geeksville 8bca3e168d
Add PowerMon support ()
* Turn off vscode cmake prompt - we don't use cmake on meshtastic

* Add rak4631_dap variant for debugging with NanoDAP debug probe device.

* The rak device can also run freertos (which is underneath nrf52 arduino)

* Add semihosting support for nrf52840 devices
Initial platformio.ini file only supports rak4630
Default to non TCP for the semihosting log output for now...

* powermon WIP (for )

* oops - mean't to mark the _dbg variant as an 'extra' board.

* powermon wip

* Make serial port on wio-sdk-wm1110 board work
By disabling the (inaccessible) adafruit USB

* Instrument (radiolib only for now) lora for powermon

* powermon gps support

* Add CPU deep and light sleep powermon states

* Change the board/swversion bootstring so it is a new "structured" log msg.

* powermon wip

* add example script for getting esp S3 debugging working
Not yet used but I didn't want these nasty tricks to get lost yet.

* Add PowerMon reporting for screen and bluetooth pwr.

* make power.powermon_enables config setting work.

* update to latest protobufs

* fix bogus shellcheck warning

* make powermon optional (but default enabled because tiny and no runtime impact)

* tell vscode, if formatting, use whatever our trunk formatter wants
without this flag if the user has set some other formatter (clang)
in their user level settings, it will be looking in the wrong directory
for the clang options (we want the options in .trunk/clang)

Note: formatOnSave is true in master, which means a bunch of our older
files are non compliant and if you edit them it will generate lots of
formatting related diffs.  I guess I'll start letting that happen with
my future commits ;-).

* add PowerStress module

* nrf52 arduino is built upon freertos, so let platformio debug it

* don't accidentally try to Segger ICE if we are using another ICE

* clean up RedirectablePrint::log so it doesn't have three very different implementations inline.

* remove NoopPrint - it is no longer needed

* when talking to API clients via serial, don't turn off log msgs instead encapsuate them

* fix the build - would loop forever if there were no files to send

* don't use Segger code if not talking to a Segger debugger

* when encapsulating logs, make sure the strings always has nul terminators

* nrf52 soft device will watchdog if you use ICE while BT on...
so have debugger disable bluetooth.

* Important to not print debug messages while writing to the toPhone scratch buffer

* don't include newlines if encapsulating log records as protobufs

* update to latest protobufs (needed for powermon goo)

