Cleanup docker readme.
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What is Docker used for
Developers can simulate Device hardware by compiling and running a linux native binary application. If you do not own a Linux machine, or you just want to separate things, you might want to run simulator inside a docker container
The Image
To build docker image, type
docker build -t meshtastic/device .
To run a container, type
docker run --rm -p 4403:4403 meshtastic/device
or, to get an interactive shell on the docker created container:
docker run -it -p 4403:4403 meshtastic/device bash
You might want to mount your local development folder:
docker run -it --mount type=bind,source=/PathToMyProjects/Meshtastic/Meshtastic-device-mybranch,target=/Meshtastic-device-mybranch -p 4403:4403 meshtastic/device bash
Build the native application
Linux native application should be built inside the container. For this you must run container with interactive console "-it", as seen above.
First, some environment variables need to be set up with command:
. ~/.platformio/penv/bin/activate
You also want to make some adjustments in the bin/ to conform the amd64 build:
sed -i 's/^BOARDS_ESP32.*/BOARDS_ESP32=""/' bin/
sed -i 's/^BOARDS_NRF52.*/BOARDS_NRF52=""/' bin/
sed -i 's/echo "Building SPIFFS.*/exit/' bin/
You can build amd64 image with command
Executing the application interactively
The built binary file should be found under name
If this is not the case, you can also use direct program name:
To use python cli against exposed port 4403, type this in the host machine:
meshtastic --info --host localhost
Stop the container
Run this to get the ID:
docker ps
Stop the container with command:
docker kill <id>
Tip: you can just use the first few characters of the ID in docker commands