/* Initial settings and work by https://github.com/gjelsoe Unit provided by Radio Master RC https://radiomasterrc.com/products/bandit-expresslrs-rf-module with 1.29" OLED display CH1115 driver */ /* On this model then screen is NOT upside down, don't flip it for the user. */ #undef DISPLAY_FLIP_SCREEN /* I2C SDA and SCL. 0x18 - STK8XXX Accelerometer, Not supported yet. 0x3C - SH1115 Display Driver */ #define I2C_SDA 14 #define I2C_SCL 12 /* No GPS - but free pins are available. */ #define HAS_GPS 0 #undef GPS_RX_PIN #undef GPS_TX_PIN /* Pin connections from ESP32-D0WDQ6 to SX1276. */ #define LORA_DIO0 22 #define LORA_DIO1 21 #define LORA_SCK 18 #define LORA_MISO 19 #define LORA_MOSI 23 #define LORA_CS 4 #define LORA_RESET 5 #define LORA_TXEN 33 /* This unit has a FAN built-in. FAN is active at 250mW on it's ExpressLRS Firmware. This FAN has TACHO signal on Pin 27 for use with PWM. */ #define RF95_FAN_EN 2 /* LED PIN setup and it has a NeoPixel LED. It's possible to setup colors for Button 1 and 2, look at BUTTON1_COLOR, BUTTON1_COLOR_INDEX, BUTTON2_COLOR and BUTTON2_COLOR_INDEX this is done here for now. */ #define HAS_NEOPIXEL // Enable the use of neopixels #define NEOPIXEL_COUNT 6 // How many neopixels are connected #define NEOPIXEL_DATA 15 // GPIO pin used to send data to the neopixels #define NEOPIXEL_TYPE (NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800) // Type of neopixels in use #define ENABLE_AMBIENTLIGHTING // Turn on Ambient Lighting // #define BUTTON1_COLOR 0xFF0000 // Background light for Button 1 in HEX RGB Color (RadioMaster Bandit only). // #define BUTTON1_COLOR_INDEX 0 // NeoPixel Index ID for Button 1 // #define BUTTON2_COLOR 0x0000FF // Background light for Button 2 in HEX RGB Color (RadioMaster Bandit only). // #define BUTTON2_COLOR_INDEX 1 // NeoPixel Index ID for Button 2 /* It has 1 x five-way and 2 x normal buttons. Button GPIO RGB Index --------------------------- Five-way 39 - Button 1 34 0 Button 2 35 1 Five way button when using ADC. 2.632V, 2.177V, 1.598V, 1.055V, 0V ADC Values: { UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, ENTER, IDLE } 3227, 0 ,1961, 2668, 1290, 4095 Five way button when using ADC. https://github.com/ExpressLRS/targets/blob/f3215b5ec891108db1a13523e4163950cfcadaac/TX/Radiomaster%20Bandit.json#L41 */ #define INPUTBROKER_EXPRESSLRSFIVEWAY_TYPE #define PIN_JOYSTICK 39 #define JOYSTICK_ADC_VALS /*UP*/ 3227, /*DOWN*/ 0, /*LEFT*/ 1961, /*RIGHT*/ 2668, /*OK*/ 1290, /*IDLE*/ 4095 /* Normal Button Pin setup. */ #define BUTTON_PIN 34 #define BUTTON_NEED_PULLUP /* No External notification. */ #undef EXT_NOTIFY_OUT /* Remapping PIN Names. Note, that this unit uses RFO */ #define USE_RF95 #define USE_RF95_RFO #define RF95_CS LORA_CS #define RF95_DIO1 LORA_DIO1 #define RF95_TXEN LORA_TXEN #define RF95_RESET LORA_RESET #define RF95_MAX_POWER 10 /* This module has Skyworks SKY66122 controlled by dacWrite power ranging from 100mW to 1000mW. Mapping of PA_LEVEL to Power output: GPIO26/dacWrite 168 -> 100mW 155 -> 250mW 142 -> 500mW 110 -> 1000mW */ #define RF95_PA_EN 26 #define RF95_PA_DAC_EN #define RF95_PA_LEVEL 110