mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 11:49:58 +00:00
we don't want to save to flash. Use that flag to guard BLE stress testing code that makes device repeatedly sleep wake to force numerous BLE resets
616 lines
26 KiB
616 lines
26 KiB
/* Automatically generated nanopb header */
/* Generated by nanopb-0.4.1 */
#include <pb.h>
#error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Enum definitions */
typedef enum _RouteError {
RouteError_NONE = 0,
RouteError_NO_ROUTE = 1,
RouteError_GOT_NAK = 2,
RouteError_TIMEOUT = 3
} RouteError;
typedef enum _Constants {
Constants_Unused = 0
} Constants;
typedef enum _Data_Type {
Data_Type_OPAQUE = 0,
Data_Type_CLEAR_TEXT = 1,
} Data_Type;
typedef enum _ChannelSettings_ModemConfig {
ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_Bw125Cr45Sf128 = 0,
ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_Bw500Cr45Sf128 = 1,
ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_Bw31_25Cr48Sf512 = 2,
ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_Bw125Cr48Sf4096 = 3
} ChannelSettings_ModemConfig;
/* Struct definitions */
typedef PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T(32) ChannelSettings_psk_t;
typedef struct _ChannelSettings {
int32_t tx_power;
ChannelSettings_ModemConfig modem_config;
ChannelSettings_psk_t psk;
char name[12];
} ChannelSettings;
typedef PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T(240) Data_payload_t;
typedef struct _Data {
Data_Type typ;
Data_payload_t payload;
} Data;
typedef struct _DebugString {
char message[256];
} DebugString;
typedef struct _ManufacturingData {
uint32_t fradioFreq;
pb_callback_t hw_model;
pb_callback_t hw_version;
int32_t selftest_result;
} ManufacturingData;
typedef struct _MyNodeInfo {
uint32_t my_node_num;
bool has_gps;
int32_t num_channels;
char region[12];
char hw_model[16];
char firmware_version[12];
uint32_t error_code;
uint32_t error_address;
uint32_t error_count;
uint32_t packet_id_bits;
uint32_t current_packet_id;
uint32_t node_num_bits;
uint32_t message_timeout_msec;
uint32_t min_app_version;
} MyNodeInfo;
typedef struct _Position {
int32_t altitude;
int32_t battery_level;
int32_t latitude_i;
int32_t longitude_i;
uint32_t time;
} Position;
typedef struct _RadioConfig_UserPreferences {
uint32_t position_broadcast_secs;
uint32_t send_owner_interval;
uint32_t num_missed_to_fail;
uint32_t wait_bluetooth_secs;
uint32_t screen_on_secs;
uint32_t phone_timeout_secs;
uint32_t phone_sds_timeout_sec;
uint32_t mesh_sds_timeout_secs;
uint32_t sds_secs;
uint32_t ls_secs;
uint32_t min_wake_secs;
char wifi_ssid[33];
char wifi_password[64];
bool wifi_ap_mode;
pb_size_t ignore_incoming_count;
uint32_t ignore_incoming[3];
} RadioConfig_UserPreferences;
typedef struct _RouteDiscovery {
pb_size_t route_count;
int32_t route[8];
} RouteDiscovery;
typedef struct _User {
char id[16];
char long_name[40];
char short_name[5];
pb_byte_t macaddr[6];
} User;
typedef struct _NodeInfo {
uint32_t num;
bool has_user;
User user;
bool has_position;
Position position;
uint32_t next_hop;
float snr;
} NodeInfo;
typedef struct _RadioConfig {
bool has_preferences;
RadioConfig_UserPreferences preferences;
bool has_channel_settings;
ChannelSettings channel_settings;
} RadioConfig;
typedef struct _SubPacket {
pb_size_t which_payload;
union {
Position position;
Data data;
User user;
RouteDiscovery route_request;
RouteDiscovery route_reply;
RouteError route_error;
uint32_t original_id;
bool want_response;
uint32_t dest;
pb_size_t which_ack;
union {
uint32_t success_id;
uint32_t fail_id;
} ack;
uint32_t source;
} SubPacket;
typedef PB_BYTES_ARRAY_T(256) MeshPacket_encrypted_t;
typedef struct _MeshPacket {
uint32_t from;
uint32_t to;
pb_size_t which_payload;
union {
SubPacket decoded;
MeshPacket_encrypted_t encrypted;
uint32_t id;
float rx_snr;
uint32_t rx_time;
uint32_t hop_limit;
bool want_ack;
} MeshPacket;
typedef struct _DeviceState {
bool has_radio;
RadioConfig radio;
bool has_my_node;
MyNodeInfo my_node;
bool has_owner;
User owner;
pb_size_t node_db_count;
NodeInfo node_db[32];
pb_size_t receive_queue_count;
MeshPacket receive_queue[1];
bool has_rx_text_message;
MeshPacket rx_text_message;
uint32_t version;
bool no_save;
} DeviceState;
typedef struct _FromRadio {
uint32_t num;
pb_size_t which_variant;
union {
MeshPacket packet;
MyNodeInfo my_info;
NodeInfo node_info;
RadioConfig radio;
DebugString debug_string;
uint32_t config_complete_id;
bool rebooted;
} variant;
} FromRadio;
typedef struct _ToRadio {
pb_size_t which_variant;
union {
MeshPacket packet;
uint32_t want_config_id;
RadioConfig set_radio;
User set_owner;
} variant;
} ToRadio;
/* Helper constants for enums */
#define _RouteError_MIN RouteError_NONE
#define _RouteError_MAX RouteError_TIMEOUT
#define _RouteError_ARRAYSIZE ((RouteError)(RouteError_TIMEOUT+1))
#define _Constants_MIN Constants_Unused
#define _Constants_MAX Constants_Unused
