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synced 2025-02-26 22:33:24 +00:00

While working on #4378 I noticed a funny problem: the blinking system LED was on during deep-sleep. Initially I thought it was some weird sleep hw config thing but it turns out it was easier but more pervasive. We had two different preprocessor symbols which both meant approximately the same thing LED_INVERTED and LED_STATE_ON (though their polarity was opposite). Some variant files were setting one, others were setting the other, and others were setting both. heh. In the case of the board I was testing (seeed tracker wio 1100) it was only setting one and the default behavior for the other (for all boards) was incorrect. So I did a grep and it seems like LED_STATE_ON was used more often, so I kept that one and removed LED_INVERTED everywhere.
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// Supporting information: https://github.com/S5NC/EBYTE_ESP32-S3/
// Originally developed for E22-900M30S with ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N4
// NOTE: Uses ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N4.json in boards folder (via platformio.ini board field), assumes 4 MB (quad SPI) flash, no PSRAM
// FIXME: implement SX12 module type autodetection and have setup for each case (add E32 support)
// E32 has same pinout except having extra pins. I assume that the GND on it is connected internally to other GNDs so it is not a
// problem to NC the extra GND pins.
// For each EBYTE module pin in this section, provide the pin number of the ESP32-S3 you connected it to
// The ESP32-S3 is great because YOU CAN USE PRACTICALLY ANY PINS for the connections, but avoid some pins (such as on the WROOM
// modules the following): strapping pins (except 0 as a user button input as it already has a pulldown resistor in typical
// application schematic) (0, 3, 45, 46), USB-reserved (19, 20), and pins which aren't present on the WROOM-2 module for
// compatiblity as it uses octal SPI, or are likely connected internally in either WROOM version (26-37), and avoid pins whose
// voltages are set by the SPI voltage (47, 48), and pins that don't exist (22-25) You can ALSO set the SPI pins (SX126X_CS,
// SX126X_SCK, SX126X_MISO, SX126X_MOSI) to any pin with the ESP32-S3 due to \ GPIO Matrix / IO MUX / RTC IO MUX \, and also the
// serial pins, but this isn't recommended for Serial0 as the WROOM modules have a 499 Ohm resistor on U0TXD (to reduce harmonics
// but also acting as a sort of protection)
// We have many free pins on the ESP32-S3-WROOM-X-Y module, perhaps it is best to use one of its pins to control TXEN, and use
// DIO2 as an extra interrupt, but right now Meshtastic does not benefit from having another interrupt pin available.
// Adding two 0-ohm links on your PCB design so that you can choose between the two modes for controlling the E22's TXEN would
// enable future software to make the most of an extra available interrupt pin
// Possible improvement: can add extremely low resistance MOSFET to physically toggle power to E22 module when in full sleep (not
// waiting for interrupt)?
// PA stands for Power Amplifier, used when transmitting to increase output power
// LNA stands for Low Noise Amplifier, used when \ listening for / receiving \ data to increase sensitivity
// //
// Have custom connections or functionality? Configure them in this section //
// //
#define SX126X_CS 14 // EBYTE module's NSS pin // FIXME: rename to SX126X_SS
#define LORA_SCK 21 // EBYTE module's SCK pin
#define LORA_MOSI 38 // EBYTE module's MOSI pin
#define LORA_MISO 39 // EBYTE module's MISO pin
#define SX126X_RESET 40 // EBYTE module's NRST pin
#define SX126X_BUSY 41 // EBYTE module's BUSY pin
#define SX126X_DIO1 42 // EBYTE module's DIO1 pin
// We don't define a pin for SX126X_DIO2 as Meshtastic doesn't use it as an interrupt output, so it is never connected to an MCU
// pin! Also E22 module datasheets say not to connect it to an MCU pin.
// We don't define a pin for SX126X_DIO3 as Meshtastic doesn't use it as an interrupt output, so it is never connected to an MCU
// pin! Also E22 module datasheets say to use it as the TCXO's reference voltage.
// E32 module (which uses SX1276) may not have ability to set TCXO voltage using a DIO pin.
