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#pragma once
#include <OLEDDisplay.h>
// Re-enable SPI after deep sleep: rtc_gpio_hold_dis()
#include "driver/rtc_io.h"
* An adapter class that allows using the GxEPD2 library as if it was an OLEDDisplay implementation.
* Remaining TODO:
* optimize display() to only draw changed pixels (see other OLED subclasses for examples)
* implement displayOn/displayOff to turn off the TFT device (and backlight)
* Use the fast NRF52 SPI API rather than the slow standard arduino version
* turn radio back on - currently with both on spi bus is fucked? or are we leaving chip select asserted?
class EInkDisplay : public OLEDDisplay
/// How often should we update the display
/// thereafter we do once per 5 minutes
uint32_t slowUpdateMsec = 5 * 60 * 1000;
/* constructor
FIXME - the parameters are not used, just a temporary hack to keep working like the old displays
EInkDisplay(uint8_t, int, int, OLEDDISPLAY_GEOMETRY, HW_I2C);
// Write the buffer to the display memory (for eink we only do this occasionally)
virtual void display(void) override;
* Force a display update if we haven't drawn within the specified msecLimit
* @return true if we did draw the screen
bool forceDisplay(uint32_t msecLimit = 1000);
* shim to make the abstraction happy
void setDetected(uint8_t detected);
// the header size of the buffer used, e.g. for the SPI command header
virtual int getBufferOffset(void) override { return 0; }
// Send a command to the display (low level function)
virtual void sendCommand(uint8_t com) override;
// Connect to the display
virtual bool connect() override;
// Full, fast, or skip: balance urgency with display health
// Use fast refresh if EITHER:
// * highPriority() was set
// * a highPriority() update was previously skipped, for rate-limiting - (EINK_HIGHPRIORITY_LIMIT_SECONDS)
// Use full refresh if EITHER:
// * lowPriority() was set
// * demandFullRefresh() was called - (single shot)
// * too many fast updates in a row: protect display - (EINK_FASTREFRESH_REPEAT_LIMIT)
// * no recent updates, and last update was fast: redraw for image quality (EINK_LOWPRIORITY_LIMIT_SECONDS)
// * (optional) too many "erasures" since full-refresh (black pixels cleared to white)
// Rate limit if:
// * highPriority(), if multiple fast updates have run back-to-back - (EINK_HIGHPRIORITY_LIMIT_SECONDS)
// Skip update entirely if ALL criteria met:
// * new image matches old image
// * lowPriority()
// * no call to demandFullRefresh()
// * not redrawing for image quality
// * not refreshing for display health
// ------------------------------------
// To implement for your E-Ink display:
// * edit configForFastRefresh()
// * edit configForFullRefresh()
// * add macros to variant.h, and adjust to taste:
#define EINK_FASTREFRESH_ERASURE_LIMIT 300 // optional
void highPriority(); // Suggest fast refresh
void lowPriority(); // Suggest full refresh
void demandFullRefresh(); // For next update: explicitly request full refresh
void configForFastRefresh(); // Display specific code to select fast refresh mode
void configForFullRefresh(); // Display specific code to return to full refresh mode
bool newImageMatchesOld(); // Is the new update actually different to the last image?
bool determineRefreshMode(); // Called immediately before data written to display - choose refresh mode, or abort update
int32_t countBlackPixels(); // Calculate the number of black pixels in the new image
bool tooManyErasures(); // Has too much "ghosting" (black pixels erased to white) accumulated since last full-refresh?
bool isHighPriority = true; // Does the method calling update believe that this is urgent?
bool needsFull = false; // Is a full refresh forced? (display health)
bool demandingFull = false; // Was full refresh specifically requested? (splash screens, etc)
bool missedHighPriorityUpdate = false; // Was a high priority update skipped for rate-limiting?
uint16_t fastRefreshCount = 0; // How many fast updates have occurred since last full refresh?
uint32_t lastUpdateMsec = 0; // When did the last update occur?
uint32_t prevImageHash = 0; // Used to check if update will change screen image (skippable or not)
int32_t prevBlackCount = 0; // How many black pixels were in the previous image
uint32_t erasedSinceFull = 0; // How many black pixels have been set back to white since last full-refresh? (roughly)
// Set in variant.h
const uint32_t lowPriorityLimitMsec = (uint32_t)1000 * EINK_LOWPRIORITY_LIMIT_SECONDS; // Max rate for fast refreshes
const uint32_t highPriorityLimitMsec = (uint32_t)1000 * EINK_HIGHPRIORITY_LIMIT_SECONDS; // Max rate for full refreshes
const uint32_t fastRefreshLimit = EINK_FASTREFRESH_REPEAT_LIMIT; // Max consecutive fast updates, before full is triggered
// Tolerate calls to these methods anywhere, just to be safe
void highPriority() {}
void lowPriority() {}
void demandFullRefresh() {}