#define _Constants_ARRAYSIZE ((Constants)(Constants_Unused+1))
#define _Data_Type_MIN Data_Type_OPAQUE
#define _Data_Type_MAX Data_Type_CLEAR_READACK
#define _Data_Type_ARRAYSIZE ((Data_Type)(Data_Type_CLEAR_READACK+1))
#define _ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_MIN ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_Bw125Cr45Sf128
#define _ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_MAX ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_Bw125Cr48Sf4096
#define _ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_ARRAYSIZE ((ChannelSettings_ModemConfig)(ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_Bw125Cr48Sf4096+1))
/* Initializer values for message structs */
#define Position_init_default {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define Data_init_default {_Data_Type_MIN, {0, {0}}}
#define User_init_default {"", "", "", {0}}
#define RouteDiscovery_init_default {0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
#define SubPacket_init_default {0, {Position_init_default}, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0}, 0}
#define MeshPacket_init_default {0, 0, 0, {SubPacket_init_default}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define ChannelSettings_init_default {0, _ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_MIN, {0, {0}}, ""}
#define RadioConfig_init_default {false, RadioConfig_UserPreferences_init_default, false, ChannelSettings_init_default}
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_init_default {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}}
#define NodeInfo_init_default {0, false, User_init_default, false, Position_init_default, 0, 0}
#define MyNodeInfo_init_default {0, 0, 0, "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define DeviceState_init_default {false, RadioConfig_init_default, false, MyNodeInfo_init_default, false, User_init_default, 0, {NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default, NodeInfo_init_default}, 0, {MeshPacket_init_default}, false, MeshPacket_init_default, 0, 0}
#define DebugString_init_default {""}
#define FromRadio_init_default {0, 0, {MeshPacket_init_default}}
#define ToRadio_init_default {0, {MeshPacket_init_default}}
#define ManufacturingData_init_default {0, {{NULL}, NULL}, {{NULL}, NULL}, 0}
#define Position_init_zero {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define Data_init_zero {_Data_Type_MIN, {0, {0}}}
#define User_init_zero {"", "", "", {0}}
#define RouteDiscovery_init_zero {0, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}
#define SubPacket_init_zero {0, {Position_init_zero}, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0}, 0}
#define MeshPacket_init_zero {0, 0, 0, {SubPacket_init_zero}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define ChannelSettings_init_zero {0, _ChannelSettings_ModemConfig_MIN, {0, {0}}, ""}
#define RadioConfig_init_zero {false, RadioConfig_UserPreferences_init_zero, false, ChannelSettings_init_zero}
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_init_zero {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", 0, 0, {0, 0, 0}}
#define NodeInfo_init_zero {0, false, User_init_zero, false, Position_init_zero, 0, 0}
#define MyNodeInfo_init_zero {0, 0, 0, "", "", "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
#define DeviceState_init_zero {false, RadioConfig_init_zero, false, MyNodeInfo_init_zero, false, User_init_zero, 0, {NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero, NodeInfo_init_zero}, 0, {MeshPacket_init_zero}, false, MeshPacket_init_zero, 0, 0}
#define DebugString_init_zero {""}
#define FromRadio_init_zero {0, 0, {MeshPacket_init_zero}}
#define ToRadio_init_zero {0, {MeshPacket_init_zero}}
#define ManufacturingData_init_zero {0, {{NULL}, NULL}, {{NULL}, NULL}, 0}
/* Field tags (for use in manual encoding/decoding) */
#define ChannelSettings_tx_power_tag 1
#define ChannelSettings_modem_config_tag 3
#define ChannelSettings_psk_tag 4
#define ChannelSettings_name_tag 5
#define Data_typ_tag 1
#define Data_payload_tag 2
#define DebugString_message_tag 1
#define ManufacturingData_fradioFreq_tag 1
#define ManufacturingData_hw_model_tag 2
#define ManufacturingData_hw_version_tag 3
#define ManufacturingData_selftest_result_tag 4
#define MyNodeInfo_my_node_num_tag 1
#define MyNodeInfo_has_gps_tag 2
#define MyNodeInfo_num_channels_tag 3
#define MyNodeInfo_region_tag 4
#define MyNodeInfo_hw_model_tag 5
#define MyNodeInfo_firmware_version_tag 6
#define MyNodeInfo_error_code_tag 7
#define MyNodeInfo_error_address_tag 8
#define MyNodeInfo_error_count_tag 9
#define MyNodeInfo_packet_id_bits_tag 10
#define MyNodeInfo_current_packet_id_tag 11
#define MyNodeInfo_node_num_bits_tag 12
#define MyNodeInfo_message_timeout_msec_tag 13
#define MyNodeInfo_min_app_version_tag 14
#define Position_latitude_i_tag 7
#define Position_longitude_i_tag 8
#define Position_altitude_tag 3
#define Position_battery_level_tag 4
#define Position_time_tag 9
