#include "WaypointModule.h" #include "NodeDB.h" #include "PowerFSM.h" #include "configuration.h" WaypointModule *waypointModule; ProcessMessage WaypointModule::handleReceived(const meshtastic_MeshPacket &mp) { #ifdef DEBUG_PORT auto &p = mp.decoded; LOG_INFO("Received waypoint msg from=0x%0x, id=0x%x, msg=%.*s\n", mp.from, mp.id, p.payload.size, p.payload.bytes); #endif // We only store/display messages destined for us. // Keep a copy of the most recent text message. devicestate.rx_waypoint = mp; devicestate.has_rx_waypoint = true; powerFSM.trigger(EVENT_RECEIVED_MSG); notifyObservers(&mp); return ProcessMessage::CONTINUE; // Let others look at this message also if they want }