* I2C is not defined in the reference schematic nor HT-DEV-ESP board, remove definition accordingly
* There is no screen in the the reference schematic nor HT-DEV-ESP board, change definition accordingly
* BUTTON_PIN has a 10 kOhm pullup resistor on HT-DEV-ESP, turning off redundant internal pullup should save some power
* LED is connected to GPIO2 on HT-DEV-ESP and is not inverted, update definition accordingly
* Remove redundant undef lines for LoRa pins
Above changes were built and flashed to my [HT-DEV-ESP_V2 board purchased from Heltec's Taobao store](https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=521590063077).
Signed-off-by: Andrew Yong <me@ndoo.sg>
Define BATTERY_SENSE_RESOLUTION_BITS based on [amoroz's snippet on the Meshtastic forum](https://meshtastic.discourse.group/t/new-1w-diy-variant-xiao-nrf52840-ebyte-e22-900m30s/7904/10).
Fixes following build error:
src/Power.cpp: In member function 'virtual uint16_t AnalogBatteryLevel::getBattVoltage()':
src/Power.cpp:224:79: error: 'BATTERY_SENSE_RESOLUTION_BITS' was not declared in this scope
scaled = operativeAdcMultiplier * ((1000 * AREF_VOLTAGE) / pow(2, BATTERY_SENSE_RESOLUTION_BITS)) * raw;
Signed-off-by: Andrew Yong <me@ndoo.sg>
* Add better support for the Adafruit PiTFT 2.8 for Native
* native: Make touch i2c address configurable
* Bump portduino to pick up I2C features
Co-authored-by: Ben Meadors <benmmeadors@gmail.com>
* add new variant: TWC_mesh_v4
* fix trunk format
* fix format under wsl
* change board to TWC_mesh_v4
* change platformio & variant.h properly
Co-authored-by: Ben Meadors <benmmeadors@gmail.com>
The TW region had now power limit set, so defaulted to 16dBm.
The relevant regulation is section 5.8.1 of the Low-power Radio-frequency Devices Technical Regulations, which notes the limits of 0.5W (27dBM) indoor or coastal, 1.0W (30dBM) outdoor.
This patch updates the power limit to 27dbM, using the the lower limit specified in the regulations to be conservative.
Regulation references:
https://www.ncc.gov.tw/english/files/23070/102_5190_230703_1_doc_C.PDF (latest English version)
https://gazette.nat.gov.tw/egFront/e_detail.do?metaid=147283 (latest Chinese version, February 2024)
This enables the node and channel selection to be accessed by pressing the tab shortcut and then swiping between nodes or pressing tab again to change channels.
(To access the tab function look at my other pull request https://github.com/meshtastic/firmware/pull/3668)
Co-authored-by: Ben Meadors <benmmeadors@gmail.com>