@ECHO OFF set PYTHON=python :: Determine the correct esptool command to use where esptool >nul 2>&1 if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 ( set "ESPTOOL_CMD=esptool" ) else ( set "ESPTOOL_CMD=%PYTHON% -m esptool" ) goto GETOPTS :HELP echo Usage: %~nx0 [-h] [-p ESPTOOL_PORT] [-P PYTHON] [-f FILENAME^|FILENAME] echo Flash image file to device, but first erasing and writing system information echo. echo -h Display this help and exit echo -p ESPTOOL_PORT Set the environment variable for ESPTOOL_PORT. If not set, ESPTOOL iterates all ports (Dangerrous). echo -P PYTHON Specify alternate python interpreter to use to invoke esptool. (Default: %PYTHON%) echo -f FILENAME The .bin file to flash. Custom to your device type and region. goto EOF :GETOPTS if /I "%1"=="-h" goto HELP if /I "%1"=="--help" goto HELP if /I "%1"=="-F" set "FILENAME=%2" & SHIFT if /I "%1"=="-p" set ESPTOOL_PORT=%2 & SHIFT if /I "%1"=="-P" set PYTHON=%2 & SHIFT SHIFT IF NOT "__%1__"=="____" goto GETOPTS IF "__%FILENAME%__" == "____" ( echo "Missing FILENAME" goto HELP ) IF EXIST %FILENAME% IF x%FILENAME:update=%==x%FILENAME% ( echo Trying to flash update %FILENAME%, but first erasing and writing system information" %ESPTOOL_CMD% --baud 115200 erase_flash %ESPTOOL_CMD% --baud 115200 write_flash 0x00 %FILENAME% @REM Account for S3 and C3 board's different OTA partition IF x%FILENAME:s3=%==x%FILENAME% IF x%FILENAME:v3=%==x%FILENAME% IF x%FILENAME:t-deck=%==x%FILENAME% IF x%FILENAME:wireless-paper=%==x%FILENAME% IF x%FILENAME:wireless-tracker=%==x%FILENAME% IF x%FILENAME:station-g2=%==x%FILENAME% IF x%FILENAME:unphone=%==x%FILENAME% ( IF x%FILENAME:esp32c3=%==x%FILENAME% ( %ESPTOOL_CMD% --baud 115200 write_flash 0x260000 bleota.bin ) else ( %ESPTOOL_CMD% --baud 115200 write_flash 0x260000 bleota-c3.bin ) ) else ( %ESPTOOL_CMD% --baud 115200 write_flash 0x260000 bleota-s3.bin ) for %%f in (littlefs-*.bin) do ( %ESPTOOL_CMD% --baud 115200 write_flash 0x300000 %%f ) ) else ( echo "Invalid file: %FILENAME%" goto HELP ) else ( echo "Invalid file: %FILENAME%" goto HELP ) :EOF