#define I2C_SDA 8 // I2C pins for this board #define I2C_SCL 9 #define VEXT_ENABLE 21 // active low, powers the oled display and the lora antenna boost #define LED_PIN 7 // If defined we will blink this LED #define EXT_NOTIFY_OUT 13 // Default pin to use for Ext Notify Module. #define USE_SX1262 #define LORA_SCK 6 #define LORA_MISO 1 #define LORA_MOSI 0 #define LORA_CS 18 #define LORA_RESET 21 #define SX126X_CS LORA_CS #define SX126X_DIO1 23 #define SX126X_DIO2 20 #define SX126X_BUSY 22 #define SX126X_RESET LORA_RESET #define SX126X_RXEN 15 #define SX126X_TXEN 14 #define SX126X_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH #define SX126X_DIO3_TCXO_VOLTAGE 1.8