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_position_broadcast_secs_tag 1
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_send_owner_interval_tag 2
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_num_missed_to_fail_tag 3
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_wait_bluetooth_secs_tag 4
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_screen_on_secs_tag 5
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_phone_timeout_secs_tag 6
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_phone_sds_timeout_sec_tag 7
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_mesh_sds_timeout_secs_tag 8
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_sds_secs_tag 9
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_ls_secs_tag 10
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_min_wake_secs_tag 11
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_wifi_ssid_tag 12
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_wifi_password_tag 13
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_wifi_ap_mode_tag 14
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_ignore_incoming_tag 102
#define RouteDiscovery_route_tag 2
#define User_id_tag 1
#define User_long_name_tag 2
#define User_short_name_tag 3
#define User_macaddr_tag 4
#define NodeInfo_num_tag 1
#define NodeInfo_user_tag 2
#define NodeInfo_position_tag 3
#define NodeInfo_snr_tag 7
#define NodeInfo_next_hop_tag 5
#define RadioConfig_preferences_tag 1
#define RadioConfig_channel_settings_tag 2
#define SubPacket_position_tag 1
#define SubPacket_data_tag 3
#define SubPacket_user_tag 4
#define SubPacket_route_request_tag 6
#define SubPacket_route_reply_tag 7
#define SubPacket_route_error_tag 13
#define SubPacket_success_id_tag 10
#define SubPacket_fail_id_tag 11
#define SubPacket_want_response_tag 5
#define SubPacket_dest_tag 9
#define SubPacket_source_tag 12
#define SubPacket_original_id_tag 2
#define MeshPacket_decoded_tag 3
#define MeshPacket_encrypted_tag 8
#define MeshPacket_from_tag 1
#define MeshPacket_to_tag 2
#define MeshPacket_id_tag 6
#define MeshPacket_rx_time_tag 9
#define MeshPacket_rx_snr_tag 7
#define MeshPacket_hop_limit_tag 10
#define MeshPacket_want_ack_tag 11
#define DeviceState_radio_tag 1
#define DeviceState_my_node_tag 2
#define DeviceState_owner_tag 3
#define DeviceState_node_db_tag 4
#define DeviceState_receive_queue_tag 5
#define DeviceState_version_tag 8
#define DeviceState_rx_text_message_tag 7
#define DeviceState_no_save_tag 9
#define FromRadio_packet_tag 2
#define FromRadio_my_info_tag 3
#define FromRadio_node_info_tag 4
#define FromRadio_radio_tag 6
#define FromRadio_debug_string_tag 7
#define FromRadio_config_complete_id_tag 8
#define FromRadio_rebooted_tag 9
#define FromRadio_num_tag 1
#define ToRadio_packet_tag 1
#define ToRadio_want_config_id_tag 100
#define ToRadio_set_radio_tag 101
#define ToRadio_set_owner_tag 102
/* Struct field encoding specification for nanopb */
#define Position_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, INT32, altitude, 3) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, INT32, battery_level, 4) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, SINT32, latitude_i, 7) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, SINT32, longitude_i, 8) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, FIXED32, time, 9)
#define Position_CALLBACK NULL
#define Position_DEFAULT NULL
#define Data_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, BYTES, payload, 2)
#define Data_CALLBACK NULL
#define Data_DEFAULT NULL
#define User_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, long_name, 2) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, short_name, 3) \
#define User_CALLBACK NULL
#define User_DEFAULT NULL
#define RouteDiscovery_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, REPEATED, INT32, route, 2)
#define RouteDiscovery_CALLBACK NULL
#define RouteDiscovery_DEFAULT NULL
#define SubPacket_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (payload,position,position), 1) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (payload,data,data), 3) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (payload,user,user), 4) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (payload,route_request,route_request), 6) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (payload,route_reply,route_reply), 7) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, ENUM, (payload,route_error,route_error), 13) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, original_id, 2) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, BOOL, want_response, 5) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, dest, 9) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, UINT32, (ack,success_id,ack.success_id), 10) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, UINT32, (ack,fail_id,ack.fail_id), 11) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, source, 12)
