#undef I2C_SDA #undef I2C_SCL #define I2C_SDA 16 // I2C pins for this board #define I2C_SCL 17 #define I2C_SDA1 45 #define I2C_SCL1 46 #define LED_PIN 6 #define LED_STATE_ON 1 #define BUTTON_PIN 0 #define HAS_TPS65233 // V1 of SubG Switch SMA 0 or F Selector 1 // #define RF_SW_SUBG1 8 // V2 of SubG Switch SMA 1 or F Selector 0 // #define RF_SW_SUBG2 5 #define RESET_OLED 8 // Emulate RF_SW_SUBG1, Use F Connector #define VTFT_CTRL 5 // Emulate RF_SW_SUBG2, for SMA swap the pin values #if OTHERNET_DC_REV == 2206 #define USE_LR1120 #define SPI_MISO 37 #define SPI_MOSI 39 #define SPI_SCK 38 #define SDCARD_CS 40 #define PIN_BUZZER 48 // These can either be used for GPS or a serial link. Define through Protobufs // #define GPS_RX_PIN 10 // #define GPS_TX_PIN 21 #define PIN_POWER_EN 7 // RF section power supply enable #define PERIPHERAL_WARMUP_MS 1000 // wait for TPS chip to initialize #define TPS_EXTM 45 // connected, but not used #define BIAS_T_ENABLE 9 // needs to be low #define BIAS_T_VALUE 0 #else // 2301 #define USE_LR1121 #define SPI_MISO 10 #define SPI_MOSI 39 #define SPI_SCK 38 #define SDCARD_CS 40 // This is only informational, we always use SD cards in 1 bit mode #define SPI_DATA1 15 #define SPI_DATA2 18 // These can either be used for GPS or a serial link. Define through Protobufs // #define GPS_RX_PIN 36 // #define GPS_TX_PIN 37 // dac / amp instead of buzzer #define HAS_I2S #define DAC_I2S_BCK 21 #define DAC_I2S_WS 9 #define DAC_I2S_DOUT 48 #define DAC_I2S_MCLK 1 #define BIAS_T_ENABLE 7 // needs to be low #define BIAS_T_VALUE 0 #define BIAS_T_SUBGHZ 2 // also needs to be low, we hijack SENSOR_POWER_CTRL_PIN to emulate this #define SENSOR_POWER_CTRL_PIN BIAS_T_SUBGHZ #define SENSOR_POWER_ON 0 #endif #define HAS_SDCARD // Have SPI interface SD card slot #define SDCARD_USE_SPI1 #define LORA_RESET 3 #define LORA_SCK 12 #define LORA_MISO 13 #define LORA_MOSI 11 #define LORA_CS 14 #define LORA_DIO9 4 #define LORA_DIO2 47 #define LR1120_IRQ_PIN LORA_DIO9 #define LR1120_NRESET_PIN LORA_RESET #define LR1120_BUSY_PIN LORA_DIO2 #define LR1120_SPI_NSS_PIN LORA_CS #define LR1120_SPI_SCK_PIN LORA_SCK #define LR1120_SPI_MOSI_PIN LORA_MOSI #define LR1120_SPI_MISO_PIN LORA_MISO #define LR1121_IRQ_PIN LORA_DIO9 #define LR1121_NRESET_PIN LORA_RESET #define LR1121_BUSY_PIN LORA_DIO2 #define LR1121_SPI_NSS_PIN LORA_CS #define LR1121_SPI_SCK_PIN LORA_SCK #define LR1121_SPI_MOSI_PIN LORA_MOSI #define LR1121_SPI_MISO_PIN LORA_MISO #define LR11X0_DIO3_TCXO_VOLTAGE 1.8 #define LR11X0_DIO_AS_RF_SWITCH // This board needs external switching between sub-GHz and 2.4G circuits // V1 of RF1 selector SubG 1 or 2.4GHz 0 // #define RF_SW_SMA1 42 // V2 of RF1 Selector SubG 0 or 2.4GHz 1 // #define RF_SW_SMA2 41 #define LR11X0_RF_SWITCH_SUBGHZ 42 #define LR11X0_RF_SWITCH_2_4GHZ 41