mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 22:33:24 +00:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
is appreciated." This will allow other devs to potentially save you time by not accidentially duplicating work etc...
- Please do not check in files that don't have real changes
- Please do not reformat lines that you didn't have to change the code on
- We recommend using the [Visual Studio Code](https://platformio.org/install/ide?install=vscode) editor,
- We recommend using the [Visual Studio Code](https://platformio.org/install/ide?install=vscode) editor and the 'clang-format' extension,
because automatically follows our indentation rules and it's auto reformatting will not cause spurious changes to lines.
- If your PR fixes a bug, mention "fixes #bugnum" somewhere in your pull request description.
- If your other co-developers have comments on your PR please tweak as needed.
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: 3.x
- name: Install Platform IO
- name: Install Platform IO and meshtastic-python
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -U platformio
pip install -U platformio meshtastic
- name: Install extra python tools
run: |
pip install -U adafruit-nrfutil
@ -31,6 +31,11 @@ jobs:
run: platformio run -e heltec
- name: Build for lora-relay-v1
run: platformio run -e lora-relay-v1
# Turn off linux for now
name: Build for native
- name: Build for native
run: platformio run -e native
- name: Integration test
run: |
.pio/build/native/program &
sleep 1
python3 -c 'from meshtastic.test import testSimulator; testSimulator()'
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
// See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=827846
// for the documentation about the extensions.json format
"recommendations": [
@ -77,5 +77,6 @@
"editor.formatOnSave": true
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
esptool.py --baud 921600 write_flash 0x10000 release/archive/old/firmware-tbeam-EU865-1.0.0.bin
echo "Erasing the otadata partition, which will turn off flash flippy-flop and force the first image to be used"
esptool.py --baud 921600 erase_region 0xe000 0x2000
@ -1 +1 @@
esptool.py --baud 921600 write_flash 0x10000 release/archive/firmware-tbeam-1.1.50.bin
esptool.py --baud 921600 write_flash 0x10000 release/archive/old/firmware-tbeam-1.1.50.bin
@ -2,16 +2,26 @@
You probably don't care about this section - skip to the next one.
## before next release
* DONE timestamps on oled screen are wrong - don't seem to be updating based on message rx (actually: this is expected behavior when no node on the mesh has GPS time)
* DONE add ch-del
* DONE channel hash suffixes are wrong on android
* DONE before next relase: test empty channel sets on android
* DONE channel sharing in android
* DONE test 1.0 firmware update on android
* DONE test 1.1 firmware update on android
* test 1.2.10 firmware update on android
* DONE test link sharing on android
* luxon bug report - seeing rx acks for nodes that are not on the network
* document how to do remote admin
* release py, android, device
## 1.2 cleanup & multichannel support:
* before next relase: test empty channel sets on android
* test link sharing on android
* DONE cleanup the external notification and serial plugins
* non ack version of stress test fails sometimes!
* timestamps on oled screen are wrong - don't seem to be updating based on message rx
* luxon bug report - seeing rx acks for nodes that are not on the network
* channel hash suffixes are wrong on android
* tx fault test has a bug #734
* DONE move device types into an enum in nodeinfo
* fix android to use new device types for firmware update
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
; https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf.html
;default_envs = tbeam
default_envs = tbeam
;default_envs = tbeam0.7
;default_envs = heltec
;default_envs = tlora-v1
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
;default_envs = lora-relay-v1 # nrf board
;default_envs = eink
;default_envs = nrf52840dk-geeksville
default_envs = native # lora-relay-v1 # nrf52840dk-geeksville # linux # or if you'd like to change the default to something like lora-relay-v1 put that here
;default_envs = native # lora-relay-v1 # nrf52840dk-geeksville # linux # or if you'd like to change the default to something like lora-relay-v1 put that here
; common is not currently used
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 39bb8b26bbc107aae3586d5a5e11a06ea12680bc
Subproject commit b8c0499f28f9673d1df17d04da562e30703f01cb
@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#elif defined(TLORA_V2_1_16)
// This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work
#define HW_VENDOR HardwareModel_TLORA_V2_1p6_
#define HW_VENDOR HardwareModel_TLORA_V2_1_1p6
#undef GPS_RX_PIN
#undef GPS_TX_PIN
@ -382,8 +382,8 @@ along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#define LED_PIN 12 // If defined we will blink this LED
//#define BUTTON_PIN 36 // If defined, this will be used for user button presses (ToDo problem on that line on debug screen -->
//Long press start!) #define BUTTON_NEED_PULLUP //GPIOs 34 to 39 are GPIs – input only pins. These pins don’t have internal
//pull-ups or pull-down resistors.
