# About The RangeTest Plugin will help you perform range and coverage tests. # Configuration These are the settings that can be configured. range_test_plugin_enabled Is the plugin enabled? 0 = Disabled (Default) 1 = Enabled range_test_plugin_save If enabled, we will save a log of all received messages to /static/rangetest.csv which you can access from the webserver. We will abort writing if there is less than 50k of space on the filesystem to prevent filling up the storage. 0 = Disabled (Default) 1 = Enabled range_test_plugin_sender Number of seconds to wait between sending packets. Using the long_slow channel configuration, it's best not to go more frequent than once every 60 seconds. You can be more agressive with faster settings. 0 is default which disables sending messages. # Usage Notes For basic usage, you will need two devices both with a GPS. A device with a paired phone with GPS may work, I have not tried it. The first thing to do is to turn on the plugin. With the plugin turned on, the other settings will be available: range_test_plugin_enabled = 1 If you want to send a message every 60 seconds: range_test_plugin_sender = 60 To save a log of the messages: range_test_plugin_save = 1 # Known Problems * If turned on, using mesh network will become unwieldly because messages are sent over the same channel as the other messages. See TODO below. # TODO * Right now range test messages go over the TEXT_MESSAGE_APP port. We need a toggle to switch to RANGE_TEST_APP. # Need more help? Go to the Meshtastic Discourse Group if you have any questions or to share how you have used this. https://meshtastic.discourse.group