+ // NOTE: The phone app needs to know the ls_secs value so it can properly expect sleep behavior.
+ // So even if we internally use 0 to represent 'use default' we still need to send the value we are
+ // using to the app (so that even old phone apps work with new device loads).
+#define MAX_POWER 27
// if we use 20 we are limited to 1% duty cycle or hw might overheat. For continuous operation set a limit of 17
+// In theory up to 27 dBm is possible, but the modules installed in most radios can cope with a max of 20. So BIG WARNING
+// if you set power to something higher than 17 or 20 you might fry your board.
Could cause hangs on the way into sleep (and enormous power consumption).
Instead of checking for rx packet length (which only changes at completion)
check if we've received preamble bits but haven't yet received a completed
packet interrupt.
wait to sleep loop problem
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
Can not send yet, busyRx
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
vs normal run
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
radio wait to sleep, txEmpty=0
Starting low level send (id=0x53fe1dd0 Fr0xe5 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 encrypted)
Completed sending (id=0x53fe1dd0 Fr0xe5 To0xff, WantAck0, HopLim3 encrypted)
bogus wakes on TBEAMS because the USB->SERIAL chip pulls the RX input
to ground. This feature is no longer needed because in !isRouter
nodes we force the node to never sleep anyways when on USB power.
// this doesn't work on TBEAMs when the USB is depowered (causes bogus interrupts)
// So we disable this "wake on serial" feature - because now when a TBEAM (only) has power connected it
// never tries to go to sleep if the user is using the API
// gpio_wakeup_enable((gpio_num_t)SERIAL0_RX_GPIO, GPIO_INTR_LOW_LEVEL);
Sample usage:
First configure device to use @mc-hamster's new wifi stuff:
meshtastic --set wifi_ssid mylanname --set wifi_password mylanpassword
Then reboot the device (so wifi starts up).
(assuming device was assigned addr
meshtastic --info --host
(See the usual device info you previously had to get over USB)
* Currently we are limiting to one active TCP connection open at once, if
you open a new session the old one is closed automatically
* There are no access controls/authentication needed to open a TCP
connection to the device
* Currently main.cpp is kinda dumb about how we should schedule work and
we rely on too many helper loop() functions. Very soon in my queue
(related to all the other cleanup) is to add a basic notion of coroutines,
so that we can get away from freertos threads and this old school arduino
loop function. Once that cleanup happens we can the a) have much lower
battery consumption (always) and b) super fast response for all operations.