// Long press start!) #define BUTTON_NEED_PULLUP //GPIOs 34 to 39 are GPIs – input only pins. These pins don’t have internal
// pull-ups or pull-down resistors.
#define USE_RF95
#define LORA_DIO0 38 // a No connect on the SX1262 module
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ typedef struct _AdminMessage {
Channel get_channel_response;
bool confirm_set_channel;
bool confirm_set_radio;
bool exit_simulator;
} AdminMessage;
@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ extern "C" {
#define AdminMessage_get_channel_response_tag 7
#define AdminMessage_confirm_set_channel_tag 32
#define AdminMessage_confirm_set_radio_tag 33
#define AdminMessage_exit_simulator_tag 34
/* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */
#define AdminMessage_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
@ -58,7 +60,8 @@ X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,get_radio_response,get_radio_respons
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, UINT32, (variant,get_channel_request,get_channel_request), 6) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,get_channel_response,get_channel_response), 7) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, BOOL, (variant,confirm_set_channel,confirm_set_channel), 32) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, BOOL, (variant,confirm_set_radio,confirm_set_radio), 33)
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, BOOL, (variant,confirm_set_radio,confirm_set_radio), 33) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, BOOL, (variant,exit_simulator,exit_simulator), 34)
#define AdminMessage_CALLBACK NULL
#define AdminMessage_DEFAULT NULL
#define AdminMessage_variant_set_radio_MSGTYPE RadioConfig
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
#include "configuration.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "unistd.h"
AdminPlugin *adminPlugin;
void AdminPlugin::handleGetChannel(const MeshPacket &req, uint32_t channelIndex)
@ -51,7 +55,7 @@ bool AdminPlugin::handleReceivedProtobuf(const MeshPacket &mp, const AdminMessag
case AdminMessage_set_channel_tag:
DEBUG_MSG("Client is setting channel\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Client is setting channel %d\n", r->set_channel.index);
@ -65,6 +69,13 @@ bool AdminPlugin::handleReceivedProtobuf(const MeshPacket &mp, const AdminMessag
case AdminMessage_exit_simulator_tag:
DEBUG_MSG("Exiting simulator\n");
// Probably a message sent by us or sent to our local node. FIXME, we should avoid scanning these messages
DEBUG_MSG("Ignoring nonrelevant admin %d\n", r->which_variant);
@ -102,8 +113,7 @@ void AdminPlugin::handleSetChannel(const Channel &cc)
if (cc.index == 0) {
// FIXME, this updates the user preferences also, which isn't needed - we really just want to notify on configChanged
else {
} else {
channels.onConfigChanged(); // tell the radios about this change
@ -8,89 +8,36 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <map>
StoreForwardPlugin *storeForwardPlugin;
StoreForwardPluginRadio *storeForwardPluginRadio;
StoreForwardPlugin::StoreForwardPlugin() : concurrency::OSThread("StoreForwardPlugin") {}
int32_t StoreForwardPlugin::runOnce()
#ifndef NO_ESP32
Uncomment the preferences below if you want to use the plugin
without having to configure it from the PythonAPI or WebUI.
attn @mc-hamster I moved this back inside the comment because I don't think it was intended to checkin. It was forcing all
nodes to be running this and turning off is_router.
radioConfig.preferences.store_forward_plugin_enabled = 1;
radioConfig.preferences.is_router = 0;
if (radioConfig.preferences.store_forward_plugin_enabled) {
if (firstTime) {
firstTime = 0;
if (radioConfig.preferences.is_router) {
DEBUG_MSG("Initializing Store & Forward Plugin - Enabled as Router\n");
// Router
if (ESP.getPsramSize()) {
if (ESP.getFreePsram() >= 2048 * 1024) {
// Do the startup here
storeForwardPluginRadio = new StoreForwardPluginRadio();
// packetHistory[0].bytes;
return (10 * 1000);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Device has less than 2M of PSRAM free. Aborting startup.\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Store & Forward Plugin - Aborting Startup.\n");
return (INT32_MAX);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Device doesn't have PSRAM.\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Store & Forward Plugin - Aborting Startup.\n");
return (INT32_MAX);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Initializing Store & Forward Plugin - Enabled as Client\n");
return (5 * 1000);
if (radioConfig.preferences.is_router) {
// Maybe some cleanup functions?
return (10 * 1000);
} else {
* If the plugin is turned on and is_router is not enabled, then we'll send a heartbeat every
* few minutes.
* This behavior is expected to change. It's only here until we come up with something better.
if (radioConfig.preferences.is_router) {
// Maybe some cleanup functions?
return (10 * 1000);
} else {
* If the plugin is turned on and is_router is not enabled, then we'll send a heartbeat every
* few minutes.