* PowerStress WIP

* fix linter warning
2024-07-03 18:02:20 -05:00

411 lines
18 KiB

* @file PowerFSM.cpp
* @brief Implements the finite state machine for power management.
* This file contains the implementation of the finite state machine (FSM) for power management.
* The FSM controls the power states of the device, including SDS (shallow deep sleep), LS (light sleep),
* NB (normal mode), and POWER (powered mode). The FSM also handles transitions between states and
* actions to be taken upon entering or exiting each state.
#include "PowerFSM.h"
#include "Default.h"
#include "MeshService.h"
#include "NodeDB.h"
#include "PowerMon.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "graphics/Screen.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include "target_specific.h"
#ifndef SLEEP_TIME
#define SLEEP_TIME 30
/// Should we behave as if we have AC power now?
static bool isPowered()
// Circumvent the battery sensing logic and assumes constant power if no battery pin or power mgmt IC
#if !defined(BATTERY_PIN) && !defined(HAS_AXP192) && !defined(HAS_AXP2101)
return true;
bool isRouter = (config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_ROUTER ? 1 : 0);
// If we are not a router and we already have AC power go to POWER state after init, otherwise go to ON
// We assume routers might be powered all the time, but from a low current (solar) source
bool isPowerSavingMode = config.power.is_power_saving || isRouter;
/* To determine if we're externally powered, assumptions
1) If we're powered up and there's no battery, we must be getting power externally. (because we'd be dead otherwise)
2) If we detect USB power from the power management chip, we must be getting power externally.
3) On some boards we don't have the power management chip (like AXPxxxx) so we use EXT_PWR_DETECT GPIO pin to detect
external power source (see `isVbusIn()` in `Power.cpp`)
return !isPowerSavingMode && powerStatus && (!powerStatus->getHasBattery() || powerStatus->getHasUSB());
static void sdsEnter()
LOG_DEBUG("Enter state: SDS\n");
// FIXME - make sure GPS and LORA radio are off first - because we want close to zero current draw
doDeepSleep(Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.power.sds_secs), false);
extern Power *power;
static void shutdownEnter()
LOG_DEBUG("Enter state: SHUTDOWN\n");
#include "error.h"
static uint32_t secsSlept;
static void lsEnter()
LOG_INFO("lsEnter begin, ls_secs=%u\n", config.power.ls_secs);
secsSlept = 0; // How long have we been sleeping this time
// LOG_INFO("lsEnter end\n");
static void lsIdle()
// LOG_INFO("lsIdle begin ls_secs=%u\n", getPref_ls_secs());
#ifdef ARCH_ESP32
// Do we have more sleeping to do?
if (secsSlept < config.power.ls_secs) {
// If some other service would stall sleep, don't let sleep happen yet
if (doPreflightSleep()) {
// Briefly come out of sleep long enough to blink the led once every few seconds
uint32_t sleepTime = SLEEP_TIME;
setLed(false); // Never leave led on while in light sleep
esp_sleep_source_t wakeCause2 = doLightSleep(sleepTime * 1000LL);
switch (wakeCause2) {
// Normal case: timer expired, we should just go back to sleep ASAP
setLed(true); // briefly turn on led
wakeCause2 = doLightSleep(100); // leave led on for 1ms
secsSlept += sleepTime;
// LOG_INFO("sleeping, flash led!\n");
// Not currently used (because uart triggers in hw have problems)
// We woke for some other reason (button press, device IRQ interrupt)
bool pressed = !digitalRead(config.device.button_gpio ? config.device.button_gpio : BUTTON_PIN);
bool pressed = false;
if (pressed) { // If we woke because of press, instead generate a PRESS event.
} else {
// Otherwise let the NB state handle the IRQ (and that state will handle stuff like IRQs etc)
// we lie and say "wake timer" because the interrupt will be handled by the regular IRQ code
} else {
// Someone says we can't sleep now, so just save some power by sleeping the CPU for 100ms or so
} else {
// Time to stop sleeping!
LOG_INFO("Reached ls_secs, servicing loop()\n");
static void lsExit()
LOG_INFO("Exit state: LS\n");
static void nbEnter()
LOG_DEBUG("Enter state: NB\n");
#ifdef ARCH_ESP32
// Only ESP32 should turn off bluetooth
// FIXME - check if we already have packets for phone and immediately trigger EVENT_PACKETS_FOR_PHONE
static void darkEnter()
static void serialEnter()
LOG_DEBUG("Enter state: SERIAL\n");
screen->print("Serial connected\n");
static void serialExit()
// Turn bluetooth back on when we leave serial stream API
screen->print("Serial disconnected\n");
static void powerEnter()
// LOG_DEBUG("Enter state: POWER\n");
if (!isPowered()) {
// If we got here, we are in the wrong state - we should be in powered, let that state ahndle things
LOG_INFO("Loss of power in Powered\n");
} else {
// within enter() the function getState() returns the state we came from
// Mothballed: print change of power-state to device screen
/* if (strcmp(powerFSM.getState()->name, "BOOT") != 0 && strcmp(powerFSM.getState()->name, "POWER") != 0 &&
strcmp(powerFSM.getState()->name, "DARK") != 0) {
static void powerIdle()
if (!isPowered()) {
