#undef GPS_RX_PIN #undef GPS_TX_PIN #define GPS_RX_PIN 15 // per @der_bear on the forum, 36 is incorrect for this board type and 15 is a better pick #define GPS_TX_PIN 13 #define EXT_NOTIFY_OUT 2 // Default pin to use for Ext Notify Module. #define BATTERY_PIN 35 // A battery voltage measurement pin, voltage divider connected here to measure battery voltage // ratio of voltage divider = 2.0 (R42=100k, R43=100k) #define ADC_MULTIPLIER 2.11 // 2.0 + 10% for correction of display undervoltage. #define I2C_SDA 21 // I2C pins for this board #define I2C_SCL 22 #define LED_PIN 25 // If defined we will blink this LED #define BUTTON_PIN 12 // If defined, this will be used for user button presses, #define BUTTON_NEED_PULLUP #define USE_SX1280 #define LORA_RESET 23 #define SX128X_CS 18 // FIXME - we really should define LORA_CS instead #define SX128X_DIO1 26 #define SX128X_DIO2 33 #define SX128X_BUSY 32 #define SX128X_RESET LORA_RESET #define SX128X_E22 // Not really an E22 but TTGO seems to be trying to clone that // Internally the TTGO module hooks the SX1280-DIO2 in to control the TX/RX switch (which is the default for the sx1280interface // code)