# trunk-ignore-all(ruff/F821) # trunk-ignore-all(flake8/F821): For SConstruct imports import sys from os.path import join from readprops import readProps Import("env") platform = env.PioPlatform() def esp32_create_combined_bin(source, target, env): # this sub is borrowed from ESPEasy build toolchain. It's licensed under GPL V3 # https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/blob/mega/tools/pio/post_esp32.py print("Generating combined binary for serial flashing") app_offset = 0x10000 new_file_name = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.factory.bin") sections = env.subst(env.get("FLASH_EXTRA_IMAGES")) firmware_name = env.subst("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin") chip = env.get("BOARD_MCU") flash_size = env.BoardConfig().get("upload.flash_size") flash_freq = env.BoardConfig().get("build.f_flash", "40m") flash_freq = flash_freq.replace("000000L", "m") flash_mode = env.BoardConfig().get("build.flash_mode", "dio") memory_type = env.BoardConfig().get("build.arduino.memory_type", "qio_qspi") if flash_mode == "qio" or flash_mode == "qout": flash_mode = "dio" if memory_type == "opi_opi" or memory_type == "opi_qspi": flash_mode = "dout" cmd = [ "--chip", chip, "merge_bin", "-o", new_file_name, "--flash_mode", flash_mode, "--flash_freq", flash_freq, "--flash_size", flash_size, ] print(" Offset | File") for section in sections: sect_adr, sect_file = section.split(" ", 1) print(f" - {sect_adr} | {sect_file}") cmd += [sect_adr, sect_file] print(f" - {hex(app_offset)} | {firmware_name}") cmd += [hex(app_offset), firmware_name] print("Using esptool.py arguments: %s" % " ".join(cmd)) esptool.main(cmd) if platform.name == "espressif32": sys.path.append(join(platform.get_package_dir("tool-esptoolpy"))) import esptool env.AddPostAction("$BUILD_DIR/${PROGNAME}.bin", esp32_create_combined_bin) esp32_kind = env.GetProjectOption("custom_esp32_kind") if esp32_kind == "esp32": # Free up some IRAM by removing auxiliary SPI flash chip drivers. # Wrapped stub symbols are defined in src/platform/esp32/iram-quirk.c. env.Append( LINKFLAGS=[ "-Wl,--wrap=esp_flash_chip_gd", "-Wl,--wrap=esp_flash_chip_issi", "-Wl,--wrap=esp_flash_chip_winbond", ] ) else: # For newer ESP32 targets, using newlib nano works better. env.Append(LINKFLAGS=["--specs=nano.specs", "-u", "_printf_float"]) Import("projenv") prefsLoc = projenv["PROJECT_DIR"] + "/version.properties" verObj = readProps(prefsLoc) print("Using meshtastic platformio-custom.py, firmware version " + verObj["long"]) # General options that are passed to the C and C++ compilers projenv.Append( CCFLAGS=[ "-DAPP_VERSION=" + verObj["long"], "-DAPP_VERSION_SHORT=" + verObj["short"], ] ) # Add a custom p.io project task to run the UF2 conversion script. env.AddCustomTarget( name="Convert Hex to UF2", dependencies=None, actions=["PYTHON .\\bin\\uf2conv.py $BUILD_DIR\$env\\firmware.hex -c -f 0xADA52840 -o $BUILD_DIR\$env\\firmware.uf2"], title="Convert hex to uf2", description="Runs the python script to convert an already-built .hex file into .uf2 for copying to a device" )