// If we got here, we are in the wrong state
LOG_INFO("Loss of power in Powered\n");
static void powerExit()
// Mothballed: print change of power-state to device screen
/*if (!isPowered())
static void onEnter()
LOG_DEBUG("Enter state: ON\n");
static void onIdle()
if (isPowered()) {
// If we got here, we are in the wrong state - we should be in powered, let that state ahndle things
static void screenPress()
static void bootEnter()
LOG_DEBUG("Enter state: BOOT\n");
State stateSHUTDOWN(shutdownEnter, NULL, NULL, "SHUTDOWN");
State stateSDS(sdsEnter, NULL, NULL, "SDS");
State stateLS(lsEnter, lsIdle, lsExit, "LS");
State stateNB(nbEnter, NULL, NULL, "NB");
State stateDARK(darkEnter, NULL, NULL, "DARK");
State stateSERIAL(serialEnter, NULL, serialExit, "SERIAL");
State stateBOOT(bootEnter, NULL, NULL, "BOOT");
State stateON(onEnter, onIdle, NULL, "ON");
State statePOWER(powerEnter, powerIdle, powerExit, "POWER");
Fsm powerFSM(&stateBOOT);
void PowerFSM_setup()
bool isRouter = (config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_ROUTER ? 1 : 0);
bool isTrackerOrSensor = config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TRACKER ||
config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_TAK_TRACKER ||
config.device.role == meshtastic_Config_DeviceConfig_Role_SENSOR;
bool hasPower = isPowered();
LOG_INFO("PowerFSM init, USB power=%d\n", hasPower ? 1 : 0);
powerFSM.add_timed_transition(&stateBOOT, hasPower ? &statePOWER : &stateON, 3 * 1000, NULL, "boot timeout");
// wake timer expired or a packet arrived
// if we are a router node, we go to NB (no need for bluetooth) otherwise we go to DARK (so we can send message to phone)
#ifdef ARCH_ESP32
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, isRouter ? &stateNB : &stateDARK, EVENT_WAKE_TIMER, NULL, "Wake timer");
#else // Don't go into a no-bluetooth state on low power platforms
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &stateDARK, EVENT_WAKE_TIMER, NULL, "Wake timer");
// We need this transition, because we might not transition if we were waiting to enter light-sleep, because when we wake from
// light sleep we _always_ transition to NB or dark and
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, isRouter ? &stateNB : &stateDARK, EVENT_PACKET_FOR_PHONE, NULL,
"Received packet, exiting light sleep");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateNB, EVENT_PACKET_FOR_PHONE, NULL, "Received packet, resetting win wake");
// Handle press events - note: we ignore button presses when in API mode
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &stateON, EVENT_PRESS, NULL, "Press");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateON, EVENT_PRESS, NULL, "Press");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, isPowered() ? &statePOWER : &stateON, EVENT_PRESS, NULL, "Press");
powerFSM.add_transition(&statePOWER, &statePOWER, EVENT_PRESS, screenPress, "Press");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateON, EVENT_PRESS, screenPress, "Press"); // reenter On to restart our timers
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateSERIAL, &stateSERIAL, EVENT_PRESS, screenPress,
"Press"); // Allow button to work while in serial API
// Handle critically low power battery by forcing deep sleep
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateBOOT, &stateSDS, EVENT_LOW_BATTERY, NULL, "LowBat");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &stateSDS, EVENT_LOW_BATTERY, NULL, "LowBat");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateSDS, EVENT_LOW_BATTERY, NULL, "LowBat");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateSDS, EVENT_LOW_BATTERY, NULL, "LowBat");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateSDS, EVENT_LOW_BATTERY, NULL, "LowBat");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateSERIAL, &stateSDS, EVENT_LOW_BATTERY, NULL, "LowBat");
// Handle being told to power off
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateBOOT, &stateSHUTDOWN, EVENT_SHUTDOWN, NULL, "Shutdown");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &stateSHUTDOWN, EVENT_SHUTDOWN, NULL, "Shutdown");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateSHUTDOWN, EVENT_SHUTDOWN, NULL, "Shutdown");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateSHUTDOWN, EVENT_SHUTDOWN, NULL, "Shutdown");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateSHUTDOWN, EVENT_SHUTDOWN, NULL, "Shutdown");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateSERIAL, &stateSHUTDOWN, EVENT_SHUTDOWN, NULL, "Shutdown");
// Inputbroker
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &stateON, EVENT_INPUT, NULL, "Input Device");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateON, EVENT_INPUT, NULL, "Input Device");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateON, EVENT_INPUT, NULL, "Input Device");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateON, EVENT_INPUT, NULL, "Input Device"); // restarts the sleep timer
powerFSM.add_transition(&statePOWER, &statePOWER, EVENT_INPUT, NULL, "Input Device"); // restarts the sleep timer
