#include "PhoneAPI.h" #include "Channels.h" #include "GPS.h" #include "MeshService.h" #include "NodeDB.h" #include "PowerFSM.h" #include "RadioInterface.h" #include "configuration.h" #include #if FromRadio_size > MAX_TO_FROM_RADIO_SIZE #error FromRadio is too big #endif #if ToRadio_size > MAX_TO_FROM_RADIO_SIZE #error ToRadio is too big #endif PhoneAPI::PhoneAPI() { lastContactMsec = millis(); } PhoneAPI::~PhoneAPI() { close(); } void PhoneAPI::handleStartConfig() { // Must be before setting state (because state is how we know !connected) if (!isConnected()) { onConnectionChanged(true); observe(&service.fromNumChanged); } // even if we were already connected - restart our state machine state = STATE_SEND_MY_INFO; DEBUG_MSG("Starting API client config\n"); nodeInfoForPhone = NULL; // Don't keep returning old nodeinfos nodeDB.resetReadPointer(); // FIXME, this read pointer should be moved out of nodeDB and into this class - because // this will break once we have multiple instances of PhoneAPI running independently } void PhoneAPI::close() { if (state != STATE_SEND_NOTHING) { state = STATE_SEND_NOTHING; unobserve(&service.fromNumChanged); releasePhonePacket(); // Don't leak phone packets on shutdown onConnectionChanged(false); } } void PhoneAPI::checkConnectionTimeout() { if (isConnected()) { bool newContact = checkIsConnected(); if (!newContact) { DEBUG_MSG("Lost phone connection\n"); close(); } } } /** * Handle a ToRadio protobuf */ bool PhoneAPI::handleToRadio(const uint8_t *buf, size_t bufLength) { powerFSM.trigger(EVENT_CONTACT_FROM_PHONE); // As long as the phone keeps talking to us, don't let the radio go to sleep lastContactMsec = millis(); // return (lastContactMsec != 0) && memset(&toRadioScratch, 0, sizeof(toRadioScratch)); if (pb_decode_from_bytes(buf, bufLength, &ToRadio_msg, &toRadioScratch)) { switch (toRadioScratch.which_payload_variant) { case ToRadio_packet_tag: return handleToRadioPacket(toRadioScratch.packet); case ToRadio_want_config_id_tag: config_nonce = toRadioScratch.want_config_id; DEBUG_MSG("Client wants config, nonce=%u\n", config_nonce); handleStartConfig(); break; case ToRadio_disconnect_tag: DEBUG_MSG("Disconnecting from phone\n"); close(); break; default: // Ignore nop messages // DEBUG_MSG("Error: unexpected ToRadio variant\n"); break; } } else { DEBUG_MSG("Error: ignoring malformed toradio\n"); } return false; } /** * Get the next packet we want to send to the phone, or NULL if no such packet is available. * * We assume buf is at least FromRadio_size bytes long. * * Our sending states progress in the following sequence (the client app ASSUMES THIS SEQUENCE, DO NOT CHANGE IT): * STATE_SEND_MY_INFO, // send our my info record * STATE_SEND_CHANNELS * STATE_SEND_NODEINFO, // states progress in this order as the device sends to the client STATE_SEND_CONFIG, STATE_SEND_MODULE_CONFIG, STATE_SEND_COMPLETE_ID, STATE_SEND_PACKETS // send packets or debug strings */ size_t PhoneAPI::getFromRadio(uint8_t *buf) { if (!available()) { // DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=not available\n"); return 0; } // In case we send a FromRadio packet memset(&fromRadioScratch, 0, sizeof(fromRadioScratch)); // Advance states as needed switch (state) { case STATE_SEND_NOTHING: DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_NOTHING\n"); break; case STATE_SEND_MY_INFO: DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_MY_INFO\n"); // If the user has specified they don't want our node to share its location, make sure to tell the phone // app not to send locations on our behalf. myNodeInfo.has_gps = gps && gps->isConnected(); // Update with latest GPS connect info fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant = FromRadio_my_info_tag; fromRadioScratch.my_info = myNodeInfo; state = STATE_SEND_NODEINFO; service.refreshMyNodeInfo(); // Update my NodeInfo because the client will be asking for it soon. break; case STATE_SEND_NODEINFO: { DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_NODEINFO\n"); const NodeInfo *info = nodeInfoForPhone; nodeInfoForPhone = NULL; // We just consumed a nodeinfo, will need a new one next time if (info) { DEBUG_MSG("Sending nodeinfo: num=0x%x, lastseen=%u, id=%s, name=%s\n", info->num, info->last_heard, info->user.id, info->user.long_name); fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant = FromRadio_node_info_tag; fromRadioScratch.node_info = *info; // Stay in current state until done sending nodeinfos } else { DEBUG_MSG("Done sending nodeinfos\n"); state = STATE_SEND_CHANNELS; // Go ahead and send that ID right now return getFromRadio(buf); } break; } case STATE_SEND_CHANNELS: DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_CHANNELS\n"); fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant = FromRadio_channel_tag; fromRadioScratch.channel = channels.getByIndex(config_state); config_state++; // Advance when we have sent all of our Channels if (config_state >= MAX_NUM_CHANNELS) { state = STATE_SEND_CONFIG; config_state = _AdminMessage_ConfigType_MIN + 1; } break; case STATE_SEND_CONFIG: DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_CONFIG\n"); fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant = FromRadio_config_tag; switch (config_state) { case Config_device_tag: fromRadioScratch.config.which_payload_variant = Config_device_tag; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.device = config.device; break; case Config_position_tag: fromRadioScratch.config.which_payload_variant = Config_position_tag; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.position = config.position; break; case Config_power_tag: fromRadioScratch.config.which_payload_variant = Config_power_tag; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.power = config.power; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.power.ls_secs = default_ls_secs; break; case Config_network_tag: fromRadioScratch.config.which_payload_variant = Config_network_tag; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.network = config.network; break; case Config_display_tag: fromRadioScratch.config.which_payload_variant = Config_display_tag; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.display = config.display; break; case Config_lora_tag: fromRadioScratch.config.which_payload_variant = Config_lora_tag; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.lora = config.lora; break; case Config_bluetooth_tag: fromRadioScratch.config.which_payload_variant = Config_bluetooth_tag; fromRadioScratch.config.payload_variant.bluetooth = config.bluetooth; break; } // NOTE: The phone app needs to know the ls_secs value so it can properly expect sleep behavior. // So even if we internally use 0 to represent 'use default' we still need to send the value we are // using to the app (so that even old phone apps work with new device loads). config_state++; // Advance when we have sent all of our config objects if (config_state > (_AdminMessage_ConfigType_MAX + 1)) { state = STATE_SEND_MODULECONFIG; config_state = _AdminMessage_ModuleConfigType_MIN + 1; } break; case STATE_SEND_MODULECONFIG: DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_MODULECONFIG\n"); fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant = FromRadio_moduleConfig_tag; switch (config_state) { case ModuleConfig_mqtt_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_mqtt_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.mqtt = moduleConfig.mqtt; break; case ModuleConfig_serial_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_serial_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.serial = moduleConfig.serial; break; case ModuleConfig_external_notification_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_external_notification_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.external_notification = moduleConfig.external_notification; break; case ModuleConfig_store_forward_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_store_forward_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.store_forward = moduleConfig.store_forward; break; case ModuleConfig_range_test_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_range_test_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.range_test = moduleConfig.range_test; break; case ModuleConfig_telemetry_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_telemetry_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.telemetry = moduleConfig.telemetry; break; case ModuleConfig_canned_message_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_canned_message_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.canned_message = moduleConfig.canned_message; break; case ModuleConfig_audio_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_audio_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.audio = moduleConfig.audio; break; case ModuleConfig_remote_hardware_tag: fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.which_payload_variant = ModuleConfig_remote_hardware_tag; fromRadioScratch.moduleConfig.payload_variant.remote_hardware = moduleConfig.remote_hardware; break; } config_state++; // Advance when we have sent all of our ModuleConfig objects if (config_state > (_AdminMessage_ModuleConfigType_MAX + 1)) { state = STATE_SEND_COMPLETE_ID; config_state = 0; } break; case STATE_SEND_COMPLETE_ID: DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_COMPLETE_ID\n"); fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant = FromRadio_config_complete_id_tag; fromRadioScratch.config_complete_id = config_nonce; config_nonce = 0; state = STATE_SEND_PACKETS; break; case STATE_SEND_PACKETS: // Do we have a message from the mesh? DEBUG_MSG("getFromRadio=STATE_SEND_PACKETS\n"); if (packetForPhone) { printPacket("phone downloaded packet", packetForPhone); // Encapsulate as a FromRadio packet fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant = FromRadio_packet_tag; fromRadioScratch.packet = *packetForPhone; } releasePhonePacket(); break; default: assert(0); // unexpected state - FIXME, make an error code and reboot } // Do we have a message from the mesh? if (fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant != 0) { // Encapsulate as a FromRadio packet size_t numbytes = pb_encode_to_bytes(buf, FromRadio_size, &FromRadio_msg, &fromRadioScratch); DEBUG_MSG("encoding toPhone packet to phone variant=%d, %d bytes\n", fromRadioScratch.which_payload_variant, numbytes); return numbytes; } DEBUG_MSG("no FromRadio packet available\n"); return 0; } void PhoneAPI::handleDisconnect() { DEBUG_MSG("PhoneAPI disconnect\n"); } void PhoneAPI::releasePhonePacket() { if (packetForPhone) { service.releaseToPool(packetForPhone); // we just copied the bytes, so don't need this buffer anymore packetForPhone = NULL; } } /** * Return true if we have data available to send to the phone */ bool PhoneAPI::available() { switch (state) { case STATE_SEND_NOTHING: return false; case STATE_SEND_MY_INFO: case STATE_SEND_CHANNELS: case STATE_SEND_CONFIG: case STATE_SEND_MODULECONFIG: case STATE_SEND_COMPLETE_ID: return true; case STATE_SEND_NODEINFO: if (!nodeInfoForPhone) nodeInfoForPhone = nodeDB.readNextInfo(); return true; // Always say we have something, because we might need to advance our state machine case STATE_SEND_PACKETS: { if (!packetForPhone) packetForPhone = service.getForPhone(); bool hasPacket = !!packetForPhone; // DEBUG_MSG("available hasPacket=%d\n", hasPacket); return hasPacket; } default: assert(0); // unexpected state - FIXME, make an error code and reboot } return false; } /** * Handle a packet that the phone wants us to send. It is our responsibility to free the packet to the pool */ bool PhoneAPI::handleToRadioPacket(MeshPacket &p) { printPacket("PACKET FROM PHONE", &p); service.handleToRadio(p); return true; } /// If the mesh service tells us fromNum has changed, tell the phone int PhoneAPI::onNotify(uint32_t newValue) { checkConnectionTimeout(); // a handy place to check if we've heard from the phone (since the BLE version doesn't call this // from idle) if (state == STATE_SEND_PACKETS) { DEBUG_MSG("Telling client we have new packets %u\n", newValue); onNowHasData(newValue); } else DEBUG_MSG("(Client not yet interested in packets)\n"); return 0; }