#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 #define OLC_CODE_LEN 11 #define DEG_CONVERT (180 / PI) // Helper functions // Raises a number to an exponent, handling negative exponents. static inline double pow_neg(double base, double exponent) { if (exponent == 0) { return 1; } else if (exponent > 0) { return pow(base, exponent); } return 1 / pow(base, -exponent); } static inline double toRadians(double deg) { return deg * PI / 180; } static inline double toDegrees(double r) { return r * 180 / PI; } // GeoCoord structs/classes // A struct to hold the data for a DMS coordinate. struct DMS { uint8_t latDeg; uint8_t latMin; uint32_t latSec; char latCP; uint8_t lonDeg; uint8_t lonMin; uint32_t lonSec; char lonCP; }; // A struct to hold the data for a UTM coordinate, this is also used when creating an MGRS coordinate. struct UTM { uint8_t zone; char band; uint32_t easting; uint32_t northing; }; // A struct to hold the data for a MGRS coordinate. struct MGRS { uint8_t zone; char band; char east100k; char north100k; uint32_t easting; uint32_t northing; }; // A struct to hold the data for a OSGR coordinate struct OSGR { char e100k; char n100k; uint32_t easting; uint32_t northing; }; // A struct to hold the data for a OLC coordinate struct OLC { char code[OLC_CODE_LEN + 1]; // +1 for null termination }; class GeoCoord { private: int32_t _latitude = 0; int32_t _longitude = 0; int32_t _altitude = 0; DMS _dms = {}; UTM _utm = {}; MGRS _mgrs = {}; OSGR _osgr = {}; OLC _olc = {}; bool _dirty = true; void setCoords(); public: GeoCoord(); GeoCoord(int32_t lat, int32_t lon, int32_t alt); GeoCoord(double lat, double lon, int32_t alt); GeoCoord(float lat, float lon, int32_t alt); void updateCoords(const int32_t lat, const int32_t lon, const int32_t alt); void updateCoords(const double lat, const double lon, const int32_t alt); void updateCoords(const float lat, const float lon, const int32_t alt); // Conversions static void latLongToDMS(const double lat, const double lon, DMS &dms); static void latLongToUTM(const double lat, const double lon, UTM &utm); static void latLongToMGRS(const double lat, const double lon, MGRS &mgrs); static void latLongToOSGR(const double lat, const double lon, OSGR &osgr); static void latLongToOLC(const double lat, const double lon, OLC &olc); static void convertWGS84ToOSGB36(const double lat, const double lon, double &osgb_Latitude, double &osgb_Longitude); static float latLongToMeter(double lat_a, double lng_a, double lat_b, double lng_b); static float bearing(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2); static float rangeRadiansToMeters(double range_radians); static float rangeMetersToRadians(double range_meters); static uint bearingToDegrees(const char *bearing); static const char *degreesToBearing(uint degrees); // Point to point conversions int32_t distanceTo(const GeoCoord &pointB); int32_t bearingTo(const GeoCoord &pointB); std::shared_ptr pointAtDistance(double bearing, double range); // Lat lon alt getters int32_t getLatitude() const { return _latitude; } int32_t getLongitude() const { return _longitude; } int32_t getAltitude() const { return _altitude; } // DMS getters uint8_t getDMSLatDeg() const { return _dms.latDeg; } uint8_t getDMSLatMin() const { return _dms.latMin; } uint32_t getDMSLatSec() const { return _dms.latSec; } char getDMSLatCP() const { return _dms.latCP; } uint8_t getDMSLonDeg() const { return _dms.lonDeg; } uint8_t getDMSLonMin() const { return _dms.lonMin; } uint32_t getDMSLonSec() const { return _dms.lonSec; } char getDMSLonCP() const { return _dms.lonCP; } // UTM getters uint8_t getUTMZone() const { return _utm.zone; } char getUTMBand() const { return _utm.band; } uint32_t getUTMEasting() const { return _utm.easting; } uint32_t getUTMNorthing() const { return _utm.northing; } // MGRS getters uint8_t getMGRSZone() const { return _mgrs.zone; } char getMGRSBand() const { return _mgrs.band; } char getMGRSEast100k() const { return _mgrs.east100k; } char getMGRSNorth100k() const { return _mgrs.north100k; } uint32_t getMGRSEasting() const { return _mgrs.easting; } uint32_t getMGRSNorthing() const { return _mgrs.northing; } // OSGR getters char getOSGRE100k() const { return _osgr.e100k; } char getOSGRN100k() const { return _osgr.n100k; } uint32_t getOSGREasting() const { return _osgr.easting; } uint32_t getOSGRNorthing() const { return _osgr.northing; } // OLC getter void getOLCCode(char *code) { strncpy(code, _olc.code, OLC_CODE_LEN + 1); } // +1 for null termination };