name: Setup Build Variant Composite Action description: Variant build actions for Meshtastic Platform IO steps inputs: board: description: The board to build for required: true github_token: description: GitHub token required: true build-script-path: description: Path to the build script required: true remove-debug-flags: description: A space separated list of files to remove debug flags from required: false default: "" ota-firmware-source: description: The OTA firmware file to pull required: false default: "" ota-firmware-target: description: The target path to store the OTA firmware file required: false default: "" artifact-paths: description: A newline separated list of paths to store as artifacts required: false default: "" include-web-ui: description: Include the web UI in the build required: false default: "false" arch: description: Processor arch name required: true default: "esp32" runs: using: composite steps: - name: Build base id: base uses: ./.github/actions/setup-base - name: Pull web ui if: inputs.include-web-ui == 'true' uses: dsaltares/fetch-gh-release-asset@master with: repo: meshtastic/web file: build.tar target: build.tar token: ${{ inputs.github_token }} version: tags/v2.5.3 - name: Unpack web ui if: inputs.include-web-ui == 'true' shell: bash run: | tar -xf build.tar -C data/static rm build.tar - name: Remove debug flags for release shell: bash if: inputs.remove-debug-flags != '' run: | for INI_FILE in ${{ inputs.remove-debug-flags }}; do sed -i '/DDEBUG_HEAP/d' ${INI_FILE} done - name: Build ${{ inputs.board }} shell: bash run: ${{ }} ${{ inputs.board }} - name: Pull OTA Firmware if: inputs.ota-firmware-source != '' && inputs.ota-firmware-target != '' uses: dsaltares/fetch-gh-release-asset@master with: repo: meshtastic/firmware-ota file: ${{ inputs.ota-firmware-source }} target: ${{ inputs.ota-firmware-target }} token: ${{ inputs.github_token }} - name: Get release version string shell: bash run: echo "version=$(./bin/ long)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT id: version - name: Store binaries as an artifact uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: firmware-${{ inputs.arch }}-${{ inputs.board }}-${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}.zip overwrite: true path: | ${{ inputs.artifact-paths }}