DEBUG_MSG("Store & Forward Plugin - Sending heartbeat\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Store & Forward Plugin - Sending heartbeat\n");
// storeForwardPluginRadio->sendPayloadHeartbeat();
return (1 * 60 * 1000);
return (4 * 60 * 1000);
} else {
@ -110,24 +57,29 @@ void StoreForwardPlugin::populatePSRAM()
DEBUG_MSG("Before PSRAM initilization\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Before PSRAM initilization:\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Total heap: %d\n", ESP.getHeapSize());
DEBUG_MSG("Free heap: %d\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());
DEBUG_MSG("Total PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getPsramSize());
DEBUG_MSG("Free PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram());
DEBUG_MSG(" Total heap: %d\n", ESP.getHeapSize());
DEBUG_MSG(" Free heap: %d\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());
DEBUG_MSG(" Total PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getPsramSize());
DEBUG_MSG(" Free PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram());
// PacketHistoryStruct *packetHistory = (PacketHistoryStruct *)ps_calloc(STOREFORWARD_MAX_PACKETS,
// sizeof(PacketHistoryStruct));
this->packetHistory = (PacketHistoryStruct *)ps_calloc(STOREFORWARD_MAX_PACKETS, sizeof(PacketHistoryStruct));
DEBUG_MSG("After PSRAM initilization\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Total heap: %d\n", ESP.getHeapSize());
DEBUG_MSG("Free heap: %d\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());
DEBUG_MSG("Total PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getPsramSize());
DEBUG_MSG("Free PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram());
// Use a maximum of half the available PSRAM unless otherwise specified.
uint32_t numberOfPackets =
STOREFORWARD_MAX_PACKETS ? STOREFORWARD_MAX_PACKETS : ((ESP.getPsramSize() / 2) / sizeof(PacketHistoryStruct));
DEBUG_MSG("packetHistory Size - %u", sizeof(packetHistory));
this->packetHistory = (PacketHistoryStruct *)ps_calloc(numberOfPackets, sizeof(PacketHistoryStruct));
DEBUG_MSG("After PSRAM initilization:\n");
DEBUG_MSG(" Total heap: %d\n", ESP.getHeapSize());
DEBUG_MSG(" Free heap: %d\n", ESP.getFreeHeap());
DEBUG_MSG(" Total PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getPsramSize());
DEBUG_MSG(" Free PSRAM: %d\n", ESP.getFreePsram());
DEBUG_MSG("Store and Forward Stats:\n");
DEBUG_MSG(" numberOfPackets - %u\n", numberOfPackets);
// We saw a node.
@ -228,41 +180,32 @@ void StoreForwardPlugin::sawNodeReport()
MeshPacket *StoreForwardPluginRadio::allocReply()
MeshPacket *StoreForwardPlugin::allocReply()
auto reply = allocDataPacket(); // Allocate a packet for sending
return reply; // attn @mc-hamster this code was commented out and was causing memory corruption
return reply;
void StoreForwardPluginRadio::sendPayload(NodeNum dest, bool wantReplies)
void StoreForwardPlugin::sendPayload(NodeNum dest, bool wantReplies)
MeshPacket *p = this->allocReply(); // attn @mc-hamster, I moved inside the commented block to prevent leaking memory
DEBUG_MSG("Sending S&F Payload\n");
MeshPacket *p = allocReply();
p->to = dest;
p->decoded.want_response = wantReplies;
p->want_ack = true;
// static char heartbeatString[20];
// snprintf(heartbeatString, sizeof(heartbeatString), "1");
static char heartbeatString[20];
snprintf(heartbeatString, sizeof(heartbeatString), "1");
// p->decoded.data.payload.size = strlen(heartbeatString); // You must specify how many bytes are in the reply
// memcpy(p->decoded.data.payload.bytes, "1", 1);
// service.sendToMesh(p);
void StoreForwardPluginRadio::sendPayloadHeartbeat(NodeNum dest, bool wantReplies)
DEBUG_MSG("Sending S&F Heartbeat\n");
MeshPacket *p = this->allocReply();
p->to = dest;
p->decoded.want_response = wantReplies;
p->decoded.payload.size = strlen(heartbeatString); // You must specify how many bytes are in the reply
memcpy(p->decoded.payload.bytes, "1", 1);
bool StoreForwardPluginRadio::handleReceived(const MeshPacket &mp)
bool StoreForwardPlugin::handleReceived(const MeshPacket &mp)
#ifndef NO_ESP32
if (radioConfig.preferences.store_forward_plugin_enabled) {
@ -274,7 +217,7 @@ bool StoreForwardPluginRadio::handleReceived(const MeshPacket &mp)
printPacket("----- PACKET FROM RADIO -----", &mp);
uint32_t sawTime = storeForwardPlugin->sawNode(getFrom(&mp) & 0xffffffff);
DEBUG_MSG("We last saw this node (%u), %u sec ago\n", mp.from & 0xffffffff, (millis() - sawTime) / 1000);
DEBUG_MSG(" -------------- ");
if (mp.decoded.portnum == PortNum_UNKNOWN_APP) {
DEBUG_MSG("Packet came from - PortNum_UNKNOWN_APP\n");
} else if (mp.decoded.portnum == PortNum_TEXT_MESSAGE_APP) {
@ -322,3 +265,52 @@ bool StoreForwardPluginRadio::handleReceived(const MeshPacket &mp)
return true; // Let others look at this message also if they want
: SinglePortPlugin("StoreForwardPlugin", PortNum_STORE_FORWARD_APP), concurrency::OSThread("StoreForwardPlugin")
#ifndef NO_ESP32
Uncomment the preferences below if you want to use the plugin
without having to configure it from the PythonAPI or WebUI.