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateON, EVENT_BLUETOOTH_PAIR, NULL, "Bluetooth pairing");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateON, EVENT_BLUETOOTH_PAIR, NULL, "Bluetooth pairing");
// if we are a router we don't turn the screen on for these things
if (!isRouter) {
// if any packet destined for phone arrives, turn on bluetooth at least
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateDARK, EVENT_PACKET_FOR_PHONE, NULL, "Packet for phone");
// show the latest node when we get a new node db update
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateON, EVENT_NODEDB_UPDATED, NULL, "NodeDB update");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateON, EVENT_NODEDB_UPDATED, NULL, "NodeDB update");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateON, EVENT_NODEDB_UPDATED, NULL, "NodeDB update");
// Show the received text message
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &stateON, EVENT_RECEIVED_MSG, NULL, "Received text");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateON, EVENT_RECEIVED_MSG, NULL, "Received text");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateON, EVENT_RECEIVED_MSG, NULL, "Received text");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateON, EVENT_RECEIVED_MSG, NULL, "Received text"); // restarts the sleep timer
// If we are not in statePOWER but get a serial connection, suppress sleep (and keep the screen on) while connected
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &stateSERIAL, EVENT_SERIAL_CONNECTED, NULL, "serial API");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &stateSERIAL, EVENT_SERIAL_CONNECTED, NULL, "serial API");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateSERIAL, EVENT_SERIAL_CONNECTED, NULL, "serial API");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &stateSERIAL, EVENT_SERIAL_CONNECTED, NULL, "serial API");
powerFSM.add_transition(&statePOWER, &stateSERIAL, EVENT_SERIAL_CONNECTED, NULL, "serial API");
// If we get power connected, go to the power connect state
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateLS, &statePOWER, EVENT_POWER_CONNECTED, NULL, "power connect");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateNB, &statePOWER, EVENT_POWER_CONNECTED, NULL, "power connect");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &statePOWER, EVENT_POWER_CONNECTED, NULL, "power connect");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateON, &statePOWER, EVENT_POWER_CONNECTED, NULL, "power connect");
powerFSM.add_transition(&statePOWER, &stateON, EVENT_POWER_DISCONNECTED, NULL, "power disconnected");
// powerFSM.add_transition(&stateSERIAL, &stateON, EVENT_POWER_DISCONNECTED, NULL, "power disconnected");
// the only way to leave state serial is for the client to disconnect (or we timeout and force disconnect them)
// when we leave, go to ON (which might not be the correct state if we have power connected, we will fix that in onEnter)
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateSERIAL, &stateON, EVENT_SERIAL_DISCONNECTED, NULL, "serial disconnect");
powerFSM.add_transition(&stateDARK, &stateDARK, EVENT_CONTACT_FROM_PHONE, NULL, "Contact from phone");
#ifdef USE_EINK
// Allow E-Ink devices to suppress the screensaver, if screen timeout set to 0
if (config.display.screen_on_secs > 0)
powerFSM.add_timed_transition(&stateON, &stateDARK,
Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.display.screen_on_secs, default_screen_on_secs),
NULL, "Screen-on timeout");
powerFSM.add_timed_transition(&statePOWER, &stateDARK,
Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.display.screen_on_secs, default_screen_on_secs),
NULL, "Screen-on timeout");
// We never enter light-sleep or NB states on NRF52 (because the CPU uses so little power normally)
#ifdef ARCH_ESP32
// See:
// Don't add power saving transitions if we are a power saving tracker or sensor. Sleep will be initiatiated through the
// modules
if ((isRouter || config.power.is_power_saving) && !isTrackerOrSensor) {
powerFSM.add_timed_transition(&stateNB, &stateLS,
Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.power.min_wake_secs, default_min_wake_secs), NULL,
"Min wake timeout");
// If ESP32 and using power-saving, timer mover from DARK to light-sleep
// Also serves purpose of the old DARK to DARK transition(?) See
&stateDARK, &stateLS,
Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.power.wait_bluetooth_secs, default_wait_bluetooth_secs), NULL,
"Bluetooth timeout");
} else {
// If ESP32, but not using power-saving, check periodically if config has drifted out of stateDark
powerFSM.add_timed_transition(&stateDARK, &stateDARK,
Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.display.screen_on_secs, default_screen_on_secs),
NULL, "Screen-on timeout");
// If not ESP32, light-sleep not used. Check periodically if config has drifted out of stateDark
powerFSM.add_timed_transition(&stateDARK, &stateDARK,
Default::getConfiguredOrDefaultMs(config.display.screen_on_secs, default_screen_on_secs), NULL,
"Screen-on timeout");
powerFSM.run_machine(); // run one iteration of the state machine, so we run our on enter tasks for the initial DARK state