/** * @file xmodem.cpp * @brief Implementation of XMODEM protocol for Meshtastic devices. * * This file contains the implementation of the XMODEM protocol for Meshtastic devices. It is based on the XMODEM implementation * by Georges Menie (www.menie.org) and has been adapted for protobuf encapsulation. * * The XMODEM protocol is used for reliable transmission of binary data over a serial connection. This implementation supports * both sending and receiving of data. * * The XModemAdapter class provides the main functionality for the protocol, including CRC calculation, packet handling, and * control signal sending. * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2001-2019 Georges Menie * @author * @author * @date */ /*********************************************************************************************************************** * based on XMODEM implementation by Georges Menie (www.menie.org) *********************************************************************************************************************** * Copyright 2001-2019 Georges Menie (www.menie.org) * All rights reserved. * * Adapted for protobuf encapsulation. this is not really Xmodem any more. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the University of California, Berkeley nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **********************************************************************************************************************/ #include "xmodem.h" #include "SPILock.h" #ifdef FSCom XModemAdapter xModem; XModemAdapter::XModemAdapter() {} /** * Calculates the CRC-16 CCITT checksum of the given buffer. * * @param buffer The buffer to calculate the checksum for. * @param length The length of the buffer. * @return The calculated checksum. */ unsigned short XModemAdapter::crc16_ccitt(const pb_byte_t *buffer, int length) { unsigned short crc16 = 0; while (length != 0) { crc16 = (unsigned char)(crc16 >> 8) | (crc16 << 8); crc16 ^= *buffer; crc16 ^= (unsigned char)(crc16 & 0xff) >> 4; crc16 ^= (crc16 << 8) << 4; crc16 ^= ((crc16 & 0xff) << 4) << 1; buffer++; length--; } return crc16; } /** * Calculates the checksum of the given buffer and compares it to the given * expected checksum. Returns 1 if the checksums match, 0 otherwise. * * @param buf The buffer to calculate the checksum of. * @param sz The size of the buffer. * @param tcrc The expected checksum. * @return 1 if the checksums match, 0 otherwise. */ int XModemAdapter::check(const pb_byte_t *buf, int sz, unsigned short tcrc) { return crc16_ccitt(buf, sz) == tcrc; } void XModemAdapter::sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control c) { xmodemStore = meshtastic_XModem_init_zero; xmodemStore.control = c; LOG_DEBUG("XModem: Notify Send control %d", c); packetReady.notifyObservers(packetno); } meshtastic_XModem XModemAdapter::getForPhone() { return xmodemStore; } void XModemAdapter::resetForPhone() { xmodemStore = meshtastic_XModem_init_zero; } void XModemAdapter::handlePacket(meshtastic_XModem xmodemPacket) { switch (xmodemPacket.control) { case meshtastic_XModem_Control_SOH: case meshtastic_XModem_Control_STX: if ((xmodemPacket.seq == 0) && !isReceiving && !isTransmitting) { // NULL packet has the destination filename memcpy(filename, &xmodemPacket.buffer.bytes, xmodemPacket.buffer.size); if (xmodemPacket.control == meshtastic_XModem_Control_SOH) { // Receive this file and put to Flash spiLock->lock(); file = FSCom.open(filename, FILE_O_WRITE); spiLock->unlock(); if (file) { sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_ACK); isReceiving = true; packetno = 1; break; } sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_NAK); isReceiving = false; break; } else { // Transmit this file from Flash LOG_INFO("XModem: Transmit file %s", filename); spiLock->lock(); file = FSCom.open(filename, FILE_O_READ); spiLock->unlock(); if (file) { packetno = 1; isTransmitting = true; xmodemStore = meshtastic_XModem_init_zero; xmodemStore.control = meshtastic_XModem_Control_SOH; xmodemStore.seq = packetno; spiLock->lock(); xmodemStore.buffer.size = file.read(xmodemStore.buffer.bytes, sizeof(meshtastic_XModem_buffer_t::bytes)); spiLock->unlock(); xmodemStore.crc16 = crc16_ccitt(xmodemStore.buffer.bytes, xmodemStore.buffer.size); LOG_DEBUG("XModem: STX Notify Send packet %d, %d Bytes", packetno, xmodemStore.buffer.size); if (xmodemStore.buffer.size < sizeof(meshtastic_XModem_buffer_t::bytes)) { isEOT = true; // send EOT on next Ack } packetReady.notifyObservers(packetno); break; } sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_NAK); isTransmitting = false; break; } } else { if (isReceiving) { // normal file data packet if ((xmodemPacket.seq == packetno) && check(xmodemPacket.buffer.bytes, xmodemPacket.buffer.size, xmodemPacket.crc16)) { // valid packet spiLock->lock(); file.write(xmodemPacket.buffer.bytes, xmodemPacket.buffer.size); spiLock->unlock(); sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_ACK); packetno++; break; } // invalid packet sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_NAK); break; } else if (isTransmitting) { // just received something weird. sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_CAN); isTransmitting = false; break; } } break; case meshtastic_XModem_Control_EOT: // End of transmission sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_ACK); spiLock->lock(); file.flush(); file.close(); spiLock->unlock(); isReceiving = false; break; case meshtastic_XModem_Control_CAN: // Cancel transmission and remove file sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_ACK); spiLock->lock(); file.flush(); file.close(); FSCom.remove(filename); spiLock->unlock(); isReceiving = false; break; case meshtastic_XModem_Control_ACK: // Acknowledge Send the next packet if (isTransmitting) { if (isEOT) { sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_EOT); spiLock->lock(); file.close(); spiLock->unlock(); LOG_INFO("XModem: Finished send file %s", filename); isTransmitting = false; isEOT = false; break; } retrans = MAXRETRANS; // reset retransmit counter packetno++; xmodemStore = meshtastic_XModem_init_zero; xmodemStore.control = meshtastic_XModem_Control_SOH; xmodemStore.seq = packetno; spiLock->lock(); xmodemStore.buffer.size = file.read(xmodemStore.buffer.bytes, sizeof(meshtastic_XModem_buffer_t::bytes)); spiLock->unlock(); xmodemStore.crc16 = crc16_ccitt(xmodemStore.buffer.bytes, xmodemStore.buffer.size); LOG_DEBUG("XModem: ACK Notify Send packet %d, %d Bytes", packetno, xmodemStore.buffer.size); if (xmodemStore.buffer.size < sizeof(meshtastic_XModem_buffer_t::bytes)) { isEOT = true; // send EOT on next Ack } packetReady.notifyObservers(packetno); } else { // just received something weird. sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_CAN); } break; case meshtastic_XModem_Control_NAK: // Negative acknowledge. Send the same buffer again if (isTransmitting) { if (--retrans <= 0) { sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_CAN); spiLock->lock(); file.close(); spiLock->unlock(); LOG_INFO("XModem: Retransmit timeout, cancel file %s", filename); isTransmitting = false; break; } xmodemStore = meshtastic_XModem_init_zero; xmodemStore.control = meshtastic_XModem_Control_SOH; xmodemStore.seq = packetno; spiLock->lock(); file.seek((packetno - 1) * sizeof(meshtastic_XModem_buffer_t::bytes)); xmodemStore.buffer.size = file.read(xmodemStore.buffer.bytes, sizeof(meshtastic_XModem_buffer_t::bytes)); spiLock->unlock(); xmodemStore.crc16 = crc16_ccitt(xmodemStore.buffer.bytes, xmodemStore.buffer.size); LOG_DEBUG("XModem: NAK Notify Send packet %d, %d Bytes", packetno, xmodemStore.buffer.size); if (xmodemStore.buffer.size < sizeof(meshtastic_XModem_buffer_t::bytes)) { isEOT = true; // send EOT on next Ack } packetReady.notifyObservers(packetno); } else { // just received something weird. sendControl(meshtastic_XModem_Control_CAN); } break; default: // Unknown control character break; } } #endif