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synced 2025-02-04 19:59:55 +00:00
devices. It caused bogus i2c transactions when device would go to sleep. Fixed now, also, I now treat GPS usage uniformly between TBEAM and HELTEC we always probe for and use the GPS if we find it. Which means for the extra nerds (someone requested this, I'm sorry - I don't remember who) you can now optionally attach an external GPS to HELTECs if you want. The pins are: #define GPS_RX_PIN 34 #define GPS_TX_PIN 12 (@girtsf, sorry about including formatting changes in this PR, apparently I had my IDE set to not autoreformat until just now
221 lines
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221 lines
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#include "GPS.h"
#include "time.h"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "configuration.h"
HardwareSerial _serial_gps(GPS_SERIAL_NUM);
RTC_DATA_ATTR bool timeSetFromGPS; // We only reset our time once per _boot_ after that point just run from the internal clock (even across sleeps)
GPS gps;
// stuff that really should be in in the instance instead...
static uint32_t timeStartMsec; // Once we have a GPS lock, this is where we hold the initial msec clock that corresponds to that time
static uint64_t zeroOffsetSecs; // GPS based time in secs since 1970 - only updated once on initial lock
static bool hasValidLocation; // default to false, until we complete our first read
static bool wantNewLocation = true;
GPS::GPS() : PeriodicTask()
void GPS::setup()
readFromRTC(); // read the main CPU RTC at first
#ifdef GPS_RX_PIN
_serial_gps.begin(GPS_BAUDRATE, SERIAL_8N1, GPS_RX_PIN, GPS_TX_PIN);
// _serial_gps.setRxBufferSize(1024); // the default is 256
// ublox.enableDebugging(Serial);
// note: the lib's implementation has the wrong docs for what the return val is
// it is not a bool, it returns zero for success
isConnected = ublox.begin(_serial_gps);
// try a second time, the ublox lib serial parsing is buggy?
// if(!isConnected) isConnected = ublox.begin(_serial_gps);
if (isConnected)
DEBUG_MSG("Connected to GPS successfully, TXpin=%d\n", GPS_TX_PIN);
bool factoryReset = false;
bool ok;
if (factoryReset)
// It is useful to force back into factory defaults (9600baud, NEMA to test the behavior of boards that don't have GPS_TX connected)
isConnected = ublox.begin(_serial_gps);
DEBUG_MSG("Factory reset success=%d\n", isConnected);
if (isConnected)
ublox.assumeAutoPVT(true, true); // Just parse NEMA for now
ok = ublox.setUART1Output(COM_TYPE_UBX, 500); // Use native API
ok = ublox.setNavigationFrequency(1, 500); //Produce 4x/sec to keep the amount of time we stall in getPVT low
//ok = ublox.setAutoPVT(false); // Not implemented on NEO-6M
//ok = ublox.setDynamicModel(DYN_MODEL_BIKE); // probably PEDESTRIAN but just in case assume bike speeds
ok = ublox.powerSaveMode(); //use power save mode
ok = ublox.saveConfiguration(2000);
// Some boards might have only the TX line from the GPS connected, in that case, we can't configure it at all. Just
// assume NEMA at 9600 baud.
DEBUG_MSG("ERROR: No bidirectional GPS found, hoping that it still might work\n");
// tell lib, we are expecting the module to send PVT messages by itself to our Rx pin
// you can set second parameter to "false" if you want to control the parsing and eviction of the data (need to call checkUblox cyclically)
ublox.assumeAutoPVT(true, true);
void GPS::readFromRTC()
struct timeval tv; /* btw settimeofday() is helpfull here too*/
if (!gettimeofday(&tv, NULL))
uint32_t now = millis();
DEBUG_MSG("Read RTC time as %ld (cur millis %u) valid=%d\n", tv.tv_sec, now, timeSetFromGPS);
timeStartMsec = now;
zeroOffsetSecs = tv.tv_sec;
/// If we haven't yet set our RTC this boot, set it from a GPS derived time
void GPS::perhapsSetRTC(const struct timeval *tv)
if (!timeSetFromGPS)
timeSetFromGPS = true;
DEBUG_MSG("Setting RTC %ld secs\n", tv->tv_sec);
settimeofday(tv, NULL);
#include <time.h>
// for the time being we need to rapidly read from the serial port to prevent overruns
void GPS::loop()
uint32_t GPS::getTime()
return ((millis() - timeStartMsec) / 1000) + zeroOffsetSecs;
uint32_t GPS::getValidTime()
return timeSetFromGPS ? getTime() : 0;
/// Returns true if we think the board can enter deep or light sleep now (we might be trying to get a GPS lock)
bool GPS::canSleep()
return true; // we leave GPS on during sleep now, so sleep is okay !wantNewLocation;
/// Prepare the GPS for the cpu entering deep or light sleep, expect to be gone for at least 100s of msecs
void GPS::prepareSleep()
if (isConnected)
void GPS::doTask()
#ifdef GPS_RX_PIN
if (isConnected)
// Consume all characters that have arrived
// getPVT automatically calls checkUblox
ublox.checkUblox(); //See if new data is available. Process bytes as they come in.
// DEBUG_MSG("sec %d\n", ublox.getSecond());
// DEBUG_MSG("lat %d\n", ublox.getLatitude());
// If we don't have a fix (a quick check), don't try waiting for a solution)
uint8_t fixtype = ublox.getFixType();
DEBUG_MSG("fix type %d\n", fixtype);
// any fix that has time
if ((fixtype >= 2 && fixtype <= 5) && !timeSetFromGPS && ublox.getT())
struct timeval tv;
isConnected = true; // We just received a packet, so we must have a GPS
/* Convert to unix time
The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
struct tm t;
t.tm_sec = ublox.getSecond();
t.tm_min = ublox.getMinute();
t.tm_hour = ublox.getHour();
t.tm_mday = ublox.getDay();
t.tm_mon = ublox.getMonth() - 1;
t.tm_year = ublox.getYear() - 1900;
t.tm_isdst = false;
time_t res = mktime(&t);
tv.tv_sec = res;
tv.tv_usec = 0; // time.centisecond() * (10 / 1000);
DEBUG_MSG("Got time from GPS month=%d, year=%d, unixtime=%ld\n", t.tm_mon, t.tm_year, tv.tv_sec);
if ((fixtype >= 3 && fixtype <= 4) && ublox.getP()) // rd fixes only
// we only notify if position has changed
isConnected = true; // We just received a packet, so we must have a GPS
latitude = ublox.getLatitude() * 1e-7;
longitude = ublox.getLongitude() * 1e-7;
altitude = ublox.getAltitude() / 1000; // in mm convert to meters
DEBUG_MSG("new gps pos lat=%f, lon=%f, alt=%d\n", latitude, longitude, altitude);
hasValidLocation = (latitude != 0) || (longitude != 0); // bogus lat lon is reported as 0,0
if (hasValidLocation)
wantNewLocation = false;
else // we didn't get a location update, go back to sleep and hope the characters show up
wantNewLocation = true;
// Once we have sent a location once we only poll the GPS rarely, otherwise check back every 1s until we have something over the serial
setPeriod(hasValidLocation && !wantNewLocation ? 30 * 1000 : 10 * 1000);
void GPS::startLock()
DEBUG_MSG("Looking for GPS lock\n");
wantNewLocation = true;