/* Main module # Modified by Kyle T. Gabriel to fix issue with incorrect GPS data for TTNMapper Copyright (C) 2018 by Xose PĂ©rez This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "Air530GPS.h" #include "MeshRadio.h" #include "MeshService.h" #include "NodeDB.h" #include "PowerFSM.h" #include "UBloxGPS.h" #include "concurrency/Periodic.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "error.h" #include "power.h" // #include "rom/rtc.h" #include "DSRRouter.h" // #include "debug.h" #include "SPILock.h" #include "graphics/Screen.h" #include "main.h" #include "meshwifi/meshhttp.h" #include "meshwifi/meshwifi.h" #include "sleep.h" #include "target_specific.h" #include #include // #include #ifndef NO_ESP32 #include "nimble/BluetoothUtil.h" #endif #include "RF95Interface.h" #include "SX1262Interface.h" #ifdef NRF52_SERIES #include "variant.h" #endif // We always create a screen object, but we only init it if we find the hardware graphics::Screen screen(SSD1306_ADDRESS); // Global power status meshtastic::PowerStatus *powerStatus = new meshtastic::PowerStatus(); // Global GPS status meshtastic::GPSStatus *gpsStatus = new meshtastic::GPSStatus(); // Global Node status meshtastic::NodeStatus *nodeStatus = new meshtastic::NodeStatus(); bool ssd1306_found; bool axp192_found; DSRRouter realRouter; Router &router = realRouter; // Users of router don't care what sort of subclass implements that API // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Application // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void scanI2Cdevice(void) { byte err, addr; int nDevices = 0; for (addr = 1; addr < 127; addr++) { Wire.beginTransmission(addr); err = Wire.endTransmission(); if (err == 0) { DEBUG_MSG("I2C device found at address 0x%x\n", addr); nDevices++; if (addr == SSD1306_ADDRESS) { ssd1306_found = true; DEBUG_MSG("ssd1306 display found\n"); } #ifdef AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS if (addr == AXP192_SLAVE_ADDRESS) { axp192_found = true; DEBUG_MSG("axp192 PMU found\n"); } #endif } else if (err == 4) { DEBUG_MSG("Unknow error at address 0x%x\n", addr); } } if (nDevices == 0) DEBUG_MSG("No I2C devices found\n"); else DEBUG_MSG("done\n"); } const char *getDeviceName() { uint8_t dmac[6]; getMacAddr(dmac); // Meshtastic_ab3c static char name[20]; sprintf(name, "Meshtastic_%02x%02x", dmac[4], dmac[5]); return name; } static uint32_t ledBlinker() { static bool ledOn; ledOn ^= 1; setLed(ledOn); // have a very sparse duty cycle of LED being on, unless charging, then blink 0.5Hz square wave rate to indicate that return powerStatus->getIsCharging() ? 1000 : (ledOn ? 2 : 1000); } concurrency::Periodic ledPeriodic(ledBlinker); // Prepare for button presses #ifdef BUTTON_PIN OneButton userButton; #endif #ifdef BUTTON_PIN_ALT OneButton userButtonAlt; #endif void userButtonPressed() { powerFSM.trigger(EVENT_PRESS); } void userButtonPressedLong() { screen.adjustBrightness(); } RadioInterface *rIf = NULL; void setup() { #ifdef USE_SEGGER SEGGER_RTT_ConfigUpBuffer(0, NULL, NULL, 0, SEGGER_RTT_MODE_NO_BLOCK_TRIM); #endif // Debug #ifdef DEBUG_PORT DEBUG_PORT.init(); // Set serial baud rate and init our mesh console #endif initDeepSleep(); #ifdef VEXT_ENABLE pinMode(VEXT_ENABLE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(VEXT_ENABLE, 0); // turn on the display power #endif #ifdef RESET_OLED pinMode(RESET_OLED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(RESET_OLED, 1); #endif #ifdef I2C_SDA Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL); #else Wire.begin(); #endif // i2c still busted on new board #ifndef ARDUINO_NRF52840_PPR scanI2Cdevice(); #endif // Buttons & LED #ifdef BUTTON_PIN userButton = OneButton(BUTTON_PIN, true, true); userButton.attachClick(userButtonPressed); userButton.attachDuringLongPress(userButtonPressedLong); #endif #ifdef BUTTON_PIN_ALT userButtonAlt = OneButton(BUTTON_PIN_ALT, true, true); userButtonAlt.attachClick(userButtonPressed); userButton.attachDuringLongPress(userButtonPressedLong); #endif #ifdef LED_PIN pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, 1 ^ LED_INVERTED); // turn on for now #endif ledPeriodic.setup(); // Hello DEBUG_MSG("Meshtastic swver=%s, hwver=%s\n", optstr(APP_VERSION), optstr(HW_VERSION)); #ifndef NO_ESP32 // Don't init display if we don't have one or we are waking headless due to a timer event if (wakeCause == ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_TIMER) ssd1306_found = false; // forget we even have the hardware esp32Setup(); #endif #ifdef NRF52_SERIES nrf52Setup(); #endif // Currently only the tbeam has a PMU power = new Power(); power->setStatusHandler(powerStatus); powerStatus->observe(&power->newStatus); power->setup(); // Must be after status handler is installed, so that handler gets notified of the initial configuration // Init our SPI controller (must be before screen and lora) initSPI(); #ifdef NO_ESP32 SPI.begin(); #else // ESP32 SPI.begin(RF95_SCK, RF95_MISO, RF95_MOSI, RF95_NSS); SPI.setFrequency(4000000); #endif // Initialize the screen first so we can show the logo while we start up everything else. #if defined(ST7735_CS) || defined(HAS_EINK) screen.setup(); #else if (ssd1306_found) screen.setup(); #endif screen.print("Started...