#define SubPacket_CALLBACK NULL
#define SubPacket_DEFAULT NULL
#define SubPacket_payload_position_MSGTYPE Position
#define SubPacket_payload_data_MSGTYPE Data
#define SubPacket_payload_user_MSGTYPE User
#define SubPacket_payload_route_request_MSGTYPE RouteDiscovery
#define SubPacket_payload_route_reply_MSGTYPE RouteDiscovery
#define MeshPacket_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, from, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, to, 2) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (payload,decoded,decoded), 3) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, BYTES, (payload,encrypted,encrypted), 8) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, id, 6) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, FLOAT, rx_snr, 7) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, FIXED32, rx_time, 9) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, hop_limit, 10) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, BOOL, want_ack, 11)
#define MeshPacket_CALLBACK NULL
#define MeshPacket_DEFAULT NULL
#define MeshPacket_payload_decoded_MSGTYPE SubPacket
#define ChannelSettings_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, INT32, tx_power, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UENUM, modem_config, 3) \
#define ChannelSettings_CALLBACK NULL
#define ChannelSettings_DEFAULT NULL
#define RadioConfig_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, OPTIONAL, MESSAGE, preferences, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, OPTIONAL, MESSAGE, channel_settings, 2)
#define RadioConfig_CALLBACK NULL
#define RadioConfig_DEFAULT NULL
#define RadioConfig_preferences_MSGTYPE RadioConfig_UserPreferences
#define RadioConfig_channel_settings_MSGTYPE ChannelSettings
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, position_broadcast_secs, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, send_owner_interval, 2) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, num_missed_to_fail, 3) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, wait_bluetooth_secs, 4) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, screen_on_secs, 5) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, phone_timeout_secs, 6) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, phone_sds_timeout_sec, 7) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, mesh_sds_timeout_secs, 8) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, sds_secs, 9) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, ls_secs, 10) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, min_wake_secs, 11) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, wifi_ssid, 12) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, wifi_password, 13) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, BOOL, wifi_ap_mode, 14) \
X(a, STATIC, REPEATED, UINT32, ignore_incoming, 102)
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_CALLBACK NULL
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_DEFAULT NULL
#define NodeInfo_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, num, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, OPTIONAL, MESSAGE, position, 3) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, next_hop, 5) \
#define NodeInfo_CALLBACK NULL
#define NodeInfo_DEFAULT NULL
#define NodeInfo_user_MSGTYPE User
#define NodeInfo_position_MSGTYPE Position
#define MyNodeInfo_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, my_node_num, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, BOOL, has_gps, 2) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, INT32, num_channels, 3) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, region, 4) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, hw_model, 5) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, firmware_version, 6) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, error_code, 7) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, error_address, 8) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, error_count, 9) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, packet_id_bits, 10) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, current_packet_id, 11) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, node_num_bits, 12) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, message_timeout_msec, 13) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, min_app_version, 14)
#define MyNodeInfo_CALLBACK NULL
#define MyNodeInfo_DEFAULT NULL
#define DeviceState_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, OPTIONAL, MESSAGE, my_node, 2) \
X(a, STATIC, REPEATED, MESSAGE, node_db, 4) \
X(a, STATIC, REPEATED, MESSAGE, receive_queue, 5) \
X(a, STATIC, OPTIONAL, MESSAGE, rx_text_message, 7) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, version, 8) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, BOOL, no_save, 9)
