#define USE_SIM_RADIO // Pine64 uses a common pinout for their SX1262 vs RF95 modules - both can be enabled and we will probe at runtime for RF95 and if // not found then probe for SX1262. Currently the RF95 code is disabled because I think the RF95 module won't need to ship. // #define USE_RF95 #define USE_SX1262 // Fake SPI device selections #define RF95_SCK 5 #define RF95_MISO 19 #define RF95_MOSI 27 #define RF95_NSS RADIOLIB_NC // the ch341f spi controller does CS for us #define LORA_DIO0 26 // a No connect on the SX1262 module #define LORA_RESET 14 #define LORA_DIO1 33 // SX1262 IRQ, called DIO0 on pinelora schematic, pin 7 on ch341f "ack" - FIXME, enable hwints in linux #define LORA_DIO2 32 // SX1262 BUSY, actually connected to "DIO5" on pinelora schematic, pin 8 on ch341f "slct" #define LORA_DIO3 // Not connected on PCB, but internally on the TTGO SX1262, if DIO3 is high the TXCO is enabled #ifdef USE_SX1262 #define SX126X_CS 20 // CS0 on pinelora schematic, hooked to gpio D0 on ch341f #define SX126X_DIO1 LORA_DIO1 #define SX126X_BUSY LORA_DIO2 #define SX126X_RESET LORA_RESET // HOPE RFM90 does not have a TCXO therefore not SX126X_E22 #endif // Temporary shim for radio lib macros until we upgrade to upstream for portduino #define RADIOLIB_PREAMBLE_DETECTED PREAMBLE_DETECTED #define RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE ERR_NONE #define RADIOLIB_ERR_WRONG_MODEM ERR_WRONG_MODEM #define RADIOLIB_SX126X_IRQ_HEADER_VALID SX126X_IRQ_HEADER_VALID #define RADIOLIB_SX126X_LORA_CRC_ON SX126X_LORA_CRC_ON #define RADIOLIB_SX127X_REG_TCXO SX127X_REG_TCXO #define RADIOLIB_SX127X_REG_MODEM_STAT SX127X_REG_MODEM_STAT #define RADIOLIB_SX127X_SYNC_WORD SX127X_SYNC_WORD #define RADIOLIB_SX127X_MASK_IRQ_FLAG_VALID_HEADER SX127X_MASK_IRQ_FLAG_VALID_HEADER