;
break ;
case ToRadio_set_radio_tag :
Serial . println ( " FIXME: ignoring set radio " ) ;
break ;
case ToRadio_set_owner_tag :
Serial . println ( " FIXME: ignoring set owner " ) ;
break ;
2020-02-02 20:45:32 +00:00
default :
Serial . println ( " Error: unexpected ToRadio variant " ) ;
break ;
/// Send a packet into the mesh - note p is read only and should be copied into a pool based MeshPacket before
/// sending.
void MeshService : : sendToMesh ( const MeshPacket & pIn )
MeshPacket * pOut = packetPool . allocCopy ( pIn ) ;
assert ( pOut ) ; // FIXME
assert ( radio . send ( pOut ) = = pdTRUE ) ;