/* TTGO T-BEAM Tracker for The Things Network Copyright (C) 2018 by Xose PĂ©rez This code requires LMIC library by Matthijs Kooijman https://github.com/matthijskooijman/arduino-lmic This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Version // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If app version is not specified we assume we are not being invoked by the build script #ifndef APP_VERSION #error APP_VERSION, HW_VERSION, and HW_VERSION_countryname must be set by the build environment //#define APP_VERSION 0.0.0 // this def normally comes from build-all.sh //#define HW_VERSION 1.0 - US // normally comes from build-all.sh and contains the region code #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Configuration // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // If we are using the JTAG port for debugging, some pins must be left free for that (and things like GPS have to be disabled) // we don't support jtag on the ttgo - access to gpio 12 is a PITA #ifdef ARDUINO_HELTEC_WIFI_LORA_32_V2 //#define USE_JTAG #endif #define REQUIRE_RADIO true // If true, we will fail to start if the radio is not found #define xstr(s) str(s) #define str(s) #s // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OLED // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SSD1306_ADDRESS 0x3C // Flip the screen upside down by default as it makes more sense on T-BEAM // devices. Comment this out to not rotate screen 180 degrees. #define FLIP_SCREEN_VERTICALLY // DEBUG LED #define LED_INVERTED 0 // define as 1 if LED is active low (on) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GPS // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define GPS_SERIAL_NUM 1 #define GPS_BAUDRATE 9600 #define GPS_RX_PIN 34 #ifdef USE_JTAG #define GPS_TX_PIN -1 #else #define GPS_TX_PIN 12 #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LoRa SPI // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SCK_GPIO 5 #define MISO_GPIO 19 #define MOSI_GPIO 27 #define NSS_GPIO 18 #if defined(TBEAM_V10) // This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work #define HW_VENDOR "tbeam" // #define BUTTON_NEED_PULLUP // if set we need to turn on the internal CPU pullup during sleep #define I2C_SDA 21 #define I2C_SCL 22 #define BUTTON_PIN 38 #ifndef USE_JTAG #define RESET_GPIO 14 #endif #define RF95_IRQ_GPIO 26 #define DIO1_GPIO 33 // Note: not really used on this board #define DIO2_GPIO 32 // Note: not really used on this board // Leave undefined to disable our PMU IRQ handler #define PMU_IRQ 35 #define AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS 0x34 #elif defined(TBEAM_V07) // This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work #define HW_VENDOR "tbeam0.7" // #define BUTTON_NEED_PULLUP // if set we need to turn on the internal CPU pullup during sleep #define I2C_SDA 21 #define I2C_SCL 22 #define BUTTON_PIN 39 #ifndef USE_JTAG #define RESET_GPIO 23 #endif #define RF95_IRQ_GPIO 26 #define DIO1_GPIO 33 // Note: not really used on this board #define DIO2_GPIO 32 // Note: not really used on this board // This board has different GPS pins than all other boards #undef GPS_RX_PIN #undef GPS_TX_PIN #define GPS_RX_PIN 12 #define GPS_TX_PIN 15 #elif defined(ARDUINO_HELTEC_WIFI_LORA_32_V2) // This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work #define HW_VENDOR "heltec" #ifndef USE_JTAG // gpio15 is TDO for JTAG, so no I2C on this board while doing jtag #define I2C_SDA 4 // I2C pins for this board #define I2C_SCL 15 #endif #define RESET_OLED 16 // If defined, this pin will be used to reset the display controller #define VEXT_ENABLE 21 // active low, powers the oled display and the lora antenna boost #define LED_PIN 25 // If defined we will blink this LED #define BUTTON_PIN 0 // If defined, this will be used for user button presses #ifndef USE_JTAG #define RESET_GPIO 14 // If defined, this pin will be used to reset the LORA radio #endif #define RF95_IRQ_GPIO 26 #define DIO1_GPIO 35 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #define DIO2_GPIO 34 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #elif defined(TTGO_LORA_V1) // This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work #define HW_VENDOR "ttgo-lora32-v1" #define I2C_SDA 4 // I2C pins for this board #define I2C_SCL 15 #define RESET_OLED 16 // If defined, this pin will be used to reset the display controller // #define VEXT_ENABLE 21 // active low, powers the oled display and the lora antenna boost #define LED_PIN 2 // If defined we will blink this LED #define BUTTON_PIN 0 // If defined, this will be used for user button presses #define RESET_GPIO 14 // If defined, this pin will be used to reset the LORA radio #define RF95_IRQ_GPIO 26 // IRQ line for the LORA radio #define DIO1_GPIO 35 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #define DIO2_GPIO 34 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #elif defined(TTGO_LORA_V2) // This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work #define HW_VENDOR "ttgo-lora32-v2" #define I2C_SDA 21 // I2C pins for this board #define I2C_SCL 22 #define RESET_OLED 16 // If defined, this pin will be used to reset the display controller #define VEXT_ENABLE 21 // active low, powers the oled display and the lora antenna boost #define LED_PIN 25 // If defined we will blink this LED #define BUTTON_PIN \ 0 // If defined, this will be used for user button presses, if your board doesn't have a physical switch, you can wire one // between this pin and ground #define RESET_GPIO 14 // If defined, this pin will be used to reset the LORA radio #define RF95_IRQ_GPIO 26 // IRQ line for the LORA radio #define DIO1_GPIO 35 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #define DIO2_GPIO 34 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #elif defined(BARE_BOARD) // This string must exactly match the case used in release file names or the android updater won't work #define HW_VENDOR "bare" #define NO_ESP32 // Don't use ESP32 libs (mainly bluetooth) // We bind to the GPS using variant.h instead for this platform (Serial1) #undef GPS_RX_PIN #undef GPS_TX_PIN // FIXME, not yet ready for NRF52 #define RTC_DATA_ATTR #define LED_PIN PIN_LED1 // LED1 on nrf52840-DK #define BUTTON_PIN PIN_BUTTON1 // This board uses 0 to be mean LED on #undef LED_INVERTED #define LED_INVERTED 1 // Temporarily testing if we can build the RF95 driver for NRF52 #define RESET_GPIO 14 // If defined, this pin will be used to reset the LORA radio #define RF95_IRQ_GPIO 26 // IRQ line for the LORA radio #define DIO1_GPIO 35 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #define DIO2_GPIO 34 // DIO1 & DIO2 are not currently used, but they must be assigned to a pin number #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DEBUG // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define SERIAL_BAUD 921600 // Serial debug baud rate #ifdef NO_ESP32 #define USE_SEGGER #endif #ifdef USE_SEGGER #include "SEGGER_RTT.h" #define DEBUG_MSG(...) SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, __VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_PORT Serial // Serial debug port #ifdef DEBUG_PORT #define DEBUG_MSG(...) DEBUG_PORT.printf(__VA_ARGS__) #else #define DEBUG_MSG(...) #endif #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AXP192 (Rev1-specific options) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define GPS_POWER_CTRL_CH 3 #define LORA_POWER_CTRL_CH 2