gps todo - bug 376 for taiwan region: bin/ --set region 8 fix poll interval for sending commands to ublox change defaults to 2 min properly handle time only modes force gps sleep when in LightSleep and force wake only once <- confirm fix has_gps based on new logic have loop methods return allowable sleep time (from their perspective) increase main cpu sleep time add set router mode in python tool - it will also set GPS to stationary (which will shrink DARK and NB period to zero and make light_sleep very long) warn people about crummy gps antennas - add to faq gps states Active - for gps_attempt_time seconds Sleeping - for (gps_update_rate or sleep forever) seconds ForcedSleep - PowerFSM says we don't want to use GPS right now (no need for sleep forever state) gps triggers GPS_TRIG_FORCE_SLEEP - from powerfsm GPS_TRIG_FORCE_WAKE - from powerfsm GPS_SETTINGS - if GPS settings changed, reset params and possibly become active