; MeshLink board developed by LoraItalia. NRF52840, eByte E22900M22S (Will also come with other frequencies), 25w MPPT solar charger (5v,12v,18v selectable), support for gps, buzzer, oled or e-ink display, 10 gpios, hardware watchdog ; https://www.loraitalia.it ; firmware for boards with or without oled display [env:meshlink] extends = nrf52840_base board = meshlink ;board_check = true build_flags = ${nrf52840_base.build_flags} -I variants/meshlink -D MESHLINK -L "${platformio.libdeps_dir}/${this.__env__}/bsec2/src/cortex-m4/fpv4-sp-d16-hard" -D GPS_POWER_TOGGLE ; comment this line to disable triple press function on the user button to turn off gps entirely. -D EINK_DISPLAY_MODEL=GxEPD2_213_B74 -D EINK_WIDTH=250 -D EINK_HEIGHT=122 -D USE_EINK_DYNAMICDISPLAY ; Enable Dynamic EInk -D EINK_LIMIT_FASTREFRESH=5 ; How many consecutive fast-refreshes are permitted -D EINK_LIMIT_RATE_BACKGROUND_SEC=30 ; Minimum interval between BACKGROUND updates -D EINK_LIMIT_RATE_RESPONSIVE_SEC=1 ; Minimum interval between RESPONSIVE updates -D EINK_LIMIT_GHOSTING_PX=2000 ; (Optional) How much image ghosting is tolerated -D EINK_BACKGROUND_USES_FAST ; (Optional) Use FAST refresh for both BACKGROUND and RESPONSIVE, until a limit is reached. -D EINK_HASQUIRK_VICIOUSFASTREFRESH ; Identify that pixels drawn by fast-refresh are harder to clear build_src_filter = ${nrf52_base.build_src_filter} +<../variants/meshlink> lib_deps = ${nrf52840_base.lib_deps} https://github.com/meshtastic/GxEPD2#55f618961db45a23eff0233546430f1e5a80f63a debug_tool = jlink ; If not set we will default to uploading over serial (first it forces bootloader entry by talking 1200bps to cdcacm) ; Note: as of 6/2013 the serial/bootloader based programming takes approximately 30 seconds ;upload_protocol = jlink