// The radio module needs to be told whether to enable RX mode or TX mode. Each radio module takes different actions based on
// these values, but generally the path from the antenna to SX1262 is changed from signal output to signal input. Also, if there
// are LNAs (Low-Noise Amplifiers) or PAs (Power Amplifiers) in the output or input paths, their power is also controlled by
// these pins. You should never have both TXEN and RXEN set high, this can cause problems for some radio modules, and is
// commonly referred to as 'undefined behaviour' in datasheets. For the SX1262, you shouldn't connect DIO2 to the MCU. DIO2 is
// an output only, and can be controlled via SPI instructions, the use for this is to save an MCU pin by using the DIO2 pin to
// control the RF switching mode.
// Choose ONLY ONE option from below, comment in/out the '/*'s and '*/'s
// SX126X_TXEN is the E22's [SX1262's] TXEN pin, SX126X_RXEN is the E22's [SX1262's] RXEN pin
// Option 1: E22's TXEN pin connected to E22's DIO2 pin, E22's RXEN pin connected to NEGATED output of E22's DIO2 pin (more
// expensive option hardware-wise, is the 'most proper' way, removes need for routing one/two traces from MCU to RF switching
// pins), however you can't have E22 in low-power 'sleep' mode (TXEN and RXEN both low cannot be achieved this this option).
#define SX126X_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH
// Option 2: E22's TXEN pin connected to E22's DIO2 pin, E22's RXEN pin connected to MCU pin (cheaper option hardware-wise,
// removes need for routing another trace from MCU to an RF switching pin).
// /*
#define SX126X_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH
#define SX126X_RXEN 10
// */
// Option 3: E22's TXEN pin connected to MCU pin, E22's RXEN pin connected to MCU pin (cheaper option hardware-wise, allows for
// ramping up PA before transmission (add/expand on feature yourself in RadioLib) if PA takes a while to stabilise)
// Don't define DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH because we only use DIO2 or an MCU pin mutually exclusively to connect to E22's TXEN (to prevent
// a short if they are both connected at the same time (suboptimal PCB design) and there's a slight non-neglibible delay and/or
// voltage difference between DIO2 and TXEN). Can use DIO2 as an IRQ (but not in Meshtastic at the moment).
#define SX126X_TXEN 9
#define SX126X_RXEN 10
// (NOT RECOMMENDED, if need to ramp up PA before transmission, better to use option 3)
// Option 4: E22's TXEN pin connected to MCU pin, E22's RXEN pin connected to NEGATED output of E22's DIO2 pin (more expensive
// option hardware-wise, allows for ramping up PA before transmission (add/expand on feature yourself in RadioLib) if PA takes
// a while to stabilise, removes need for routing another trace from MCU to an RF switching pin, however may mean if in
// RadioLib you don't tell DIO2 to go high to indicate transmission (so the negated output goes to RXEN to turn the LNA off)
// then you may end up enabling E22's TXEN and RXEN pins at the same time whilst you ramp up the PA which is not ideal,
// changing DIO2's switching advance in RadioLib may not even be possible, may be baked into the SX126x).
#define SX126X_DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH
#define SX126X_TXEN 9
// Status
#define LED_PIN 1
#define LED_STATE_ON 1 // State when LED is lit
// External notification
// FIXME: Check if EXT_NOTIFY_OUT actualy has any effect and removes the need for setting the external notication pin in the
// app/preferences
#define EXT_NOTIFY_OUT 2 // The GPIO pin that acts as the external notification output (here we connect an LED to it)
// Buzzer
#define PIN_BUZZER 11
// Buttons
#define BUTTON_PIN 0 // Use the BOOT button as the user button
// I2C
#define I2C_SCL 18
#define I2C_SDA 8
#define UART_TX 43
#define UART_RX 44
// Power
// Outputting 22dBm from SX1262 results in ~30dBm E22-900M30S output (module only uses last stage of the YP2233W PA)
// Respect local regulations! If your E22-900M30S outputs the advertised 30 dBm and you use a 6 dBi antenna, you are at the
// equivalent of 36 EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power), which in this case is the limit for non-HAM users in the US (4W
// EIRP, at SPECIFIC frequencies).
// In the EU (and UK), as of now, you are allowed 27 dBm ERP which is 29.15 EIRP.
