#include "RedirectablePrint.h" #include "NodeDB.h" #include "RTC.h" #include "concurrency/OSThread.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "main.h" #include "mesh/generated/meshtastic/mesh.pb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef ARCH_PORTDUINO #include "platform/portduino/PortduinoGlue.h" #endif #if HAS_NETWORKING extern Syslog syslog; #endif void RedirectablePrint::rpInit() { #ifdef HAS_FREE_RTOS inDebugPrint = xSemaphoreCreateMutexStatic(&this->_MutexStorageSpace); #endif } void RedirectablePrint::setDestination(Print *_dest) { assert(_dest); dest = _dest; } size_t RedirectablePrint::write(uint8_t c) { // Always send the characters to our segger JTAG debugger #ifdef USE_SEGGER SEGGER_RTT_PutChar(SEGGER_STDOUT_CH, c); #endif // Account for legacy config transition bool serialEnabled = config.has_security ? config.security.serial_enabled : config.device.serial_enabled; if (!config.has_lora || serialEnabled) dest->write(c); return 1; // We always claim one was written, rather than trusting what the // serial port said (which could be zero) } size_t RedirectablePrint::vprintf(const char *logLevel, const char *format, va_list arg) { va_list copy; #if ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING || ARCH_PORTDUINO static char printBuf[512]; #else static char printBuf[160]; #endif #ifdef ARCH_PORTDUINO bool color = !settingsMap[ascii_logs]; #else bool color = true; #endif va_copy(copy, arg); size_t len = vsnprintf(printBuf, sizeof(printBuf), format, copy); va_end(copy); // If the resulting string is longer than sizeof(printBuf)-1 characters, the remaining characters are still counted for the // return value if (len > sizeof(printBuf) - 1) { len = sizeof(printBuf) - 1; printBuf[sizeof(printBuf) - 2] = '\n'; } for (size_t f = 0; f < len; f++) { if (!std::isprint(static_cast(printBuf[f])) && printBuf[f] != '\n') printBuf[f] = '#'; } if (color && logLevel != nullptr) { if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[34m", 6); if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[32m", 6); if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_WARN) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[33m", 6); if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[31m", 6); } len = Print::write(printBuf, len); if (color && logLevel != nullptr) { Print::write("\u001b[0m", 5); } return len; } void RedirectablePrint::log_to_serial(const char *logLevel, const char *format, va_list arg) { size_t r = 0; #ifdef ARCH_PORTDUINO bool color = !settingsMap[ascii_logs]; #else bool color = true; #endif // include the header if (color) { if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[34m", 6); if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[32m", 6); if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_WARN) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[33m", 6); if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[31m", 6); if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE) == 0) Print::write("\u001b[35m", 6); } uint32_t rtc_sec = getValidTime(RTCQuality::RTCQualityDevice, true); // display local time on logfile if (rtc_sec > 0) { long hms = rtc_sec % SEC_PER_DAY; // hms += tz.tz_dsttime * SEC_PER_HOUR; // hms -= tz.tz_minuteswest * SEC_PER_MIN; // mod `hms` to ensure in positive range of [0...SEC_PER_DAY) hms = (hms + SEC_PER_DAY) % SEC_PER_DAY; // Tear apart hms into h:m:s int hour = hms / SEC_PER_HOUR; int min = (hms % SEC_PER_HOUR) / SEC_PER_MIN; int sec = (hms % SEC_PER_HOUR) % SEC_PER_MIN; // or hms % SEC_PER_MIN #ifdef ARCH_PORTDUINO ::printf("%s ", logLevel); if (color) { ::printf("\u001b[0m"); } ::printf("| %02d:%02d:%02d %u ", hour, min, sec, millis() / 1000); #else printf("%s ", logLevel); if (color) { printf("\u001b[0m"); } printf("| %02d:%02d:%02d %u ", hour, min, sec, millis() / 1000); #endif } else { #ifdef ARCH_PORTDUINO ::printf("%s ", logLevel); if (color) { ::printf("\u001b[0m"); } ::printf("| ??:??:?? %u ", millis() / 1000); #else printf("%s ", logLevel); if (color) { printf("\u001b[0m"); } printf("| ??:??:?? %u ", millis() / 1000); #endif } auto thread = concurrency::OSThread::currentThread; if (thread) { print("["); // printf("%p ", thread); // assert(thread->ThreadName.length()); print(thread->ThreadName); print("] "); } r += vprintf(logLevel, format, arg); } void RedirectablePrint::log_to_syslog(const char *logLevel, const char *format, va_list arg) { #if HAS_NETWORKING && !defined(ARCH_PORTDUINO) // if syslog is in use, collect the log messages and send them to syslog if (syslog.isEnabled()) { int ll = 0; switch (logLevel[0]) { case 'D': ll = SYSLOG_DEBUG; break; case 'I': ll = SYSLOG_INFO; break; case 'W': ll = SYSLOG_WARN; break; case 'E': ll = SYSLOG_ERR; break; case 'C': ll = SYSLOG_CRIT; break; default: ll = 0; } auto thread = concurrency::OSThread::currentThread; if (thread) { syslog.vlogf(ll, thread->ThreadName.c_str(), format, arg); } else { syslog.vlogf(ll, format, arg); } } #endif } void RedirectablePrint::log_to_ble(const char *logLevel, const char *format, va_list arg) { #if !MESHTASTIC_EXCLUDE_BLUETOOTH if (config.security.debug_log_api_enabled && !pauseBluetoothLogging) { bool isBleConnected = false; #ifdef ARCH_ESP32 isBleConnected = nimbleBluetooth && nimbleBluetooth->isActive() && nimbleBluetooth->isConnected(); #elif defined(ARCH_NRF52) isBleConnected = nrf52Bluetooth != nullptr && nrf52Bluetooth->isConnected(); #endif if (isBleConnected) { char *message; size_t initialLen; size_t len; initialLen = strlen(format); message = new char[initialLen + 1]; len = vsnprintf(message, initialLen + 1, format, arg); if (len > initialLen) { delete[] message; message = new char[len + 1]; vsnprintf(message, len + 1, format, arg); } auto thread = concurrency::OSThread::currentThread; meshtastic_LogRecord logRecord = meshtastic_LogRecord_init_zero; logRecord.level = getLogLevel(logLevel); strcpy(logRecord.message, message); if (thread) strcpy(logRecord.source, thread->ThreadName.c_str()); logRecord.time = getValidTime(RTCQuality::RTCQualityDevice, true); uint8_t *buffer = new uint8_t[meshtastic_LogRecord_size]; size_t size = pb_encode_to_bytes(buffer, meshtastic_LogRecord_size, meshtastic_LogRecord_fields, &logRecord); #ifdef ARCH_ESP32 nimbleBluetooth->sendLog(buffer, size); #elif defined(ARCH_NRF52) nrf52Bluetooth->sendLog(buffer, size); #endif delete[] message; delete[] buffer; } } #else (void)logLevel; (void)format; (void)arg; #endif } meshtastic_LogRecord_Level RedirectablePrint::getLogLevel(const char *logLevel) { meshtastic_LogRecord_Level ll = meshtastic_LogRecord_Level_UNSET; // default to unset switch (logLevel[0]) { case 'D': ll = meshtastic_LogRecord_Level_DEBUG; break; case 'I': ll = meshtastic_LogRecord_Level_INFO; break; case 'W': ll = meshtastic_LogRecord_Level_WARNING; break; case 'E': ll = meshtastic_LogRecord_Level_ERROR; break; case 'C': ll = meshtastic_LogRecord_Level_CRITICAL; break; } return ll; } void RedirectablePrint::log(const char *logLevel, const char *format, ...) { // append \n to format size_t len = strlen(format); char *newFormat = new char[len + 2]; strcpy(newFormat, format); newFormat[len] = '\n'; newFormat[len + 1] = '\0'; #if ARCH_PORTDUINO // level trace is special, two possible ways to handle it. if (strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE) == 0) { if (settingsStrings[traceFilename] != "") { va_list arg; va_start(arg, format); try { traceFile << va_arg(arg, char *) << std::endl; } catch (const std::ios_base::failure &e) { } va_end(arg); } if (settingsMap[logoutputlevel] < level_trace && strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE) == 0) { delete[] newFormat; return; } } if (settingsMap[logoutputlevel] < level_debug && strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) == 0) { delete[] newFormat; return; } else if (settingsMap[logoutputlevel] < level_info && strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO) == 0) { delete[] newFormat; return; } else if (settingsMap[logoutputlevel] < level_warn && strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_WARN) == 0) { delete[] newFormat; return; } #endif if (moduleConfig.serial.override_console_serial_port && strcmp(logLevel, MESHTASTIC_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) == 0) { delete[] newFormat; return; } #ifdef HAS_FREE_RTOS if (inDebugPrint != nullptr && xSemaphoreTake(inDebugPrint, portMAX_DELAY) == pdTRUE) { #else if (!inDebugPrint) { inDebugPrint = true; #endif va_list arg; va_start(arg, format); log_to_serial(logLevel, newFormat, arg); log_to_syslog(logLevel, newFormat, arg); log_to_ble(logLevel, newFormat, arg); va_end(arg); #ifdef HAS_FREE_RTOS xSemaphoreGive(inDebugPrint); #else inDebugPrint = false; #endif } delete[] newFormat; return; } void RedirectablePrint::hexDump(const char *logLevel, unsigned char *buf, uint16_t len) { const char alphabet[17] = "0123456789abcdef"; log(logLevel, " +------------------------------------------------+ +----------------+"); log(logLevel, " |.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 .a .b .c .d .e .f | | ASCII |"); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i += 16) { if (i % 128 == 0) log(logLevel, " +------------------------------------------------+ +----------------+"); char s[] = "| | | |\n"; uint8_t ix = 1, iy = 52; for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (i + j < len) { uint8_t c = buf[i + j]; s[ix++] = alphabet[(c >> 4) & 0x0F]; s[ix++] = alphabet[c & 0x0F]; ix++; if (c > 31 && c < 128) s[iy++] = c; else s[iy++] = '.'; } } uint8_t index = i / 16; if (i < 256) log(logLevel, " "); log(logLevel, "%02x", index); log(logLevel, "."); log(logLevel, s); } log(logLevel, " +------------------------------------------------+ +----------------+"); } std::string RedirectablePrint::mt_sprintf(const std::string fmt_str, ...) { int n = ((int)fmt_str.size()) * 2; /* Reserve two times as much as the length of the fmt_str */ std::unique_ptr formatted; va_list ap; while (1) { formatted.reset(new char[n]); /* Wrap the plain char array into the unique_ptr */ strcpy(&formatted[0], fmt_str.c_str()); va_start(ap, fmt_str); int final_n = vsnprintf(&formatted[0], n, fmt_str.c_str(), ap); va_end(ap); if (final_n < 0 || final_n >= n) n += abs(final_n - n + 1); else break; } return std::string(formatted.get()); }