mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 23:21:25 +00:00
305 lines
11 KiB
305 lines
11 KiB
#include "RangeTestPlugin.h"
#include "MeshService.h"
#include "NodeDB.h"
#include "RTC.h"
#include "Router.h"
#include "configuration.h"
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <assert.h>
As a sender, I can send packets every n-seonds. These packets include an incramented PacketID.
As a receiver, I can receive packets from multiple senders. These packets can be saved to the spiffs.
RangeTestPlugin *rangeTestPlugin;
RangeTestPluginRadio *rangeTestPluginRadio;
RangeTestPlugin::RangeTestPlugin() : concurrency::OSThread("RangeTestPlugin") {}
uint32_t packetSequence = 0;
#define SEC_PER_DAY 86400
#define SEC_PER_HOUR 3600
#define SEC_PER_MIN 60
int32_t RangeTestPlugin::runOnce()
#ifndef NO_ESP32
Uncomment the preferences below if you want to use the plugin
without having to configure it from the PythonAPI or WebUI.
// radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_enabled = 1;
// radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_sender = 0;
// radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_save = 1;
// Fixed position is useful when testing indoors.
// radioConfig.preferences.fixed_position = 1;
uint32_t senderHeartbeat = radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_sender * 1000;
if (radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_enabled) {
if (firstTime) {
// Interface with the serial peripheral from in here.
rangeTestPluginRadio = new RangeTestPluginRadio();
firstTime = 0;
if (radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_sender) {
DEBUG_MSG("Initializing Range Test Plugin -- Sender\n");
return (senderHeartbeat);
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Initializing Range Test Plugin -- Receiver\n");
return (500);
} else {
if (radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_sender) {
// If sender
DEBUG_MSG("Range Test Plugin - Sending heartbeat every %d ms\n", (senderHeartbeat));
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getLatitude() %d\n", gpsStatus->getLatitude());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getLongitude() %d\n", gpsStatus->getLongitude());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getHasLock() %d\n", gpsStatus->getHasLock());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getDOP() %d\n", gpsStatus->getDOP());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getHasLock() %d\n", gpsStatus->getHasLock());
DEBUG_MSG("pref.fixed_position() %d\n", radioConfig.preferences.fixed_position);
return ((senderHeartbeat));
} else {
// Otherwise, we're a receiver.
return (500);
// TBD
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Range Test Plugin - Disabled\n");
return (INT32_MAX);
MeshPacket *RangeTestPluginRadio::allocReply()
auto reply = allocDataPacket(); // Allocate a packet for sending
return reply;
void RangeTestPluginRadio::sendPayload(NodeNum dest, bool wantReplies)
MeshPacket *p = allocReply();
p->to = dest;
p->decoded.want_response = wantReplies;
p->want_ack = true;
static char heartbeatString[20];
snprintf(heartbeatString, sizeof(heartbeatString), "seq %d", packetSequence);
p->decoded.data.payload.size = strlen(heartbeatString); // You must specify how many bytes are in the reply
memcpy(p->decoded.data.payload.bytes, heartbeatString, p->decoded.data.payload.size);
bool RangeTestPluginRadio::handleReceived(const MeshPacket &mp)
#ifndef NO_ESP32
if (radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_enabled) {
auto &p = mp.decoded.data;
// DEBUG_MSG("Received text msg self=0x%0x, from=0x%0x, to=0x%0x, id=%d, msg=%.*s\n",
// nodeDB.getNodeNum(), mp.from, mp.to, mp.id, p.payload.size, p.payload.bytes);
if (mp.from != nodeDB.getNodeNum()) {
// DEBUG_MSG("* * Message came from the mesh\n");
// Serial2.println("* * Message came from the mesh");
// Serial2.printf("%s", p.payload.bytes);
NodeInfo *n = nodeDB.getNode(mp.from);
if (radioConfig.preferences.range_test_plugin_save) {
DEBUG_MSG("p.payload.bytes \"%s\"\n", p.payload.bytes);
DEBUG_MSG("p.payload.size %d\n", p.payload.size);
DEBUG_MSG("---- Received Packet:\n");
DEBUG_MSG("mp.from %d\n", mp.from);
DEBUG_MSG("mp.rx_snr %f\n", mp.rx_snr);
DEBUG_MSG("mp.hop_limit %d\n", mp.hop_limit);
DEBUG_MSG("mp.decoded.position.latitude_i %d\n", mp.decoded.position.latitude_i);
DEBUG_MSG("mp.decoded.position.longitude_i %d\n", mp.decoded.position.longitude_i);
DEBUG_MSG("---- Node Information of Received Packet (mp.from):\n");
DEBUG_MSG("n->user.long_name %s\n", n->user.long_name);
DEBUG_MSG("n->user.short_name %s\n", n->user.short_name);
DEBUG_MSG("n->user.macaddr %X\n", n->user.macaddr);
DEBUG_MSG("n->has_position %d\n", n->has_position);
DEBUG_MSG("n->position.latitude_i %d\n", n->position.latitude_i);
DEBUG_MSG("n->position.longitude_i %d\n", n->position.longitude_i);
DEBUG_MSG("n->position.battery_level %d\n", n->position.battery_level);
DEBUG_MSG("---- Current device location information:\n");
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getLatitude() %d\n", gpsStatus->getLatitude());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getLongitude() %d\n", gpsStatus->getLongitude());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getHasLock() %d\n", gpsStatus->getHasLock());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getDOP() %d\n", gpsStatus->getDOP());
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("Range Test Plugin Disabled\n");
return true; // Let others look at this message also if they want
/// Ported from my old java code, returns distance in meters along the globe
/// surface (by magic?)