// https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:32022D0180
// https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1999/930/schedule/6/made
// To respect the 29.15 dBm EIRP (at SPECIFIC frequencies, others are lower) EU limit with a 2.5 dBi gain antenna, consulting
// https://github.com/S5NC/EBYTE_ESP32-S3/blob/main/power%20testing.txt, assuming 0.1 dBm insertion loss, output 20 dBm from the
// E22-900M30S's SX1262. It is worth noting that if you are in this situation and don't have a HAM license, you may be better off
// with a lower gain antenna, and output the difference as a higher total power input into the antenna, as your EIRP would be the
// same, but you would get a wider angle of coverage. Also take insertion loss and possibly VSWR into account
// (https://www.everythingrf.com/tech-resources/vswr). Please check regulations yourself and check airtime, usage (for example
// whether you are airborne), frequency, and power laws.
#define SX126X_MAX_POWER 22 // SX126xInterface.cpp defaults to 22 if not defined, but here we define it for good practice
// Display
// FIXME: change behavior in src to default to not having screen if is undefined
// FIXME: remove 0/1 option for HAS_SCREEN in src, change to being defined or not
// FIXME: check if it actually causes a crash when not specifiying that a display isn't present
#define HAS_SCREEN 0 // Assume no screen present by default to prevent crash...
// GPS
// FIXME: unsure what to define HAS_GPS as if GPS isn't always present
#define HAS_GPS 1 // Don't need to set this to 0 to prevent a crash as it doesn't crash if GPS not found, will probe by default
#define PIN_GPS_EN 15
#define GPS_EN_ACTIVE 1
#define GPS_TX_PIN 16
#define GPS_RX_PIN 17
// //
// You should have no need to modify the code below, nor in pins_arduino.h //
// //
#define USE_SX1262 // E22-900M30S, E22-900M22S, and E22-900MM22S (not E220!) use SX1262
#define USE_SX1268 // E22-400M30S, E22-400M33S, E22-400M22S, and E22-400MM22S use SX1268
// The below isn't needed as we directly define SX126X_TXEN and SX126X_RXEN instead of using proxies E22_TXEN and E22_RXEN
// FALLBACK: If somehow E22_TXEN isn't defined or clearly isn't a valid pin number, set it to RADIOLIB_NC to avoid SX126X_TXEN
being defined but having no value #if (!defined(E22_TXEN) || !(0 <= E22_TXEN && E22_TXEN <= 48)) #define E22_TXEN RADIOLIB_NC
// FALLBACK: If somehow E22_RXEN isn't defined or clearly isn't a valid pin number, set it to RADIOLIB_NC to avoid SX126X_RXEN
being defined but having no value #if (!defined(E22_RXEN) || !(0 <= E22_RXEN && E22_RXEN <= 48)) #define E22_RXEN RADIOLIB_NC
#define SX126X_TXEN E22_TXEN
#define SX126X_RXEN E22_RXEN
// E22 series TCXO voltage is 1.8V per https://www.ebyte.com/en/pdf-down.aspx?id=781 (source
// https://github.com/jgromes/RadioLib/issues/12#issuecomment-520695575), so set it as such
#define SX126X_DIO3_TCXO_VOLTAGE 1.8
#define LORA_CS SX126X_CS // FIXME: for some reason both are used in /src
// Many of the below values would only be used if USE_RF95 was defined, but it's not as we aren't actually using an RF95, just
// that the 4 pins above are named like it If they aren't used they don't need to be defined and doing so cause confusion to those
// adapting this file LORA_RESET value is never used in src (as we are not using RF95), so no need to define LORA_DIO0 is not used
// in src (as we are not using RF95) as SX1262 does not have it per SX1262 datasheet, so no need to define
// FIXME: confirm that the linked lines below are actually only called when using the SX126x or SX128x and no other modules
// then use SX126X_DIO1 and SX128X_DIO1 respectively for that purpose, removing the need for RF95-style LORA_* definitions when
// the RF95 isn't used
#define LORA_DIO1 \
SX126X_DIO1 // The old name is used in
// https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/blob/7eff5e7bcb2084499b723c5e3846c15ee089e36d/src/sleep.cpp#L298, so
// must also define the old name
// LORA_DIO2 value is never used in src (as we are not using RF95), so no need to define, and if DIO2_AS_RF_SWITCH is set then it
// cannot serve any extra function even if requested to LORA_DIO3 value is never used in src (as we are not using RF95), so no
// need to define, and DIO3_AS_TCXO_AT_1V8 is set so it cannot serve any extra function even if requested to (from
// DioxMask in SX1262 datasheet: Note that if DIO2 or DIO3 are used to control the RF Switch or the TCXO, the IRQ will not be
// generated even if it is mapped to the pins.)