#define DeviceState_CALLBACK NULL
#define DeviceState_DEFAULT NULL
#define DeviceState_radio_MSGTYPE RadioConfig
#define DeviceState_my_node_MSGTYPE MyNodeInfo
#define DeviceState_owner_MSGTYPE User
#define DeviceState_node_db_MSGTYPE NodeInfo
#define DeviceState_receive_queue_MSGTYPE MeshPacket
#define DeviceState_rx_text_message_MSGTYPE MeshPacket
#define DebugString_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, STRING, message, 1)
#define DebugString_CALLBACK NULL
#define DebugString_DEFAULT NULL
#define FromRadio_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, num, 1) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,packet,variant.packet), 2) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,my_info,variant.my_info), 3) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,node_info,variant.node_info), 4) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,radio,variant.radio), 6) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,debug_string,variant.debug_string), 7) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, UINT32, (variant,config_complete_id,variant.config_complete_id), 8) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, BOOL, (variant,rebooted,variant.rebooted), 9)
#define FromRadio_CALLBACK NULL
#define FromRadio_DEFAULT NULL
#define FromRadio_variant_packet_MSGTYPE MeshPacket
#define FromRadio_variant_my_info_MSGTYPE MyNodeInfo
#define FromRadio_variant_node_info_MSGTYPE NodeInfo
#define FromRadio_variant_radio_MSGTYPE RadioConfig
#define FromRadio_variant_debug_string_MSGTYPE DebugString
#define ToRadio_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,packet,variant.packet), 1) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, UINT32, (variant,want_config_id,variant.want_config_id), 100) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,set_radio,variant.set_radio), 101) \
X(a, STATIC, ONEOF, MESSAGE, (variant,set_owner,variant.set_owner), 102)
#define ToRadio_CALLBACK NULL
#define ToRadio_DEFAULT NULL
#define ToRadio_variant_packet_MSGTYPE MeshPacket
#define ToRadio_variant_set_radio_MSGTYPE RadioConfig
#define ToRadio_variant_set_owner_MSGTYPE User
#define ManufacturingData_FIELDLIST(X, a) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, UINT32, fradioFreq, 1) \
X(a, CALLBACK, SINGULAR, STRING, hw_model, 2) \
X(a, CALLBACK, SINGULAR, STRING, hw_version, 3) \
X(a, STATIC, SINGULAR, SINT32, selftest_result, 4)
#define ManufacturingData_CALLBACK pb_default_field_callback
#define ManufacturingData_DEFAULT NULL
extern const pb_msgdesc_t Position_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t Data_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t User_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t RouteDiscovery_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t SubPacket_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t MeshPacket_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t ChannelSettings_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t RadioConfig_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t RadioConfig_UserPreferences_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t NodeInfo_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t MyNodeInfo_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t DeviceState_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t DebugString_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t FromRadio_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t ToRadio_msg;
extern const pb_msgdesc_t ManufacturingData_msg;
/* Defines for backwards compatibility with code written before nanopb-0.4.0 */
#define Position_fields &Position_msg
#define Data_fields &Data_msg
#define User_fields &User_msg
#define RouteDiscovery_fields &RouteDiscovery_msg
#define SubPacket_fields &SubPacket_msg
#define MeshPacket_fields &MeshPacket_msg
#define ChannelSettings_fields &ChannelSettings_msg
#define RadioConfig_fields &RadioConfig_msg
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_fields &RadioConfig_UserPreferences_msg
#define NodeInfo_fields &NodeInfo_msg
#define MyNodeInfo_fields &MyNodeInfo_msg
#define DeviceState_fields &DeviceState_msg
#define DebugString_fields &DebugString_msg
#define FromRadio_fields &FromRadio_msg
#define ToRadio_fields &ToRadio_msg
#define ManufacturingData_fields &ManufacturingData_msg
/* Maximum encoded size of messages (where known) */
#define Position_size 39
#define Data_size 245
#define User_size 72
#define RouteDiscovery_size 88
#define SubPacket_size 274
#define MeshPacket_size 313
#define ChannelSettings_size 60
#define RadioConfig_size 253
#define RadioConfig_UserPreferences_size 188
#define NodeInfo_size 132
#define MyNodeInfo_size 110
#define DeviceState_size 5403
#define DebugString_size 258
#define FromRadio_size 322
#define ToRadio_size 316
/* ManufacturingData_size depends on runtime parameters */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */