arduinoGP 8ff5dacc3c
Update MQTT.cpp
case Portnum_POSITION_APP adjusted so the various options allways get encoded into JSON as long as lat and long are present. There are circumstances where timestamp, time, or altitude might be missing and this causes silent failures of JSON encoding..
2022-12-01 15:44:47 -05:00

406 lines
17 KiB

#include "MQTT.h"
#include "MeshService.h"
#include "NodeDB.h"
#include "PowerFSM.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "mesh/Channels.h"
#include "mesh/Router.h"
#include "mesh/generated/mqtt.pb.h"
#include "mesh/generated/telemetry.pb.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "mqtt/JSON.h"
MQTT *mqtt;
String statusTopic = "msh/2/stat/";
String cryptTopic = "msh/2/c/"; // msh/2/c/CHANNELID/NODEID
String jsonTopic = "msh/2/json/"; // msh/2/json/CHANNELID/NODEID
void MQTT::mqttCallback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
mqtt->onPublish(topic, payload, length);
void MQTT::onPublish(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length)
// parsing ServiceEnvelope
ServiceEnvelope e = ServiceEnvelope_init_default;
if (moduleConfig.mqtt.json_enabled && (strncmp(topic, jsonTopic.c_str(), jsonTopic.length()) == 0)) {
// check if this is a json payload message by comparing the topic start
char payloadStr[length + 1];
memcpy(payloadStr, payload, length);
payloadStr[length] = 0; // null terminated string
JSONValue *json_value = JSON::Parse(payloadStr);
if (json_value != NULL) {
DEBUG_MSG("JSON Received on MQTT, parsing..\n");
// check if it is a valid envelope
JSONObject json;
json = json_value->AsObject();
if ((json.find("sender") != json.end()) && (json.find("payload") != json.end()) && (json.find("type") != json.end()) && json["type"]->IsString() && (json["type"]->AsString().compare("sendtext") == 0)) {
// this is a valid envelope
if (json["payload"]->IsString() && json["type"]->IsString() && (json["sender"]->AsString().compare( != 0)) {
std::string jsonPayloadStr = json["payload"]->AsString();
DEBUG_MSG("JSON payload %s, length %u\n", jsonPayloadStr.c_str(), jsonPayloadStr.length());
// construct protobuf data packet using TEXT_MESSAGE, send it to the mesh
MeshPacket *p = router->allocForSending();
p->decoded.portnum = PortNum_TEXT_MESSAGE_APP;
if (jsonPayloadStr.length() <= sizeof(p->decoded.payload.bytes)) {
memcpy(p->decoded.payload.bytes, jsonPayloadStr.c_str(), jsonPayloadStr.length());
p->decoded.payload.size = jsonPayloadStr.length();
MeshPacket *packet = packetPool.allocCopy(*p);
service.sendToMesh(packet, RX_SRC_LOCAL);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Received MQTT json payload too long, dropping\n");
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("JSON Ignoring downlink message we originally sent.\n");
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("JSON Received payload on MQTT but not a valid envelope\n");
} else {
// no json, this is an invalid payload
DEBUG_MSG("Invalid MQTT service envelope, topic %s, len %u!\n", topic, length);
delete json_value;
} else {
if (!pb_decode_from_bytes(payload, length, ServiceEnvelope_fields, &e)) {
DEBUG_MSG("Invalid MQTT service envelope, topic %s, len %u!\n", topic, length);
}else {
if (strcmp(e.gateway_id, == 0)
DEBUG_MSG("Ignoring downlink message we originally sent.\n");
else {
if (e.packet) {
DEBUG_MSG("Received MQTT topic %s, len=%u\n", topic, length);
MeshPacket *p = packetPool.allocCopy(*e.packet);
// ignore messages sent by us or if we don't have the channel key
if (router && p->from != nodeDB.getNodeNum() && perhapsDecode(p))
// make sure to free both strings and the MeshPacket (passing in NULL is acceptable)
void mqttInit()
new MQTT();
MQTT::MQTT() : concurrency::OSThread("mqtt"), pubSub(mqttClient)
mqtt = this;
// preflightSleepObserver.observe(&preflightSleep);
bool MQTT::connected()
return pubSub.connected();
void MQTT::reconnect()
if (wantsLink()) {
// Defaults
int serverPort = 1883;
const char *serverAddr = default_mqtt_address;
const char *mqttUsername = default_mqtt_username;
const char *mqttPassword = default_mqtt_password;
if (*moduleConfig.mqtt.address) {
serverAddr = moduleConfig.mqtt.address;
mqttUsername = moduleConfig.mqtt.username;
mqttPassword = moduleConfig.mqtt.password;
String server = String(serverAddr);
int delimIndex = server.indexOf(':');
if (delimIndex > 0) {
String port = server.substring(delimIndex + 1, server.length());
server[delimIndex] = 0;
serverPort = port.toInt();
serverAddr = server.c_str();
pubSub.setServer(serverAddr, serverPort);
DEBUG_MSG("Connecting to MQTT server %s, port: %d, username: %s, password: %s\n", serverAddr, serverPort, mqttUsername, mqttPassword);
auto myStatus = (statusTopic +;
bool connected = pubSub.connect(, mqttUsername, mqttPassword, myStatus.c_str(), 1, true, "offline");
if (connected) {
DEBUG_MSG("MQTT connected\n");
enabled = true; // Start running background process again
runASAP = true;
/// FIXME, include more information in the status text
bool ok = pubSub.publish(myStatus.c_str(), "online", true);
DEBUG_MSG("published %d\n", ok);
} else
DEBUG_MSG("Failed to contact MQTT server...\n");
void MQTT::sendSubscriptions()
size_t numChan = channels.getNumChannels();
for (size_t i = 0; i < numChan; i++) {
auto &ch = channels.getByIndex(i);
if (ch.settings.downlink_enabled) {
String topic = cryptTopic + channels.getGlobalId(i) + "/#";
DEBUG_MSG("Subscribing to %s\n", topic.c_str());
pubSub.subscribe(topic.c_str(), 1); // FIXME, is QOS 1 right?
