2020-10-25 17:07:54 +08:00

282 lines
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#include "GPS.h"
#include "NodeDB.h"
#include "RTC.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include "sleep.h"
#include <assert.h>
// If we have a serial GPS port it will not be null
#ifdef GPS_RX_PIN
HardwareSerial _serial_gps_real(GPS_SERIAL_NUM);
HardwareSerial *GPS::_serial_gps = &_serial_gps_real;
#elif defined(NRF52840_XXAA) || defined(NRF52833_XXAA)
// Assume NRF52840
HardwareSerial *GPS::_serial_gps = &Serial1;
HardwareSerial *GPS::_serial_gps = NULL;
uint8_t GPS::i2cAddress = GPS_I2C_ADDRESS;
uint8_t GPS::i2cAddress = 0;
GPS *gps;
bool GPS::setupGPS()
if (_serial_gps) {
#ifdef GPS_RX_PIN
_serial_gps->begin(GPS_BAUDRATE, SERIAL_8N1, GPS_RX_PIN, GPS_TX_PIN);
#ifndef NO_ESP32
_serial_gps->setRxBufferSize(2048); // the default is 256
return true;
bool GPS::setup()
// Master power for the GPS
#ifdef PIN_GPS_EN
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_EN, PIN_GPS_EN);
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_RESET, 1); // assert for 10ms
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_RESET, 0);
setAwake(true); // Wake GPS power before doing any init
bool ok = setupGPS();
if (ok)
return ok;
// Allow defining the polarity of the WAKE output. default is active high
void GPS::wake()
void GPS::sleep() {
digitalWrite(PIN_GPS_WAKE, GPS_WAKE_ACTIVE ? 0 : 1);
/// Record that we have a GPS
void GPS::setConnected()
if (!hasGPS) {
hasGPS = true;
shouldPublish = true;
void GPS::setNumSatellites(uint8_t n)
if (n != numSatellites) {
numSatellites = n;
shouldPublish = true;
* Switch the GPS into a mode where we are actively looking for a lock, or alternatively switch GPS into a low power mode
* calls sleep/wake
void GPS::setAwake(bool on)
if (!wakeAllowed && on) {
DEBUG_MSG("Inhibiting because !wakeAllowed\n");
on = false;
if (isAwake != on) {
DEBUG_MSG("WANT GPS=%d\n", on);
if (on) {
lastWakeStartMsec = millis();
} else {
lastSleepStartMsec = millis();
isAwake = on;
GpsOperation GPS::getGpsOp() const
auto op = radioConfig.preferences.gps_operation;
if (op == GpsOperation_GpsOpUnset)
op = (radioConfig.preferences.location_share == LocationSharing_LocDisabled) ? GpsOperation_GpsOpTimeOnly
: GpsOperation_GpsOpMobile;
return op;
/** Get how long we should stay looking for each aquisition in msecs
uint32_t GPS::getWakeTime() const
uint32_t t = radioConfig.preferences.gps_attempt_time;
if (t == UINT32_MAX)
return t; // already maxint
if (t == 0)
t = 15 * 60; // Allow up to 5 mins for each attempt (probably will be much less if we can find sats)
t *= 1000; // msecs
return t;
/** Get how long we should sleep between aqusition attempts in msecs
uint32_t GPS::getSleepTime() const
uint32_t t = radioConfig.preferences.gps_update_interval;
auto op = getGpsOp();
bool gotTime = (getRTCQuality() >= RTCQualityGPS);
if ((gotTime && op == GpsOperation_GpsOpTimeOnly) || (op == GpsOperation_GpsOpDisabled))
t = UINT32_MAX; // Sleep forever now
if (t == UINT32_MAX)
return t; // already maxint
if (t == 0)
t = 2 * 60; // 2 mins
t *= 1000;
return t;
void GPS::publishUpdate()
if (shouldPublish) {
shouldPublish = false;
DEBUG_MSG("publishing GPS lock=%d\n", hasLock());
// Notify any status instances that are observing us
const meshtastic::GPSStatus status =
meshtastic::GPSStatus(hasLock(), isConnected(), latitude, longitude, altitude, dop, heading, numSatellites);
int32_t GPS::runOnce()
if (whileIdle()) {
// if we have received valid NMEA claim we are connected
// If we are overdue for an update, turn on the GPS and at least publish the current status
uint32_t now = millis();
auto sleepTime = getSleepTime();
if (!isAwake && sleepTime != UINT32_MAX && (now - lastSleepStartMsec) > sleepTime) {
// We now want to be awake - so wake up the GPS
// While we are awake
if (isAwake) {
// DEBUG_MSG("looking for location\n");
if ((now - lastWhileActiveMsec) > 5000) {
lastWhileActiveMsec = now;
// If we've already set time from the GPS, no need to ask the GPS
bool gotTime = (getRTCQuality() >= RTCQualityGPS);
if (!gotTime && lookForTime()) { // Note: we count on this && short-circuiting and not resetting the RTC time
gotTime = true;
shouldPublish = true;
bool gotLoc = lookForLocation();
if (gotLoc && !hasValidLocation) { // declare that we have location ASAP
hasValidLocation = true;
shouldPublish = true;
// We've been awake too long - force sleep
auto wakeTime = getWakeTime();
bool tooLong = wakeTime != UINT32_MAX && (now - lastWakeStartMsec) > wakeTime;
// Once we get a location we no longer desperately want an update
// or if we got a time and we are in GpsOpTimeOnly mode
// DEBUG_MSG("gotLoc %d, tooLong %d, gotTime %d\n", gotLoc, tooLong, gotTime);
if ((gotLoc && gotTime) || tooLong || (gotTime && getGpsOp() == GpsOperation_GpsOpTimeOnly)) {
if (tooLong) {
// we didn't get a location during this ack window, therefore declare loss of lock
hasValidLocation = false;
shouldPublish = true; // publish our update for this just finished acquisition window
// If state has changed do a publish
// 9600bps is approx 1 byte per msec, so considering our buffer size we never need to wake more often than 200ms
// if not awake we can run super infrquently (once every 5 secs?) to see if we need to wake.
return isAwake ? 100 : 5000;
void GPS::forceWake(bool on)
if (on) {
DEBUG_MSG("Allowing GPS lock\n");
// lastSleepStartMsec = 0; // Force an update ASAP
wakeAllowed = true;
} else {
wakeAllowed = false;
// Note: if the gps was already awake, we DO NOT shut it down, because we want to allow it to complete its lock
// attempt even if we are in light sleep. Once the attempt succeeds (or times out) we'll then shut it down.
// setAwake(false);
/// Prepare the GPS for the cpu entering deep or light sleep, expect to be gone for at least 100s of msecs
int GPS::prepareSleep(void *unused)
return 0;