- use new LCD driver from screen.cpp. Still need to hook it to a subclass of (poorly named) OLEDDisplay, and override display() to stream bytes out to the screen.
- figure out what the correct current limit should be for the sx1262, currently we just use the default 100
- put sx1262 in sleepmode when processor gets shutdown (or rebooted), ideally even for critical faults (to keep power draw low). repurpose deepsleep state for this.
- enable monitor mode debuggin (need to use real jlink): https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/nordic/nordic-blog/b/blog/posts/monitor-mode-debugging-with-j-link-and-gdbeclipse
- make a Mfg Controller and device under test classes as examples of custom app code for third party devs. Make a post about this. Use a custom payload type code. Have device under test send a broadcast with max hopcount of 0 for the 'mfgcontroller' payload type. mfg controller will read SNR and reply. DOT will declare failure/success and switch to the regular app screen.
- Currently we use Nordic's vendor ID, which is apparently okay: https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/44014/using-nordic-vid-and-pid-for-nrf52840 and I just picked a PID of 0x4403
- Use NRF logger module (includes flash logging etc...) instead of DEBUG_MSG
- Use "LED softblink" library on NRF52 to do nice pretty "breathing" LEDs. Don't whack LED from main thread anymore.
- decrease BLE xmit power "At 0dBm with the DC/DC on, the nRF52832 transmitter draws 5.3mA. Increasing the TX power to +4dBm adds only 2.2mA. Decreasing it to -40 dBm saves only 2.6mA."
- make the segger logbuffer larger, move it to RAM that is preserved across reboots and support reading it out at runtime (to allow full log messages to be included in crash reports). Share this code with ESP32 (use gcc noinit attribute)
- consider using "SYSTEMOFF" deep sleep mode, without RAM retension. Only useful for 'truly off - wake only by button press' only saves 1.5uA vs SYSTEMON. (SYSTEMON only costs 1.5uA). Possibly put PMU into shipping mode?
- change the BLE protocol to be more symmetric. Have the phone _also_ host a GATT service which receives writes to
'fromradio'. This would allow removing the 'fromnum' mailbox/notify scheme of the current approach and decrease the number of packet handoffs when a packet is received.
- Using the preceeding, make a generalized 'nrf52/esp32 ble to internet' bridge service. To let nrf52 apps do MQTT/UDP/HTTP POST/HTTP GET operations to web services.
- lower advertise interval to save power, lower ble transmit power to save power
- To make Segger JLink more reliable, turn off its fake filesystem. "JLinkExe MSDDisable" per https://learn.adafruit.com/circuitpython-on-the-nrf52/nrf52840-bootloader
- at boot we are starting our message IDs at 1, rather we should start them at a random number. also, seed random based on timer. this could be the cause of our first message not seen bug.
- DONE use SX126x::startReceiveDutyCycleAuto to save power by sleeping and briefly waking to check for preamble bits. Change xmit rules to have more preamble bits.
- make a file system implementation (preferably one that can see the files the bootloader also sees) - preferably https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_Arduino/blob/master/libraries/InternalFileSytem/examples/Internal_ReadWrite/Internal_ReadWrite.ino else use https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/com.nordic.infocenter.sdk5.v15.3.0/lib_fds_usage.html?cp=7_5_0_3_55_3