if (moduleConfig.mqtt.json_enabled == true) {
String topicDecoded = jsonTopic + channels.getGlobalId(i) + "/#";
DEBUG_MSG("Subscribing to %s\n", topicDecoded.c_str());
pubSub.subscribe(topicDecoded.c_str(), 1); // FIXME, is QOS 1 right?
bool MQTT::wantsLink() const
bool hasChannel = false;
if (moduleConfig.mqtt.enabled) {
// No need for link if no channel needed it
size_t numChan = channels.getNumChannels();
for (size_t i = 0; i < numChan; i++) {
auto &ch = channels.getByIndex(i);
if (ch.settings.uplink_enabled || ch.settings.downlink_enabled) {
hasChannel = true;
return hasChannel && WiFi.isConnected();
return hasChannel && (Ethernet.linkStatus() == LinkON);
return false;
int32_t MQTT::runOnce()
bool wantConnection = wantsLink();
// If connected poll rapidly, otherwise only occasionally check for a wifi connection change and ability to contact server
if (!pubSub.loop()) {
if (wantConnection) {
// If we succeeded, start reading rapidly, else try again in 30 seconds (TCP connections are EXPENSIVE so try rarely)
return pubSub.connected() ? 20 : 30000;
} else
return 5000; // If we don't want connection now, check again in 5 secs
} else {
// we are connected to server, check often for new requests on the TCP port
if (!wantConnection) {
DEBUG_MSG("MQTT link not needed, dropping\n");
powerFSM.trigger(EVENT_CONTACT_FROM_PHONE); // Suppress entering light sleep (because that would turn off bluetooth)
return 20;
void MQTT::onSend(const MeshPacket &mp, ChannelIndex chIndex)
auto &ch = channels.getByIndex(chIndex);
// don't bother sending if not connected...
if (pubSub.connected() && ch.settings.uplink_enabled) {
const char *channelId = channels.getGlobalId(chIndex); // FIXME, for now we just use the human name for the channel
ServiceEnvelope env = ServiceEnvelope_init_default;
env.channel_id = (char *)channelId;
env.gateway_id =;
env.packet = (MeshPacket *)&mp;
// FIXME - this size calculation is super sloppy, but it will go away once we dynamically alloc meshpackets
static uint8_t bytes[MeshPacket_size + 64];
size_t numBytes = pb_encode_to_bytes(bytes, sizeof(bytes), ServiceEnvelope_fields, &env);
String topic = cryptTopic + channelId + "/" +;
DEBUG_MSG("publish %s, %u bytes\n", topic.c_str(), numBytes);
pubSub.publish(topic.c_str(), bytes, numBytes, false);
if (moduleConfig.mqtt.json_enabled) {
// handle json topic
auto jsonString = this->downstreamPacketToJson((MeshPacket *)&mp);
if (jsonString.length() != 0) {
String topicJson = jsonTopic + channelId + "/" +;
DEBUG_MSG("JSON publish message to %s, %u bytes: %s\n", topicJson.c_str(), jsonString.length(), jsonString.c_str());
pubSub.publish(topicJson.c_str(), jsonString.c_str(), false);
// converts a downstream packet into a json message
std::string MQTT::downstreamPacketToJson(MeshPacket *mp)
// the created jsonObj is immutable after creation, so
// we need to do the heavy lifting before assembling it.
