; First prototype eink/nrf52840/sx1262 device [env:t-echo] extends = nrf52840_base board = t-echo debug_tool = jlink # add our variants files to the include and src paths # define build flags for the TFT_eSPI library - NOTE: WE NOT LONGER USE TFT_eSPI, it was for an earlier version of the TTGO eink screens # -DBUSY_PIN=3 -DRST_PIN=2 -DDC_PIN=28 -DCS_PIN=30 # add -DCFG_SYSVIEW if you want to use the Segger systemview tool for OS profiling. build_flags = ${nrf52840_base.build_flags} -Ivariants/t-echo build_src_filter = ${nrf52_base.build_src_filter} +<../variants/t-echo> lib_deps = ${nrf52840_base.lib_deps} https://github.com/meshtastic/GxEPD2 adafruit/Adafruit BusIO lewisxhe/PCF8563_Library@^0.0.1 ;upload_protocol = fs