Kevin Hester 7a5832ab8a SX1262: fix serious bug with detecting if we have a rx packet in progress
Could cause hangs on the way into sleep (and enormous power consumption).
Instead of checking for rx packet length (which only changes at completion)
check if we've received preamble bits but haven't yet received a completed
packet interrupt.


wait to sleep loop problem
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
Can not send yet, busyRx
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0

vs normal run
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
Starting low level send (id=0x53fe1dd0 Fr0xe5 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 encrypted)
Completed sending (id=0x53fe1dd0 Fr0xe5 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 encrypted)
2020-10-07 13:43:51 +08:00

279 lines
9.4 KiB

; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
default_envs = tbeam # lora-relay-v1 # nrf52840dk-geeksville # linux # or if you'd like to change the default to something like lora-relay-v1 put that here
;default_envs = heltec # lora-relay-v1 # nrf52840dk-geeksville # linux # or if you'd like to change the default to something like lora-relay-v1 put that here
; common is not currently used
; REQUIRED environment variables - if not set the specified default will be sued
; The following environment variables must be set in the shell if you'd like to override them.
; They are used in this ini file as systenv.VARNAME, so in your shell do export "VARNAME=fish"
; COUNTRY (default US), i.e. "export COUNTRY=EU865"
; APP_VERSION (default emptystring)
; HW_VERSION (default emptystring)
; note: we add src to our include search path so that lmic_project_config can override
; FIXME: fix lib/BluetoothOTA dependency back on src/ so we can remove -Isrc
build_flags = -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Isrc -Isrc/mesh -Isrc/gps -Ilib/nanopb/include -Wl,-Map,.pio/build/
; leave this commented out to avoid breaking Windows
;upload_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
;monitor_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
; geeksville: I think setting this should not be required - it breaks linux
;upload_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
;monitor_port = /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
; the default is esptool
; upload_protocol = esp-prog
; monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_speed = 921600
# debug_tool = esp-prog
# debug_port = /dev/ttyACM0
debug_tool = jlink
;upload_protocol = jlink
; debug_tool = olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h
; upload_protocol = olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h
;debug_init_cmds =
; monitor adapter_khz 10000
lib_deps = ; ESP8266_SSD1306
1260 ; OneButton library for non-blocking button debounce
1202 ; CRC32, explicitly needed because dependency is missing in the ble ota update lib
Wire ; explicitly needed here because the AXP202 library forgets to add it
; Common settings for conventional (non Portduino) Ardino targets
framework = arduino
lib_deps =
build_flags = ${env.build_flags} -Os
src_filter = ${env.src_filter} -<portduino/>
; Common settings for ESP targes, mixin with extends = esp32_base
extends = arduino_base
platform = espressif32
src_filter =
${arduino_base.src_filter} -<nrf52/>
upload_speed = 921600
debug_init_break = tbreak setup
build_flags =
${arduino_base.build_flags} -Wall -Wextra -Isrc/esp32 -Isrc/esp32-mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue -lnimble -std=c++11
# Hmm - this doesn't work yet
# board_build.ldscript = linker/esp32.extram.bss.ld
lib_ignore = segger_rtt
platform_packages =
; customize the partition table
board_build.partitions = partition-table.csv
; not needed included in ttgo-t-beam board file
; also to use PSRAM
; -mfix-esp32-psram-cache-issue
; The 1.0 release of the TBEAM board
extends = esp32_base
board = ttgo-t-beam
lib_deps =
build_flags =
${esp32_base.build_flags} -D TBEAM_V10
; The original TBEAM board without the AXP power chip and a few other changes