\n"); readFromRTC(); // read the main CPU RTC at first (in case we can't get GPS time) // If we know we have a L80 GPS, don't try UBLOX #ifndef L80_RESET // Init GPS - first try ublox auto ublox = new UBloxGPS(); gps = ublox; if (!gps->setup()) { DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: No UBLOX GPS found\n"); delete ublox; gps = ublox = NULL; if (GPS::_serial_gps) { // Some boards might have only the TX line from the GPS connected, in that case, we can't configure it at all. Just // assume NMEA at 9600 baud. // dumb NMEA access only work for serial GPSes) DEBUG_MSG("Hoping that NMEA might work\n"); #ifdef HAS_AIR530_GPS gps = new Air530GPS(); #else gps = new NMEAGPS(); #endif gps->setup(); } } #else gps = new NMEAGPS(); gps->setup(); #endif if (gps) gpsStatus->observe(&gps->newStatus); else DEBUG_MSG("Warning: No GPS found - running without GPS\n"); nodeStatus->observe(&nodeDB.newStatus); service.init(); // We have now loaded our saved preferences from flash // ONCE we will factory reset the GPS for bug #327 if (ublox && !devicestate.did_gps_reset) { if (ublox->factoryReset()) { // If we don't succeed try again next time devicestate.did_gps_reset = true; nodeDB.saveToDisk(); } } #ifdef SX1262_ANT_SW // make analog PA vs not PA switch on SX1262 eval board work properly pinMode(SX1262_ANT_SW, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SX1262_ANT_SW, 1); #endif // radio init MUST BE AFTER service.init, so we have our radio config settings (from nodedb init) #if defined(RF95_IRQ) if (!rIf) { rIf = new RF95Interface(RF95_NSS, RF95_IRQ, RF95_RESET, SPI); if (!rIf->init()) { DEBUG_MSG("Warning: Failed to find RF95 radio\n"); delete rIf; rIf = NULL; } } #endif #if defined(SX1262_CS) if (!rIf) { rIf = new SX1262Interface(SX1262_CS, SX1262_DIO1, SX1262_RESET, SX1262_BUSY, SPI); if (!rIf->init()) { DEBUG_MSG("Warning: Failed to find SX1262 radio\n"); delete rIf; rIf = NULL; } } #endif #ifdef USE_SIM_RADIO if (!rIf) { rIf = new SimRadio; if (!rIf->init()) { DEBUG_MSG("Warning: Failed to find simulated radio\n"); delete rIf; rIf = NULL; } } #endif // Initialize Wifi initWifi(); if (!rIf) recordCriticalError(ErrNoRadio); else router.addInterface(rIf); // This must be _after_ service.init because we need our preferences loaded from flash to have proper timeout values PowerFSM_setup(); // we will transition to ON in a couple of seconds, FIXME, only do this for cold boots, not waking from SDS // setBluetoothEnable(false); we now don't start bluetooth until we enter the proper state setCPUFast(false); // 80MHz is fine for our slow peripherals } #if 0 // Turn off for now uint32_t axpDebugRead() { axp.debugCharging(); DEBUG_MSG("vbus current %f\n", axp.getVbusCurrent()); DEBUG_MSG("charge current %f\n", axp.getBattChargeCurrent()); DEBUG_MSG("bat voltage %f\n", axp.getBattVoltage()); DEBUG_MSG("batt pct %d\n", axp.getBattPercentage()); DEBUG_MSG("is battery connected %d\n", axp.isBatteryConnect()); DEBUG_MSG("is USB connected %d\n", axp.isVBUSPlug()); DEBUG_MSG("is charging %d\n", axp.isChargeing()); return 30 * 1000; } concurrency::Periodic axpDebugOutput(axpDebugRead); axpDebugOutput.setup(); #endif void loop() { uint32_t msecstosleep = 1000 * 30; // How long can we sleep before we again need to service the main loop? if (gps) gps->loop(); // FIXME, remove from main, instead block on read router.loop(); powerFSM.run_machine(); service.loop(); concurrency::periodicScheduler.loop(); // axpDebugOutput.loop(); #ifdef DEBUG_PORT DEBUG_PORT.loop(); // Send/receive protobufs over the serial port #endif // heap_caps_check_integrity_all(true); // FIXME - disable this expensive check #ifndef NO_ESP32 esp32Loop(); #endif #ifdef TBEAM_V10 power->loop(); #endif #ifdef BUTTON_PIN userButton.tick(); #endif #ifdef BUTTON_PIN_ALT userButtonAlt.tick(); #endif loopWifi(); // For debugging // if (rIf) ((RadioLibInterface *)rIf)->isActivelyReceiving(); // Show boot screen for first 3 seconds, then switch to normal operation. static bool showingBootScreen = true; if (showingBootScreen && (millis() > 3000)) { screen.stopBootScreen(); showingBootScreen = false; } #ifdef DEBUG_STACK static uint32_t lastPrint = 0; if (millis() - lastPrint > 10 * 1000L) { lastPrint = millis(); meshtastic::printThreadInfo("main"); } #endif // Update the screen last, after we've figured out what to show. screen.debug_info()->setChannelNameStatus(getChannelName()); // No GPS lock yet, let the OS put the main CPU in low power mode for 100ms (or until another interrupt comes in) // i.e. don't just keep spinning in loop as fast as we can. // DEBUG_MSG("msecs %d\n", msecstosleep); // FIXME - until button press handling is done by interrupt (see polling above) we can't sleep very long at all or buttons // feel slow msecstosleep = 10; // FIXME, stop early if something happens and sleep much longer // TODO: This should go into a thread handled by FreeRTOS. handleWebResponse(); delay(msecstosleep); }