* Turn off vscode cmake prompt - we don't use cmake on meshtastic
* Add rak4631_dap variant for debugging with NanoDAP debug probe device.
* The rak device can also run freertos (which is underneath nrf52 arduino)
* Add semihosting support for nrf52840 devices
Initial platformio.ini file only supports rak4630
Default to non TCP for the semihosting log output for now...
Fixes https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/issues/4135
* fix my botched merge - keep board_level = extra flag for rak3631_dbg
Co-authored-by: Ben Meadors <benmmeadors@gmail.com>
Board is very similar to the Heltec HT-C62 based boards (Heltec HT62 variant) but due to wiring of SK6812 Neopixel LED to GPIO2 it becomes incompatible due to the regular HT-C62 dev board using a simple LED on the same GPIO. Depends on [protobufs#521](https://github.com/meshtastic/protobufs/pull/521).
* SK6812 Neopixel on GPIO2
* [GXCAS GXHTV3](https://www.lcsc.com/product-detail/Temperature-Sensors_GXCAS-GXHTV3C_C5441730.html) (SHTC3 compatible)
Won't fix:
* Battery reading - Board has no voltage divider on VBAT (board has a 1.25mm pitch "JST" style connector and a TP4054 charge IC)
* Main thread LED - Board has no LED on simple GPIO
Board schematic: [HRU3601.pdf](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/15874850/HRU3601.pdf)
Signed-off-by: Andrew Yong <me@ndoo.sg>
Specify REGULATORY_GAIN and SX126X_MAX_POWER to prevent exceeding regulatory and hardware limits (i.e. overloading the PA input) respectively.
Also update the build flag to define EBYTE_E22_900M30S instead of just EBYTE_E22, since all the builds on the Discourse topic [New 1W DIY variant: Xiao nRF52840 + Ebyte E22-900M30S](https://meshtastic.discourse.group/t/new-1w-diy-variant-xiao-nrf52840-ebyte-e22-900m30s/7904) are using this module.
That should make it clearer as well that the variant header file should be tweaked if DIY builds are using stronger (E22-900M33S, not commonly available at this time) or weaker (E22-900M22S, not popular for DIY builds due to lack of differentiation from ordinary SX1262 modules).
Retain EBYTE_E22 flag alongside EBYTE_E22_900M30S build flag to prevent possible regressions in code paths generally intended for EBYTE E22 modules.
Signed-off-by: Andrew Yong <me@ndoo.sg>