radioConfig.preferences.store_forward_plugin_enabled = 1;
radioConfig.preferences.is_router = 1;
if (radioConfig.preferences.store_forward_plugin_enabled) {
if (radioConfig.preferences.is_router) {
DEBUG_MSG("Initializing Store & Forward Plugin - Enabled as Router\n");
// Router
if (ESP.getPsramSize()) {
if (ESP.getFreePsram() >= 2048 * 1024) {
// Do the startup here
// packetHistory[0].bytes;
// return (10 * 1000);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Device has less than 2M of PSRAM free. Aborting startup.\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Store & Forward Plugin - Aborting Startup.\n");
// return (INT32_MAX);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Device doesn't have PSRAM.\n");
DEBUG_MSG("Store & Forward Plugin - Aborting Startup.\n");
// return (INT32_MAX);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Initializing Store & Forward Plugin - Enabled as Client\n");
// return (5 * 1000);
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <functional>
struct PacketHistoryStruct {
uint32_t time;
uint32_t to;
@ -14,7 +13,7 @@ struct PacketHistoryStruct {
uint8_t bytes[MAX_RHPACKETLEN];
class StoreForwardPlugin : private concurrency::OSThread
class StoreForwardPlugin : public SinglePortPlugin, private concurrency::OSThread
bool firstTime = 1;
@ -37,41 +36,18 @@ class StoreForwardPlugin : private concurrency::OSThread
void historySend(uint32_t msAgo, uint32_t to);
void populatePSRAM();
* Send our payload into the mesh
void sendPayload(NodeNum dest = NODENUM_BROADCAST, bool wantReplies = false);
virtual MeshPacket *allocReply();
virtual bool wantPortnum(PortNum p) { return true; };
// Nothing here
virtual int32_t runOnce();
extern StoreForwardPlugin *storeForwardPlugin;
* Radio interface for StoreForwardPlugin
class StoreForwardPluginRadio : public SinglePortPlugin
// uint32_t lastRxID;
StoreForwardPluginRadio() : SinglePortPlugin("StoreForwardPluginRadio", PortNum_STORE_FORWARD_APP) {}
// StoreForwardPluginRadio() : SinglePortPlugin("StoreForwardPluginRadio", PortNum_TEXT_MESSAGE_APP) {}
* Send our payload into the mesh
void sendPayload(NodeNum dest = NODENUM_BROADCAST, bool wantReplies = false);
* Send our payload into the mesh
void sendPayloadHeartbeat(NodeNum dest = NODENUM_BROADCAST, bool wantReplies = false);
virtual MeshPacket *allocReply();
virtual bool wantPortnum(PortNum p) { return true; };
/** Called to handle a particular incoming message
@ -80,4 +56,28 @@ class StoreForwardPluginRadio : public SinglePortPlugin
virtual bool handleReceived(const MeshPacket &mp);
extern StoreForwardPlugin *storeForwardPlugin;
* Radio interface for StoreForwardPlugin
class StoreForwardPluginRadio : public SinglePortPlugin
// uint32_t lastRxID;
StoreForwardPluginRadio() : SinglePortPlugin("StoreForwardPluginRadio", PortNum_STORE_FORWARD_APP) {}
// StoreForwardPluginRadio() : SinglePortPlugin("StoreForwardPluginRadio", PortNum_TEXT_MESSAGE_APP) {}
void sendPayloadHeartbeat(NodeNum dest = NODENUM_BROADCAST, bool wantReplies = false);
virtual MeshPacket *allocReply2();
extern StoreForwardPluginRadio *storeForwardPluginRadio;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
major = 1
minor = 2
build = 10
build = 11
Reference in New Issue
Block a user