#include "buzz.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "graphics/Screen.h" #include "main.h" #include "power.h" #if defined(ARCH_PORTDUINO) #include "api/WiFiServerAPI.h" #include "input/LinuxInputImpl.h" #endif void powerCommandsCheck() { if (rebootAtMsec && millis() > rebootAtMsec) { LOG_INFO("Rebooting\n"); #if defined(ARCH_ESP32) ESP.restart(); #elif defined(ARCH_NRF52) NVIC_SystemReset(); #elif defined(ARCH_RP2040) rp2040.reboot(); #elif defined(ARCH_PORTDUINO) deInitApiServer(); if (aLinuxInputImpl) aLinuxInputImpl->deInit(); SPI.end(); Wire.end(); Serial1.end(); if (screen) delete screen; reboot(); #else rebootAtMsec = -1; LOG_WARN("FIXME implement reboot for this platform. Note that some settings require a restart to be applied.\n"); #endif } #if defined(ARCH_ESP32) || defined(ARCH_NRF52) if (shutdownAtMsec) { screen->startShutdownScreen(); } #endif if (shutdownAtMsec && millis() > shutdownAtMsec) { LOG_INFO("Shutting down from admin command\n"); #if defined(ARCH_NRF52) || defined(ARCH_ESP32) playShutdownMelody(); power->shutdown(); #elif defined(ARCH_PORTDUINO) exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); #else LOG_WARN("FIXME implement shutdown for this platform"); #endif } }