diff --git a/arch/nrf52/nrf52.ini b/arch/nrf52/nrf52.ini
index 6c6bd8738..f41ef0edc 100644
--- a/arch/nrf52/nrf52.ini
+++ b/arch/nrf52/nrf52.ini
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ build_flags =
+  -DLFS_NO_ASSERT                      ; Disable LFS assertions , see https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/pull/3818
 build_src_filter = 
   ${arduino_base.build_src_filter} -<platform/esp32/> -<platform/stm32wl> -<nimble/> -<mesh/wifi/> -<mesh/api/> -<mesh/http/> -<modules/esp32> -<platform/rp2040> -<mesh/eth/> -<mesh/raspihttp>
diff --git a/src/FSCommon.cpp b/src/FSCommon.cpp
index d5ca72142..96aad1a9a 100644
--- a/src/FSCommon.cpp
+++ b/src/FSCommon.cpp
@@ -205,6 +205,62 @@ void rmDir(const char *dirname)
+bool fsCheck()
+#if defined(ARCH_NRF52)
+    size_t write_size = 0;
+    size_t read_size = 0;
+    char buf[32] = {0};
+    Adafruit_LittleFS_Namespace::File file(FSCom);
+    const char *text = "meshtastic fs test";
+    size_t text_length = strlen(text);
+    const char *filename = "/meshtastic.txt";
+    LOG_DEBUG("Try create file .\n");
+    if (file.open(filename, FILE_O_WRITE)) {
+        write_size = file.write(text);
+    } else {
+        LOG_DEBUG("Open file failed .\n");
+        goto FORMAT_FS;
+    }
+    if (write_size != text_length) {
+        LOG_DEBUG("Text bytes do not match .\n");
+        file.close();
+        goto FORMAT_FS;
+    }
+    file.close();
+    if (!file.open(filename, FILE_O_READ)) {
+        LOG_DEBUG("Open file failed .\n");
+        goto FORMAT_FS;
+    }
+    read_size = file.readBytes(buf, text_length);
+    if (read_size != text_length) {
+        LOG_DEBUG("Text bytes do not match .\n");
+        file.close();
+        goto FORMAT_FS;
+    }
+    if (memcmp(buf, text, text_length) != 0) {
+        LOG_DEBUG("The written bytes do not match the read bytes .\n");
+        file.close();
+        goto FORMAT_FS;
+    }
+    return true;
+    LOG_DEBUG("Format FS ....\n");
+    FSCom.format();
+    FSCom.begin();
+    return false;
+    return true;
 void fsInit()
 #ifdef FSCom
@@ -219,15 +275,29 @@ void fsInit()
      * nRF52840 has a certain chance of automatic formatting failure.
      * Try to create a file after initializing the file system. If the creation fails,
      * it means that the file system is not working properly. Please format it manually again.
+     * To check the normality of the file system, you need to disable the LFS_NO_ASSERT assertion.
+     * Otherwise, the assertion will be entered at the moment of reading or opening, and the FS will not be formatted.
      * */
-    Adafruit_LittleFS_Namespace::File file(FSCom);
-    const char *filename = "/meshtastic.txt";
-    if (!file.open(filename, FILE_O_WRITE)) {
-        LOG_DEBUG("Format ....");
-        FSCom.format();
-        FSCom.begin();
-    } else {
-        file.close();
+    bool ret = false;
+    uint8_t retry = 3;
+    while (retry--) {
+        ret = fsCheck();
+        if (ret) {
+            LOG_DEBUG("File system check is OK.\n");
+            break;
+        }
+        delay(10);
+    }
+    // It may not be possible to reach this step.
+    // Add a loop here to prevent unpredictable situations from happening.
+    // Can add a screen to display error status later.
+    if (!ret) {
+        while (1) {
+            LOG_ERROR("The file system is damaged and cannot proceed to the next step.\n");
+            delay(1000);
+        }
     LOG_DEBUG("Filesystem files:\n");
diff --git a/variants/t-echo/platformio.ini b/variants/t-echo/platformio.ini
index c036a39a2..5bd56598b 100644
--- a/variants/t-echo/platformio.ini
+++ b/variants/t-echo/platformio.ini
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ build_flags = ${nrf52840_base.build_flags} -Ivariants/t-echo
   -DEINK_LIMIT_RATE_RESPONSIVE_SEC=1   ; Minimum interval between RESPONSIVE updates
 ;   -DEINK_LIMIT_GHOSTING_PX=2000        ; (Optional) How much image ghosting is tolerated
   -DEINK_BACKGROUND_USES_FAST          ; (Optional) Use FAST refresh for both BACKGROUND and RESPONSIVE, until a limit is reached.
 build_src_filter = ${nrf52_base.build_src_filter} +<../variants/t-echo>
 lib_deps = 