# trunk-ignore-all(flake8/F821) # trunk-ignore-all(ruff/F821) Import("env") # NOTE: This is not currently used, but can serve as an example on how to write extra_scripts # print("Current CLI targets", COMMAND_LINE_TARGETS) # print("Current Build targets", BUILD_TARGETS) # print("CPP defs", env.get("CPPDEFINES")) # print(env.Dump()) # Adafruit.py in the platformio build tree is a bit naive and always enables their USB stack for building. We don't want this. # So come in after that python script has run and disable it. This hack avoids us having to fork that big project and send in a PR # which might not be accepted. -@geeksville lib_builders = env.get("__PIO_LIB_BUILDERS", None) if lib_builders is not None: print("Disabling Adafruit USB stack") for k in lib_builders: if k.name == "Adafruit TinyUSB Library": libenv = k.env # print(f"{k.name }: { libenv.Dump() } ") # libenv["CPPDEFINES"].remove("USBCON") libenv["CPPDEFINES"].remove("USE_TINYUSB") # Custom actions when building program/firmware # env.AddPreAction("buildprog", callback...)