; Note: I've heard reports this didn't work. Disabled until someone with a 0.7 can test and debug.
extends = esp32_base
board = ttgo-t-beam
build_flags =
${esp32_base.build_flags} -D TBEAM_V07
;build_type = debug ; to make it possible to step through our jtag debugger
extends = esp32_base
board = heltec_wifi_lora_32_V2
extends = esp32_base
board = ttgo-lora32-v1
build_flags =
${esp32_base.build_flags} -D TLORA_V1
; note: the platformio definition for lora32-v2 seems stale, it is missing a pins_arduino.h file, therefore I don't think it works
extends = esp32_base
board = ttgo-lora32-v1
build_flags =
${esp32_base.build_flags} -D TLORA_V2
extends = esp32_base
board = ttgo-lora32-v1
build_flags =
${esp32_base.build_flags} -D TLORA_V2_1_16
; The Heltec Cubecell plus
; IMPORTANT NOTE: This target doesn't yet work and probably won't ever work. I'm keeping it around for now.
; For more details see my post in the forum.
platform = ; we use top-of-tree because stable version has too many bugs - asrmicro650x
board = cubecell_board_plus
; FIXME, bug in cubecell arduino - they are supposed to set ARDUINO
build_flags = ${arduino_base.build_flags} -DARDUINO=100 -Isrc/cubecell
src_filter =
${arduino_base.src_filter} -<esp32/> -<nrf52/>
; Common settings for NRF52 based targets
; Instead of the standard nordicnrf52 platform, we use our fork which has our added variant files
; platform = nordicnrf52
platform =
extends = arduino_base
debug_tool = jlink
build_type = debug ; I'm debugging with ICE a lot now
; note: liboberon provides the AES256 implementation for NRF52 (though not using the hardware acceleration of the NRF52840 - FIXME)
build_flags =
${arduino_base.build_flags} -Wno-unused-variable
-Isdk-nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/include -Lsdk-nrfxlib/crypto/nrf_oberon/lib/cortex-m4/hard-float/ -lliboberon_3.0.3
src_filter =
${arduino_base.src_filter} -<esp32/> -<nimble/> -<meshwifi/>
lib_ignore =
monitor_port = /dev/ttyACM1
debug_extra_cmds =
source gdbinit
; after programming the flash, reset the initial PC
; debug_load_cmds = load
; Set initial breakpoint (defaults to main)
debug_init_break =
;debug_init_break = tbreak loop
;debug_init_break = tbreak Reset_Handler
; The NRF52840-dk development board
; Note: By default no lora device is created for this build - it uses a simulated interface
extends = nrf52_base
board = nrf52840_dk
; The NRF52840-dk development board, but @geeksville's board - which has a busted oscilliator
extends = nrf52_base
board = nrf52840_dk_modified
# add our variants files to the include and src paths
build_flags = ${nrf52_base.build_flags} -Ivariants/pca10056-rc-clock
src_filter = ${nrf52_base.src_filter} +<../variants/pca10056-rc-clock>
; Note: By default no lora device is created for this build - it uses a simulated interface
extends = nrf52_base
board = adafruit_feather_nrf52832
extends = nrf52_base
board = rak815
debug_tool = jlink
upload_protocol = jlink
monitor_port = /dev/ttyUSB0
; this board's serial chip can only run at 115200, not faster
monitor_speed = 115200
# For experimenting with RAM sizes
# board_build.ldscript = linker/nrf52840_s140_sim832.ld
; The PPR board
extends = nrf52_base
board = ppr
lib_deps =
; Prototype eink/nrf52840/sx1262 device
extends = nrf52_base
board = eink
# add our variants files to the include and src paths
# define build flags for the TFT_eSPI library
build_flags = ${nrf52_base.build_flags} -Ivariants/eink
src_filter = ${nrf52_base.src_filter} +<../variants/eink>
lib_deps =
; The board by @BigCorvus
extends = nrf52_base
board = lora-relay-v1
# add our variants files to the include and src paths
# define build flags for the TFT_eSPI library
build_flags = ${nrf52_base.build_flags} -Ivariants/lora_relay_v1
src_filter = ${nrf52_base.src_filter} +<../variants/lora_relay_v1>
lib_deps =
SparkFun BQ27441 LiPo Fuel Gauge Arduino Library
# Adafruit ST7735 and ST7789 Library
; The Portduino based sim environment on top of linux
platform =
src_filter = ${env.src_filter} -<esp32/> -<nimble/> -<nrf52/> -<meshwifi/>
build_flags = ${arduino_base.build_flags} -O0
framework = arduino
board = linux_x86_64