String msgType;
JSONObject msgPayload;
JSONObject jsonObj;
switch (mp->decoded.portnum) {
case PortNum_TEXT_MESSAGE_APP: {
msgType = "text";
// convert bytes to string
DEBUG_MSG("got text message of size %u\n", mp->decoded.payload.size);
char payloadStr[(mp->decoded.payload.size) + 1];
memcpy(payloadStr, mp->decoded.payload.bytes, mp->decoded.payload.size);
payloadStr[mp->decoded.payload.size] = 0; // null terminated string
// check if this is a JSON payload
JSONValue *json_value = JSON::Parse(payloadStr);
if (json_value != NULL) {
DEBUG_MSG("text message payload is of type json\n");
// if it is, then we can just use the json object
jsonObj["payload"] = json_value;
} else {
// if it isn't, then we need to create a json object
// with the string as the value
DEBUG_MSG("text message payload is of type plaintext\n");
msgPayload["text"] = new JSONValue(payloadStr);
jsonObj["payload"] = new JSONValue(msgPayload);
case PortNum_TELEMETRY_APP: {
msgType = "telemetry";
Telemetry scratch;
Telemetry *decoded = NULL;
if (mp->which_payload_variant == MeshPacket_decoded_tag) {
memset(&scratch, 0, sizeof(scratch));
if (pb_decode_from_bytes(mp->decoded.payload.bytes, mp->decoded.payload.size, &Telemetry_msg, &scratch)) {
decoded = &scratch;
if (decoded->which_variant == Telemetry_device_metrics_tag) {
msgPayload["battery_level"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->variant.device_metrics.battery_level);
msgPayload["voltage"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.device_metrics.voltage);
msgPayload["channel_utilization"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.device_metrics.channel_utilization);
msgPayload["air_util_tx"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.device_metrics.air_util_tx);
} else if (decoded->which_variant == Telemetry_environment_metrics_tag) {
msgPayload["temperature"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.environment_metrics.temperature);
msgPayload["relative_humidity"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.environment_metrics.relative_humidity);
msgPayload["barometric_pressure"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.environment_metrics.barometric_pressure);
msgPayload["gas_resistance"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.environment_metrics.gas_resistance);
msgPayload["voltage"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.environment_metrics.voltage);
msgPayload["current"] = new JSONValue(decoded->variant.environment_metrics.current);
jsonObj["payload"] = new JSONValue(msgPayload);
} else
DEBUG_MSG("Error decoding protobuf for telemetry message!\n");
case PortNum_NODEINFO_APP: {
msgType = "nodeinfo";
User scratch;
User *decoded = NULL;
if (mp->which_payload_variant == MeshPacket_decoded_tag) {
memset(&scratch, 0, sizeof(scratch));
if (pb_decode_from_bytes(mp->decoded.payload.bytes, mp->decoded.payload.size, &User_msg, &scratch)) {
decoded = &scratch;
msgPayload["id"] = new JSONValue(decoded->id);
msgPayload["longname"] = new JSONValue(decoded->long_name);
msgPayload["shortname"] = new JSONValue(decoded->short_name);
msgPayload["hardware"] = new JSONValue(decoded->hw_model);
jsonObj["payload"] = new JSONValue(msgPayload);
} else
DEBUG_MSG("Error decoding protobuf for nodeinfo message!\n");
case PortNum_POSITION_APP: {
msgType = "position";
Position scratch;
Position *decoded = NULL;
if (mp->which_payload_variant == MeshPacket_decoded_tag) {
memset(&scratch, 0, sizeof(scratch));
if (pb_decode_from_bytes(mp->decoded.payload.bytes, mp->decoded.payload.size, &Position_msg, &scratch)) {
decoded = &scratch;
if((int)decoded->time){msgPayload["time"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->time);}
if ((int)decoded->timestamp){msgPayload["timestamp"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->timestamp);}
msgPayload["latitude_i"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->latitude_i);
msgPayload["longitude_i"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->longitude_i);
if((int)decoded->altitude){msgPayload["altitude"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->altitude);}
jsonObj["payload"] = new JSONValue(msgPayload);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Error decoding protobuf for position message!\n");
case PortNum_WAYPOINT_APP: {
msgType = "position";
Waypoint scratch;
Waypoint *decoded = NULL;
if (mp->which_payload_variant == MeshPacket_decoded_tag) {
memset(&scratch, 0, sizeof(scratch));
if (pb_decode_from_bytes(mp->decoded.payload.bytes, mp->decoded.payload.size, &Waypoint_msg, &scratch)) {
decoded = &scratch;
msgPayload["id"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->id);
msgPayload["name"] = new JSONValue(decoded->name);
msgPayload["description"] = new JSONValue(decoded->description);
msgPayload["expire"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->expire);
msgPayload["locked"] = new JSONValue(decoded->locked);
msgPayload["latitude_i"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->latitude_i);
msgPayload["longitude_i"] = new JSONValue((int)decoded->longitude_i);
jsonObj["payload"] = new JSONValue(msgPayload);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Error decoding protobuf for position message!\n");
// add more packet types here if needed
jsonObj["id"] = new JSONValue((int)mp->id);
jsonObj["timestamp"] = new JSONValue((int)mp->rx_time);
jsonObj["to"] = new JSONValue((int)mp->to);
jsonObj["from"] = new JSONValue((int)mp->from);
jsonObj["channel"] = new JSONValue((int)mp->channel);
jsonObj["type"] = new JSONValue(msgType.c_str());
jsonObj["sender"] = new JSONValue(;
// serialize and write it to the stream
JSONValue *value = new JSONValue(jsonObj);
std::string jsonStr = value->Stringify();
DEBUG_MSG("serialized json message: %s\n", jsonStr.c_str());
delete value;
return jsonStr;