; The very slick RAK wireless RAK 4631 / 4630 board - Unified firmware for 5005/19003, with or without OLED RAK 1921
extends = nrf52840_base
board = wiscore_rak4631
board_check = true
build_flags = ${nrf52840_base.build_flags} -Ivariants/rak4631 -D RAK_4631
  -L "${platformio.libdeps_dir}/${this.__env__}/bsec2/src/cortex-m4/fpv4-sp-d16-hard"
  -DGPS_POWER_TOGGLE ; comment this line to disable triple press function on the user button to turn off gps entirely.
  -DHAS_RAKPROT=1 ; Define if RAk OneWireSerial is used (disables GPS)
build_src_filter = ${nrf52_base.build_src_filter} +<../variants/rak4631> +<../variants/rak2560> +<mesh/eth/> +<mesh/api/> +<mqtt/>
lib_deps = 
  melopero/Melopero RV3028@^1.1.0
  rakwireless/RAKwireless NCP5623 RGB LED library@^1.0.2
  beegee-tokyo/RAKwireless RAK12034@^1.0.0
debug_tool = jlink
; If not set we will default to uploading over serial (first it forces bootloader entry by talking 1200bps to cdcacm)
;upload_protocol = jlink
extra_scripts = 