#define LED_PIN 18 // Enable bus for external periherals #define I2C_SDA SDA #define I2C_SCL SCL #define USE_EINK // Settings for Dynamic Partial mode // Change between partial and full refresh config, or skip update, balancing urgency and display health. #define USE_EINK_DYNAMIC_PARTIAL #define EINK_LOWPRIORITY_LIMIT_SECONDS 30 #define EINK_HIGHPRIORITY_LIMIT_SECONDS 1 #define EINK_PARTIAL_REPEAT_LIMIT 5 /* * eink display pins */ #define PIN_EINK_CS 4 #define PIN_EINK_BUSY 7 #define PIN_EINK_DC 5 #define PIN_EINK_RES 6 #define PIN_EINK_SCLK 3 #define PIN_EINK_MOSI 2 /* * SPI interfaces */ #define SPI_INTERFACES_COUNT 2 #define PIN_SPI_MISO 10 // MISO P0.17 #define PIN_SPI_MOSI 11 // MOSI P0.15 #define PIN_SPI_SCK 9 // SCK P0.13 #define VEXT_ENABLE 45 // active low, powers the oled display and the lora antenna boost #define BUTTON_PIN 0 #define BATTERY_PIN 1 // A battery voltage measurement pin, voltage divider connected here to measure battery voltage #define ADC_CHANNEL ADC1_GPIO1_CHANNEL #define ADC_ATTENUATION ADC_ATTEN_DB_2_5 // lower dB for high resistance voltage divider #define ADC_MULTIPLIER 4.9 #define USE_SX1262 #define LORA_DIO0 -1 // a No connect on the SX1262 module #define LORA_RESET 12 #define LORA_DIO1 14 // SX1262 IRQ #define LORA_DIO2 13 // SX1262 BUSY #define LORA_DIO3 // Not connected on PCB, but internally on the TTGO SX1262, if DIO3 is high the TXCO is enabled #define LORA_SCK 9 #define LORA_MISO 11 #define LORA_MOSI 10 #define LORA_CS 8 #define SX126X_CS LORA_CS #define SX126X_DIO1 LORA_DIO1 #define SX126X_BUSY LORA_DIO2 #define SX126X_RESET LORA_RESET #define SX126X_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH #define SX126X_DIO3_TCXO_VOLTAGE 1.8