float RangeTestPluginRadio::latLongToMeter(double lat_a, double lng_a, double lat_b, double lng_b)
double pk = (180 / 3.14169);
double a1 = lat_a / pk;
double a2 = lng_a / pk;
double b1 = lat_b / pk;
double b2 = lng_b / pk;
double cos_b1 = cos(b1);
double cos_a1 = cos(a1);
double t1 = cos_a1 * cos(a2) * cos_b1 * cos(b2);
double t2 = cos_a1 * sin(a2) * cos_b1 * sin(b2);
double t3 = sin(a1) * sin(b1);
double tt = acos(t1 + t2 + t3);
if (isnan(tt))
tt = 0.0; // Must have been the same point?
return (float)(6366000 * tt);
bool RangeTestPluginRadio::appendFile(const MeshPacket &mp)
auto &p = mp.decoded.data;
NodeInfo *n = nodeDB.getNode(mp.from);
DEBUG_MSG("p.payload.bytes \"%s\"\n", p.payload.bytes);
DEBUG_MSG("p.payload.size %d\n", p.payload.size);
DEBUG_MSG("---- Received Packet:\n");
DEBUG_MSG("mp.from %d\n", mp.from);
DEBUG_MSG("mp.rx_snr %f\n", mp.rx_snr);
DEBUG_MSG("mp.hop_limit %d\n", mp.hop_limit);
// DEBUG_MSG("mp.decoded.position.latitude_i %d\n", mp.decoded.position.latitude_i); // Depricated
// DEBUG_MSG("mp.decoded.position.longitude_i %d\n", mp.decoded.position.longitude_i); // Depricated
DEBUG_MSG("---- Node Information of Received Packet (mp.from):\n");
DEBUG_MSG("n->user.long_name %s\n", n->user.long_name);
DEBUG_MSG("n->user.short_name %s\n", n->user.short_name);
DEBUG_MSG("n->user.macaddr %X\n", n->user.macaddr);
DEBUG_MSG("n->has_position %d\n", n->has_position);
DEBUG_MSG("n->position.latitude_i %d\n", n->position.latitude_i);
DEBUG_MSG("n->position.longitude_i %d\n", n->position.longitude_i);
DEBUG_MSG("n->position.battery_level %d\n", n->position.battery_level);
DEBUG_MSG("---- Current device location information:\n");
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getLatitude() %d\n", gpsStatus->getLatitude());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getLongitude() %d\n", gpsStatus->getLongitude());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getHasLock() %d\n", gpsStatus->getHasLock());
DEBUG_MSG("gpsStatus->getDOP() %d\n", gpsStatus->getDOP());
if (!SPIFFS.begin(true)) {
DEBUG_MSG("An Error has occurred while mounting SPIFFS\n");
return 0;
if (SPIFFS.totalBytes() - SPIFFS.usedBytes() < 51200) {
DEBUG_MSG("SPIFFS doesn't have enough free space. Abourting write.\n");
return 0;
//--------- Write to file
File fileToWrite = SPIFFS.open("/static/rangetest.csv", FILE_WRITE);
if (!fileToWrite) {
DEBUG_MSG("There was an error opening the file for writing\n");
return 0;
if (fileToWrite.println("time,sender mac,rx snr,sender lat,sender long,rx lat,rx long,distance,payload")) {
DEBUG_MSG("File was written\n");
} else {
DEBUG_MSG("File write failed\n");
//--------- Apend content to file
File fileToAppend = SPIFFS.open("/static/rangetest.csv", FILE_APPEND);
if (!fileToAppend) {
DEBUG_MSG("There was an error opening the file for appending\n");
return 0;
struct timeval tv;
if (!gettimeofday(&tv, NULL)) {
long hms = tv.tv_sec % SEC_PER_DAY;
// hms += tz.tz_dsttime * SEC_PER_HOUR;
// hms -= tz.tz_minuteswest * SEC_PER_MIN;
// mod `hms` to ensure in positive range of [0...SEC_PER_DAY)
hms = (hms + SEC_PER_DAY) % SEC_PER_DAY;
// Tear apart hms into h:m:s
int hour = hms / SEC_PER_HOUR;
int min = (hms % SEC_PER_HOUR) / SEC_PER_MIN;
int sec = (hms % SEC_PER_HOUR) % SEC_PER_MIN; // or hms % SEC_PER_MIN
fileToAppend.printf("%02d:%02d:%02d ", hour, min, sec); // Time
} else {
fileToAppend.printf("??:??:?? "); // Time
fileToAppend.printf("$X,", n->user.macaddr); // Mac Address
fileToAppend.printf("%f,", mp.rx_snr); // RX SNR
fileToAppend.printf("%d,", n->position.latitude_i); // Sender Lat
fileToAppend.printf("%d,", n->position.longitude_i); // Sender Long
fileToAppend.printf("%d,", gpsStatus->getLatitude()); // RX Lat
fileToAppend.printf("%d,", gpsStatus->getLongitude()); // RX Long
float distance = latLongToMeter(n->position.latitude_i * 1e-7, n->position.longitude_i * 1e-7,
gpsStatus->getLatitude() * 1e-7, gpsStatus->getLongitude() * 1e-7);
fileToAppend.printf("%f,", distance); // Distance in meters
// TODO: If quotes are found in the payload, it has to be escaped.
fileToAppend.printf("\"%s\"\n", p.payload.bytes);
return 1;